"The Flying Dutchman"

  • Hey!
    So, I've been thinking about this for a while now. Wouldn't it be cool if there was a Flying Dutchman in the game? & how do u claim it? Well, this is something I've been thinking a lot about and I thought that I'd share my thoughts here. Now, this is a lot like PoC but with some tweaks to it.

    Here are my thoughts:

    1. There can only be 1 Flying Dutchman per server.
    2. All players on the server can claim control over the dutchman by slaying the current captain of the ship. You slay the current captain by stabbing the captains heart which is located in the captains quarters, in a box. The one to stab the heart, become the new captain(If no one is controling the dutchman it spawns under the sea on the ocean floor so you must swim down and take a vow). You also need to be a 4man crew to be able to take control of it. Once the Captain has sworn the vow his crew will also be cursed by the dutchman.
    3. Once your a crew member on the dutchman you may not set foot on land. If you do, you'll take damage similar to drowning. This is the curse of the dutchman.
    4. The dutchman can sail underwater & won't be attacked by sharks. How this works is that the captain gets a certain flute/instrument. When he plays the tune for more than 5 seconds the ship will start to either arise or sink.
    5. You can not sink the dutchman, you can however break it(Makes the ship unassailable, can still use the cannons).
    6. The dutchman has 2 cannons in the front of the ship.
      (7. The dutchman can control the kraken. You can summon the kraken once each hour to aid u in battle)
      (8. The dutchman has the ability to summon a thick fog. This can be used to suprise enemies.)
    7. The main goal once u have control of the dutchman is to bounty hunt. You'll get a bounty on a random ship on the server that carries a cursed chest. If you claim these chests you can sell them to an underwater merchant for x2 the money value.
    8. You can also search for chests under the water. All chests players drop that falls to the ocean floor, the dutchman can easily pick up.
    9. You can not use lanterns on the dutchman while underwater.

    2. Instead of having a heart to stab(to much PoC) you need to break the dutchmans curse. Maybe killing the captain with a certain item and then taking his instrument/flute.

    If you have more ideas,tweaks please post them below.

    Let's get the Flying Dutchman in the game!

  • 14
  • What about a cursed chest that makes the ship come out and chase you?? Almost like a kraken box would be

  • @toothedbonsai55 When you watch too much spongebob....


  • @ogilikpatoez Maybe. Instead of having it random spawn there could be a super hard voyage with the "cursed chest of the dutchman" as the last chest. Once you claim the chest the dutchman will appear and u can take control of it :D (I know that almost all the players want to be able to control the dutchman if it were to be added ;) )

  • This idea seems like it was taken exactly from pirates of the Caribbean this would be a huge copyright issue try thinking of an original idea

  • @zachward98 That's the thing. The big "problem" is probably about the "Stabbing the heart" part. This is where I'm a bit confused on if there is a better way to claim it. If there's a new original.

  • I would say maybe scratch the heart idea completely and just have to slay the Dutchman to claim it or maybe have steal some sort of pendant to gain control

  • I do really like the idea of being able to control the Dutchman and the rest sounds really good you would just need to tread lightly to avoid legal issues

  • @zachward98 Yeah... Cause just slaying the captain seems a bit to easy if you feel me. There must be something more to it. Maybe a way to break the curse. If you slay the captain with a certain item, and as you said, take the instrument/flute that the captain has :D

  • @toothedbonsai55 if that was the case the flute would need to be an item that can’t be stored in the inventory since items don’t drop on death maybe have some sort of flute rack that you can store the instrument on when your not using it as the Dutchman but easily accessible if you manage to board the ship and if you manage to take the flute and play it the curse is lifted from them and you become cursed giving you incentive to guard the flute

  • It would also give your crew the ability to use the flute to help control the ship such as controlling the sails or anchor ect

  • @zachward98 Yes! The instrument gets handed over to, you similar to when you recieve a new map part, when the Captain is slain. However you can not just slay the captain and get the item. You must also break the "Flying Dutchmans Curse" before you can recieve the item and make the players stop respawning. Any idea of how to break the curse?

  • I would make the flute a stationary item such as a chest that could be picked up and used by anyone if it’s used by the crew of the Dutchman it control the ship but if a regular player plays the flute for 5 sec the curse is transferred to that person and his crew or idk we might need to brainstorm more on how to transfer the curse

  • I would also put an item in the game that could disable the use of the flute for a certain amount of time which would prevent the Dutchman from fleeing combat by quickly lowering his ship deep underwater and sailing away

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