row boat and rafts?

  • I would love to have a row boat to travel from your ship to islands and outposts in I seen this in one of the screenshots for the game so hopefully they have already considered this it could perhaps trail behind the ship by about 2 meters attached to a rope.! please up vote so this is hopefully seen thank you.

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  • @bristar0410
    I agree, this would especially help with skull forts and looting all the contents!

  • @kakashi-lord Agreed. The hardest part of the skelly fort shouldn't be hauling out the treasure lol!

  • @bristar0410 the devs already said they had tested rowboats and said they thought they were cool, so I think there a good chance we see them implemented at some point, but it might come with chances such as extending of shallows and sandbars, shoals, reefs. All would be cool additions imo.

  • @floppy-peener
    I think that would be sweet, even to have an island that looks specifically designed for row boats. Another way to board enemy ships as well or even NPC enemies that are in row boats.

  • Rowboats would make a great addition to the game for many reasons.
    I'm not too keen on having it trail behind the ship though, historically they were hoisted from the deck of the ship and retrieved in a similar manner.

    The only problem I see is what would happen if the rowboat gets destroyed or left behind.
    Though I imagine they could be purchased from the dockmaster or found on some islands occasionally and if they are lost then they are lost and do not respawn. That would make sense given how the game works. I suppose a sloop either only carries one at most and a galleon could carry two.

  • maybe have them as the new respawn thing and you have to pay to respawn your bigger ship

  • me and my crew have been talking about this and how much better it would be to just send someone to an island on their own in a row boat or something so that they could explore on their own while the rest of the crew did other things

  • I would love to see this added in.

  • Honestly the implications of a row boat system are huge. Instead of having to rely on a unrealistic turning system for turning your ship around when you parked it into a bay, pull it out with the row boat. No wind? Pull the ship with a row boat.

    There are so many possibilities row boats open up, but I don't know that the devs want to complicate their game so. They clearly weren't going for realism, so I doubt we will see most, if any of these for better or worse.

  • @piggy-bonnie that might work but people seem really against the whole death penalty I doubt they'll accept something like that

  • @bristar0410 I don't think they make sense. You can and should get close enough to islands to not need them. Why anchor 20 meter from the coast, then swim to your rowboat, then row to the beach? It just takes much longer to get from the ship to an island. And leaving your galleon 150 m from an island would just be asking to have it destroyed.

  • @x1-two I think it would be a fun addition. You can still dock your ship close to the shore this just gives you another option. Also if you have like 5+ chests on an island you won’t have to make as many trips. And how about boom boom rowboats :)

  • @nandimoozle would be a nice way to grab treasure on multiple islands quickly. Especially with those damn riddles! Lol

  • @kakashi-lord shark bait cove and shipwreck bay, off the top of my head, would make good use of the rowboat

    And could you imagine skelly rowboats and skelly boom boom rowboats!

  • Row boat would be great if they bring in bigger ships. For example in they bought in ships of the line Massive 6 player plus ships which wouldn't be able to get close to the shore you could anchor off shore, lower a boat so you crew can row ashore to get the loot and row back. That would be the best use for them

  • Maybe it will be cool. But with the design of the islands as they are now there is no need for rowboats. You can park sooo close with the ships you just have to swim like 5 meters.
    It will only take more time to set out a rowboat to row a few meters.

    If they add islands with a lot of more shallow waters around, and rocky, the rowboats will come in handy for sure.

    Skull forts will go down much faster as you can transport all treasure at once. That might be both positive and negative.

    Yey for the rowboats if they re-design the island abit :)

  • Agreed, I'm so afraid of being in the water due to my fear of sharks, so a rowboat would be great!!! lol

  • @bristar0410 yes that would be awesome!!!!!

  • we discussed the idea too and loved it. Even more on boats with more than 4 Player for an Option.

  • Yes!

    Some friends and I all agreed it'd be cool to moor your galleon up in the bay, and then row onto shore instead of swimming the last 20 metres. :P

  • @i-am-lost-77
    Not going to lie. I'd probably attempt to battle a Galleon with a row boat. Give us a little swivel cannon to give us a fighting chance haha.

  • @bristar0410 I think everyone would like that so you don't have to get as close to the island as you can without hitting it.

  • @kakashi-lord I would join you on that rowboat l**o

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