A Island On the Back of Giant Sea Creature, That Moves Around the Map! What do you Think?

  • I like the idea, I think you spent too much time playing Mists of Pandaria ;-)

    Don't blame me, you asked what I thought ;-)

  • @p0gue-mah0n his homage to old Native American Indian Folklore is beautifuly rendered! i love it!

  • @lefaux2 lol i never played it! Was it fun how it was implimented or was it lazy?

  • @rogueal69 said in A Island On the Back of Giant Sea Creature, That Moves Around the Map! What do you Think?:

    @crackerjackx13 I feel like this would kill two birds with one stone. Ive read more then one instance of players wanting a giant sea turtle creature added to gameplay. However, theres two ways it could go, one being that the turtle is just for scenic beauty, and the other would be making it a threat. Instead of having the AIs on the island, the turtle could have cannons mounted that shoot automatically(but please God no auto-aim) and could use its limbs to attack ships that get to close, pushing the players to utilize the cannon route of entrance.
    The only problem with this would be the amount of ocean space the island and the competing ships would take up. It would have to come the form of an expansion event, or it would simply have to move slow enough so that you didnt have to go all the way across the map to finish the challenge.

    I really don't like the idea of a giant sea turtle firing canons... That doesn't make any sense. I like the thought of the turtle fighting off nearby ships though. Maybe make it so the turtle is constantly trying to get away from the ship as well? This way you would have to make sure someone is still guiding/defending the ship and you couldn't just have the whole crew on the turtle. This would make you think out your strategy more.

  • This sounds amazing but it seems like it would be a massive undertaking for RARE to put it together. Not sure it would be worth the effort from their point of view.

  • Wish I could remember the name of the dang entry. grr..

    Decades ago Dungeons and Dragons had it's first entry of a monster rather specifically like the OP describes. A turtle with an island on it's back. I am unsure of the specific inspiration they drew upon.

    Not sure it's the aspidochelone

    Or even if it's from the World Turtle

    As it was pretty specifically just large enough to support the description of 'an island'.

    But, my real point here is that I feel there is a strong value to this concept. It's not just some space aged mental image, but stems from old lore and even breeds into existing pop culture.

    Therefore, I am totally inspired by the notion!

  • @psycothicparrot if they can put together some of the greatest games, and mechanics, i have faith, if anyone can do it, Rare can!

  • @gunnerdk Thank you! glad you enjoy!

  • @truthfullist56 i agree there should be a fight and flight mechanic and other possible tactics! what other creatures other then a turtle would be cool to see in your opinion?

  • @crackerjackx13
    I'd say a good place to start would be a real kraken, but I guess the tentacle monster is good enough for now. I'd like to see more mermaids (not necessarily like Atlantis, but an "underwater world") and open up more underwater exploration through that. I feel like there's a lot that can be done there, even if it's just to explain why they so willingly help us get back to our ships.
    The magalodon has been brought up, but I don't feel that it fits. A long extinct species would be kind of dumb (in my opinion) to put in the game. This isn't Jurassic Park...
    Unfortunately that's about as far into pirate lore that I ever got, so I can't really think of anything else. The sea turtle is definitely #1 though. Just the fact that it's a moving island won me over.

  • @truthfullist56 Glad you liked it!

  • It's been mentioned elsewhere, but, a Maelstrom, Charybdis (Or the maelstrom as Charybdis), rogue waves that might toss some crew overboard in a storm, as mentioned "the other mermaid faction", Whales (Who we might hunt or simply admire), the might Albatross (who might land upon and interact with your ship even as a prop character flying away as you approach), monkeys absolutely monkeys, and last but not least...

    Dolphins who might travel alongside a ship as a sign of good luck!

    Regarding specific antagonistic enemies, mermaids as mentioned above, NPC ships - specifically ghost ships, FOG where is the dang FOG?

    In each area of the map, I can see a different enemy type being rather populous. Such as to say, we have skeletons everywhere. But ghostly/creepy/spooky monster or ghost ship types could appear in the NE area of the map, Mermaids, ancient lore related enemies, traps in caves where treasure hides, maybe serpent people, might reside in the southern ancient lands, and in the clam crystalline waters of the west we might find more animals and 'colorful' enemy types and birds etc.

    The 'big scaries' might exist in the waters between these lands.

  • @tm36-apache that would be very cool, why not a giant ship like the flying dutchmen instead though?

  • First thought when reading the subject header before opening was
    Kraken Island from the artbook

    Have that

    But some funky rules surrounding it

    E.g. only allowed on land so long before it wakes up and xyz or something

  • @crackerjackx13 said in A Island On the Back of Giant Sea Creature, That Moves Around the Map! What do you Think?:

    @tm36-apache that would be very cool, why not a giant ship like the flying dutchmen instead though?

