The coolest thing you WANT to do in SoT?

  • Once I found out about the handbrake turn, my dream is to be chased by a rival ship and lead them directly through a tight chasm of rocks. Then once my ship reaches the other side and they're still in the middle of the rock formation, pull a handbrake turn to be perfectly perpendicular and fire full force onto the enemy ship. That would be my inner 12 year old's dream!!

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  • @ztruxranger
    Ehm.. excuse me. But, does your #bemorepirate really entail r**e? That doesnt seem very healthy no ?

  • @zTRUxRaNGeR

  • I wanna be shot out of a cannon at a enemy ship and slaughter the entire crew. I wanna wrestle sharks, retrieve treasure from the cold blackness of the oceans salty depths, and battle hordes of the undead to rob their boney fingers of their booty.
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  • @ztruxranger man. This got out of hand fast.

  • @zombie-p1ague said in The coolest thing you WANT to do in SoT?:

    I wanna be shot out of a cannon at a enemy ship and slaughter the entire crew. I wanna wrestle sharks, retrieve treasure from the cold blackness of the oceans salty depths, and battle hordes of the undead to rob their boney fingers of their booty.
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    Nothing feels quite like doing the first thing you listed. Gaming memories of triumph to be shared in the halls of Valhalla...

  • @mr-chance-pants I love how this kind of hell can break loose while everyone in charge is enjoying the holidays.

  • The one thing I REALLY want in the game is for everyone to enjoy playing it and not be anti-social jerkfaces.
    Can they code that in? Pretty please?

  • @erikinthebakery
    Welll I don’t know if they can do that...... waiting to see if I get into this beta and play this amazing game has me going a little crazy

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  • I want to find the perfect island.

    One that is not frequently visited, but does have some visitors every now and again. I'm looking for one that isn't small, but not terribly big either. It has to have a great cave. A cave that is hidden, but will be found. In that cave I will put treasures. I'm talking in the neighborhood of like 50+ chests. And then I will go sail to my favorite outpost tavern and wait.......

    .......for the day when I hear a tale from another pirate crew. A tale about a random time they stumbled on a random cave on a random island and found more treasure then they could wave their swords at. How it took them a fortnight just to load all those chests onto their ship. How sweaty their palms were on the wheel as they sailed to an outpost with the wind at their backs. How much their arms hurt after they managed to carry every single one of the chests on land and exchange it for gold. And how rewarding that giant mug of grog tasted afterwards.

    Then I'll down the rest of my grog, turn to them, and say "Devil's Ridge was a good spot. Not the best I see, but it was good."

    As I walk out of the tavern I'll hear the first-mate say to the captain, "But we never told him we found those chests on Devil's Ridge. How did he know?"

    I can see the look now. The disappointing look that captain will give his first-mate. And I can see the eyes. The eyes of that first-mate, as they get wider and wider after the realization has sunk in.

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