Getting kicked out of the game after 20 Mins with reason "longbeard"

  • Hello,

    i always get kicked out of the game after like 20 Mins with the reason "longberad". Im not able to play solo, because i get kicked out of the game and lose all my progress. Pls help me! I am playing on Windows 10 with an direct connection to the internet.


  • 38
  • I too have issues like this. I will randomly be kicked with the cyanbeard reasoning saying I have been disconnected from xbox live, my windows 10 is completely up to date and it doesn't happen to my buddy at all.

  • Did you find a fix for it?

  • @hussein14 This happened to me repeatedly a few nights ago when I was playing with my friends. What I would do is just continue to click the "join game" option, unless that option isn't available for PC players, if that's the case, sorry I wasn't helpful.

  • @hussein14 said in Getting kicked out of the game after 20 Mins with reason "longbeard":

    Did you find a fix for it?

    Not yet, if I find a fix for my problem, I will let you know

  • What ! did to fix cyanbeard on Xbox 1

    • Read the article about the error
    • Raise a support ticket saying I read the article
    • They gave me solutions
    • I applied solutions
    • Works As Intended
  • For the last patch we split the error code in two. It used to be two separate issues that could produce that same code, the new error code is Longbeard. We've not introduced a new error here, we've just renamed an existing one.

    We also fixed a potential issue that some people might have hit that caused Cyanbeard or Pastiebeard previously.

    From what I can tell, the number of Cyanbeard+Longbeards has dropped a bit, and the number of Pastiebeard errors has dropped significantly.

    We're actively looking into additional causes of Longbeard currently but following the steps for Cyanbeard might help some people.

  • I get this every first game of the day I start. I have to shut down the game, restart it and for the rest of the day/night its fine. Its always the first 20 min or so then drops. So I just mess around until the first drop, restart the game and im good for the rest of the time. Wish I could figure it out. Might have to submit a ticket myself for this one.

  • @icstatic not sure if this helps but when I suffer from longbeard I use a razor to return to my normal trimmedbeard status ;)

  • @xgodkevin said in Getting kicked out of the game after 20 Mins with reason "longbeard":

    I get this every first game of the day I start. I have to shut down the game, restart it and for the rest of the day/night its fine. Its always the first 20 min or so then drops. So I just mess around until the first drop, restart the game and im good for the rest of the time. Wish I could figure it out. Might have to submit a ticket myself for this one.

    Thanks for this, this is actually REALLY helpful! I'll share this with the rest of the group looking into this.

  • @icstatic great thanks!

  • @icstatic Thanks for the inside. I hope you find the bug :)

  • @icstatic It's still happening a lot after this last patch, I've received it 2 times earlier, and twice yesterday. I'm on PC and don't have background recording on so no vids. Restarting the game doesn't really matter either, i've even used two different PCs. This has never happened to me since launch, only after this last 1.0.6 patch.

  • Only time I've gotten longbeard is if I had an interruption in my internet while connected. Nothing works from then on and have the close and restart the game.

  • @icStatic when i play with the vpn of my university i dont get any longbeard errors, maybe this helps

  • Yeah as far as we can tell Longbeard is related to some part of your network setup. Essentially one of our connections that manages your gameplay experience with Live gets disconnected. We're exploring options around what we can do when this happens. This connection is unusual in that it uses IPv6, and is pretty strict about the setup. Some routers don't handle IPv6 well. I'd start by seeing if your router has options like QoS (quality of service) enabled, and if so, turn them off. Hopefully this will help some people while we dig into this on our end.

  • @hussein14 I play on PC and I have noticed that when I am joining a session and I am Tabed out from the game I usually get disconnected from the server, sometimes it happens when im in an session with other groups (never when I play Solo or "own" the group) Could this have a connection to yuor problem? Or are you playin on Xbox?

  • If you have open NAT and are still getting the longbeard and cyanbeard errors, make sure you are logged out of the Xbox app on all devices except for the one that you are playing on. I did this after getting cyanbeard every 15 minutes for around 2 weeks, and after I tried this I have not had one since. I got one longbeard after the update, and realized that I had not logged out on my phone, and after logging out I have not had one since. I think it is possible a double login error on Microsoft's end.

  • @sorston said in Getting kicked out of the game after 20 Mins with reason "longbeard":

    @hussein14 I play on PC and I have noticed that when I am joining a session and I am Tabed out from the game I usually get disconnected from the server, sometimes it happens when im in an session with other groups (never when I play Solo or "own" the group) Could this have a connection to yuor problem? Or are you playin on Xbox?