    I would want to live on that ship though

  • @crackerjackx13 Aang would be so proud of your idea...

  • That’d be a neat idea, you could have a whole maps worth of different ‘traveling’ islands that randomly show up and leave.

    These could also be unmarked islands that are tied to rare/Pirate Legend Voyages.

    Plus ‘turtle’-Forts would be cool, a traveling fort would pose a whole new dimension of difficulty.

  • @drakebg757 I really like your input, well added! That would make Pirate Legend Voyages interesting, even though im not at that point!

  • 1st your Volcano islands idea.... now this... you sir are on a roll!
    Excellent idea.... matety!!!

  • i love how everyone thing that RARE are gods
    the kraken dont have body and you want a island on a giant turtle ?
    but i love this and i feel bad that i wont see it in the game ):

  • @psycothicparrot said in A Island On the Back of Giant Sea Creature, That Moves Around the Map! What do you Think?:

    This sounds amazing but it seems like it would be a massive undertaking for RARE to put it together. Not sure it would be worth the effort from their point of view.

    Would it though? All they have to do is take an island not too dissimilar to the ones we have currently and smack a turtle under it which moves :P nah it would probably be a decent undertaking but I'm sure it must be doable.. A turtle should be easy to create, it would just be making the island on top and perhaps making it unique, unique creatures or a unique biome or temple or whatever.

  • @zslipp1n I've heard that the kraken will be updated but have no source provided. I've also heard they want to make it more difficult. I think the current kraken is a 'place holder' for something more impressive. Plus lets see what their first content updates bring before judging them on their capability :)

  • @crackerjackx13 Love this idea man! But that picture looks super weird, island is sorta out of proportion to the turtle haha, looks like it's gonna topple over :P Perhaps the turtle could have a unique temple on it? Or rare loot? Maybe some interesting items which can be used to craft/buy unique sails too? There are many directions they could go with it.

    I like the idea of it being a timed event. I don't want it to be hostile, but something which is passive, can't be killed... for some reason you need to go onto the island to collect loot or whatever :) Unique themes on the island are a must, unique plants/biome and monsters :) Imagine the cool animation they could do if you are lucky enough to see it appear, or perhaps it swims in from the red sea?!

    @TM36-APACHE AND LOL! That's a good idea but I can imagine seeing pirates flying all over the place trying to land on the island haha! That's a really cool idea, imagine a waterfall flowing over the side too..

    And imagine if it spawned to save you from the kraken and killed it! And then it can fly into the air using a jet pack and become a floating island! (nah just joking :P) I think the floating island could be a separate idea but I love both of these :)

  • @angrycoconut16 And putting a "place holder" in a 60$ FULL GAME that official released, not a beta, not a test server, full game that people bought seems ok to you ?
    i understand you been optimistic and that good, but from what i see, theres a hugh different from what they said before the release about the game and what we actually got in to the game.

  • @zslipp1n hey man chill I was only explaining it :P I do agree it's lazy to do that, why on earth didn't they just wait until they had it FINISHED before adding it? The kraken at the moment isn't terrible.. but it could be A LOT more impressive. I hope they fix it...

  • @truthfullist56 I know that the firing cannons would be a little off if the turtle was firing them, maybe skeleton IAs using mounted cannons? No cannons at all would be fine with me to. And yes the turtle trying to escape would be a MUST. Would be boring if it was just running beside you.

  • @rogueal69 Great Idea, I love the idea that it would try to escape!

  • @rogueal69 said in A Island On the Back of Giant Sea Creature, That Moves Around the Map! What do you Think?:

    @truthfullist56 I know that the firing cannons would be a little off if the turtle was firing them, maybe skeleton IAs using mounted cannons? No cannons at all would be fine with me to. And yes the turtle trying to escape would be a MUST. Would be boring if it was just running beside you.

    Skeletons would be fine. The person I was replying to specified they wanted the turtle (not AI) to fire them.

  • @truthfullist56 I mite like this idea better!

  • @zslipp1n I believe it will come with time, unlike other developers, they actually communicate with teh community if you join the discord, right now the base game is there, and all dlc is free, so for 60$ of constantly updated content with developers who listen to the community sounds great, many have tried but few game houses have, and i have hope in Rare actually doing so. Just be patient, the first round of dlc is about to come out.

  • @crackerjackx13 There is an Irish Song about this, St. Brendans Fair Isle...they could add it to the shanty list. Then again they could add Barrett's Privateers as well. Come to think of it, some expansion of the music available in the game would be great in general!

  • sounds something from an episode of one piece, however the idea I do like

  • a island that eats people....

  • @crackerjackx13 It's a good idea. I think it's an old staple of sea legends too.

  • @CrackerJackx13 Can you stop spamming this forum? Especially by diging out 2-month-dead topics?

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