The Crew Chest

  • Hi everybody!
    As you may have noticed, our boat can sometimes be filled with a lot of riches of all kinds, including some small objects that we do not know where to put.

    Everyone is free to display his jewelry or his collection of antique vases, but when it is time to abandon ship or sell the goods, it would be convenient to be able to carry everything quickly.

    So here's my idea:

    What if each crew started the game with a large chest (new type of chest) to store all the miscellaneous trinkets collected during the expeditions?
    (Silver cup, Elaborate flagon, Decorative Coffer, ... Skull?)

    Easier to carry with four arms, and difficult to hide by its size, you will have to take care and ensure that no one steals your big chest!

    • The big chest could be aesthetically customizable by a craftsman.
    • As it is filled up, its transport would become more and more difficult.
    • At some weight, it will be so heavy that it will not float anymore. (Should there be a small boat to bring him back to the ship?)
    • After a defeat, it would be possible to bury the crew chest to hide it while waiting for help.
    • Like other normal treasure chests, the crew chest do not have owners, anyone can fill it or remove objects. It is even possible to accumulate several chest and customize them.

    And to go further:

    • Which company could have a role in relation with the Crew Chest?
    • Should we need to loot a key by killing the opposing crew? Or a picking system?
    • Could we apply to our chest a curse to punish the thief? Or hiding snakes inside?
    • Can it be damaged?
    • Would it be interesting to be able to increase its capacity (and its resistance in case of possible damages)?
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  • @jojo-apocalipto Great idea! It would be adding a sort of like "capture the flag" aspect to the game. Plus, I like the idea of being able to bury it. I have a couple of questions. What happens when the crew logs off? Is it persistent?

  • @adoringvoyage48 Thank you!

    Yes we can see this as a kind of Capture the Flag where the "flag" is in some way the ultimate object, likely to contain much of the items accumulated by a crew.
    And in another case, this chest can be used to steal, like a robber who comes with a bag to take everything away.

    -"What happens when the crew logs off? Is it persistent?"

    Very good question!

    I really think that the big chests should behave like a normal chest. If the players log off and the boat disappears, the chest will fall into the water, but stay on the server for a while and preserve its content and appearance.

    But in my opinion there should be a party recovery system in case of unplanned disconnection. The game should reserve the place of players who have been disconnected for a few minutes, thus keeping the boat on the server and preventing the chest from falling into the water.

    In case of a change of server, the only way to keep this chest during the transition is to have it on/near the boat, in your hands or to have buried it somewhere.

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