Idea for more content. Joint Ops

  • Everyone wants more content right? Nobody likes the same old grind right?
    Well this isn't the greatest piece of new content that could come our way but its certainly easy and with this thinking they could add more diverse gameplay quickly.
    This will be split into 2 parts, diversifying Gold Hoarder voyages and diversifying Order of Souls voyages.

    For the gold hoarder voyages (especially the lame riddles) add a skeleton captain to the spawn when you dig up a chest, but not every time. For example every promotion you attain in the GH faction you get a +2% to +2.5% chance at spawning a skeleton captain when you dig up a chest would be a nice surprise and if the chance was a bit higher for the riddle chests maybe people would do them.

    For the OoS voyages, have a skeleton captain run and do a little jump animation onto some random patch of ground as if trying to cover something and instead of having his whole corpse disappear leave the whole skeleton there with just the head disappearing and turning into the reward skull. Basically if you dig right where the skeletons body is you will find a chest. Think of this as the captain trying to guard his treasure one last time. Use the same +2% to +2.5% every promotion method and there ya go high level voyages get better and better.

    Later down the road maybe think about adding more slight differences in the current voyages unlocked at higher promotion levels with increasing chance the higher level you are. That being said I expected things like this come full release after playing so much alpha.

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