Cyanbeard errors in the middle of a battle?

  • Recently I noticed that after a few hours of gameplay I eventually get a Cyanbeard error and it seems to always come up right in the middle of a battle.

    My Internet speed is 50Mbps up and 50 Mbps down and my ping is usually around 61. I ALWAYS have an OPEN NAT. I live in Spain. What, in the name of all legendary pirates, is HAPPENING here? None of this happens to the friends I play with in the Netherlands with more or less the same (some even worse) connections as me.

    I sincerely don't understand.


  • 7
  • Honestly I think the servers are having a heavy amount of traffic right now so we can expect a lot of errors on our hands, sorry if you lost any chests!

  • I agree I run a gigabit connection and I've gotten dropped with cyanbeard errors and almondbeard errors. It just seems that the servers are having issues and players are having random connect / disconnect experiences, give it time they'll sort it out

  • @o-h-g-r-i-n-g-o Theres a lot of people getting Cyan Beard errors.
    I got them constantly every 10 minutes or so, as did everyone else. And they havent addressed them. So im assuming its on their side, because its not our connections.
    At least you were able to play, I was unable to play the beta all week.

  • Same here - Cyanbear after 20 mins.
    I have a running 100mbs connection, open NAT, never had any internet problems. My friend who lives just 5mins away has the same issues.
    seems like the servers cant handle our location (germany-close tho frankfurt)... hopefully they get it fixed soon...
    dont wanna pay 70 euros and only being able to play for 20 mins...
    Pleaaaase Rare! :)

  • I also get dropped out because of cyanbeard, I don't have the best internet but i can run other online games fine for the most part

  • Also on this thread :

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