[CLOSED] Giveaway: Win a Sea of Thieves t-shirt, pin badge and poster! **Ends February 8th**

  • Ahoy there! Fancy adding some Sea of Thieves swag to your collection? Because I'm here to help you do exactly that!

    link text

    We're giving two pirates the chance to plunder a Sea of Thieves t-shirt, pin badge and a poster. To enter, just leave a comment below telling us what you would name your ship and why!

    We'll pick two winners at random tomorrow at 4pm GMT. Good luck.

  • 1.1k
  • I'd name my ship "Le Éclair" so it could either be fierce lightning or a tasty pastry, depending on my mood.

  • Two-Headed Goat, is it's me and mine brother's nickname when we play together, but it will be better suited for a ship for us to sail on.

  • the black mamba cos we dedlee

  • @realterrortesin I'm going to have to stick with the "SS SeaSpanker" as it is always the first ship name that comes to mind thanks to the Simpsons....

    Not sure if it is their Subliminal, Liminal or Superliminal powers at work...

    "Yvan Eht Nioj!" :D

  • Garry the Galleon

    Because Garry begins with G.

  • "The Dishonorable Terror"

    We would come from no where and leave no man alive to tell a tail. Take all we please and leave nothing behind.

  • "Daddy Finger..." in the name of that song...

  • @realterrortesin

    The Majestic Unicorn.
    My ship will be one of the most beautiful in the world of SoT. Do not be fooled by the name. We remain the most feared ship with the best crew there is

  • "The Prowler"

    Because I'll be seeking for treasures and some little ship to sink ;)

    Also, sounds cool XD

  • HMS Ariel
    "A trim little ship, a frigate in miniature, but with a purer unbroken line; a formidable little ship too, with her sixteen thirty-two pounder carronades and her two long nines."

    Length Keel Breadth Hold Tonnage Crew
    106' 1/2" 87' 7" 28' 1" 13' 9 367 39/94 121

    Upper Deck: Sixteen 6-pound long guns
    Quarterdeck: Four 12-pound carronades
    Forecastle: Two 12-pound carronades

  • I'd steal and name it "The flying Dutchman."
    I've got butchered so much in the beta as a single player that I'll come back to the release as the doom of the seas.

  • The Siren's Song

    Because she would be beautiful, enchanting and known for bringing pirates to their watery grave.

  • The Plump Mermaid

  • The Golden Valkyrie

    It just fits

  • I would have to go with Nautical Nonsense.

  • I would name my ship The Swiggity Swooty because I'm going after all that booty!

  • i’m would name my ship “The Greatest to Ever Goat” because i’m gonna break goat like records on my ship.

  • The Neptune's Terror it sounds cool

  • the name would be Sapo Boi, because it was something remarkable in my school life

  • The Origami Tsunami, because we're very pretty and delicate, but also fierce.

  • "The Drowned Eel", best ship for sure :D

  • @realterrortesin the Fight OPOSSUM, you think im dead in the water, but we are waiting for the right time to attack...

    also because we like to collect all the things and store them away!

  • I’d never named a boat before, but there is only one I can think of … The most beautiful name in the wide world.


  • ”The Pyromaniac” as i always load the ship full with gunpowder barrels and kamikaze into other ships

  • We would name our grand pirate ship the Angry Mustache because you must have a fierce stash to ride with our crew!! Arrrrrrrr!

  • I would call my ship steven as I like the name lol

  • Walrus

    In honor of Robert Louis Stevenson and of "Treasure Island".

  • @realterrortesin The Plunderbus. Because it will be full of plunder... and we can sing the venga boys at people...

  • 100% "The Dappa Orc" because thats my emotes on twitch I freakin love Orcs (but cannot pull off the orc voice sadly) and if we are able to have custom pics on sails I'd deff use my rage emote! much love for his top hat!

    an least they shall know fear when "The Dappa Orc" has come to plunder! an least this confirms ship naming WOOO (maybe we can hope)

  • I’d name it the Voyager. After my favorite Star Trek series. 🖖🏻

  • Booze Cruise

    All aboard the party boat. Free grog and music.

  • Disenchanted Lullaby, after one of my favourite songs by my favourite band Foo Fighters

  • The Dark Saint

  • I would call it the Pirate Plunderwear cos its just a socially acceptable way to say rap, plunder, pillage

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