    If the error is Copperbeard, I've submitted a possible fix for this in the next patch (note it isn't a guaranteed fix at this point). In the meantime you can work around it by playing in a window and not in full screen mode.

  • Same problem here. I am playing on Xbox One X an I get kicked out randomly. Longbeard is shown as message. It seems to me like some sort of time running out or sth like that. Most of the time i get kicked out at around ??:56 o´clock. Like today at 5:56pm. I played yesterday with a friend and got kicked out at ~1:56am. We use Xbox Party Chat for communication and the Party Chat won`t disconnect. So theres no network problem on my side. Other online multiplayer games just work fine.

  • I have the same problem and am currently trying all kinds of methods people suggest on the internet but no luck.
    "Longbeard" after 20 to 30 minutes. ( Have not set a timer to be honest. )

    I use a router. But anyways I wonder what the game wants to read after this 20 to 30 minutes and cannot find? ;)

    The game looks amazing though.

  • I have come to the realization that some servers are pretty much just unplayable because sometimes I get kicked out do too long beard error messages and then when I send a message to someone that was in that server I get the same error message. Some servers are just unplayable due to issues

  • Hi,
    I also get the Longbeard error code often. I always seem to get a ping spike right before I disconnect (from the usual 80~90ms to 400~500ms, ie. a 530±90% increase). I must also mention that this does not seem to be dependent on the day/night cycle, and that it began happening regularly after the latest update (1.0.6).
    Hope this info helps.

  • Guys
    I know you're well aware of the lag issues but it appears that after the most recent update the lag issues have not improved. please can i ask this gets looked at ASAP

    Kindest Regards

  • @drewbob7
    What article? Where?

  • @havocman40 In support, they might not have one about longbeard though

  • I have the same issue.
    I get disconnected every 30-40 minutes and i am unable to play solo with this behavior. Its also hard to play a 2 man-sloop when you are in fight and get a disconnect, we loose our ship in 95% of all cases.
    The game is great and i like it, but this issue is very annoying and it makes not fun to play with it
    Are there any news or updates to this issue? The patch, released today did not solve the problem.

    I play on PC Win10, the error code is Longbeard.
    This happens only in SOT, so it's not a internet problem on my side, other games like CS:GO, PUBG and also Microsoft Games like Gears of War 4 or AOE Definitive Edition works without problems online (so i think it isn't a Microsoft/Xbox problem either)

  • So when fix it?? It s a serious problem that can stop to play the game for the time please fix it

  • @adeezlfosheezl said in Getting kicked out of the game after 20 Mins with reason "longbeard":

    @icstatic It's still happening a lot after this last patch, I've received it 2 times earlier, and twice yesterday. I'm on PC and don't have background recording on so no vids. Restarting the game doesn't really matter either, i've even used two different PCs. This has never happened to me since launch, only after this last 1.0.6 patch.

    i do have video and will post it

  • I had 4 long beard errors in an hour tonight, and when rejoining got kicked three times with lazy beard.

    That’s right... I got kicked for inactivity... while in the loading menu.


  • This afternoon i play this game with 2 friends and only 1 longbeard happens (after abour 1h). This eavening i try to play for 1h:30m and i have 5 longbeard error...

    • Pc with Win10 and 0 problem with ALL other games of this world;
    • My connection lost 0 package (i try to stream it and i know the quality of the stream);
    • My connection is about 90/95mb download and 20/25 upload;
    • The Ipv6 on my router is OFF

    Hope this can help and hope to see a solve-patch ASAP, this game is beautiful and really fun with friends but...not when you crash all this time :/

  • I was longbearded just before digging up my Athena's. :# Just want to know what's up. It was at the end of a very lengthy play session, so connection time doesn't necessarily seem to be relevant (for me, anyway).

  • PC player here. Every time I download a SoT patch it resets the network rules/etc for my virus/firewall software (Kaspersky). I was getting "longbeard" errors painfully frequently since this latest patch and in a moment of frustration I went through my virus/firewall network rules - ticking them all for xbox and SoT, so has been fine since doing it (2-3 days ago)

  • @icstatic some input about my painful experience with Cyanbeard, Windows 10, Europe.

    In final release it was pretty consistent, around two hours I get a disconnect, my router only allows ipv6, I tried all the ports tips and cmd commands for teredo, the only solution I found was to put my computer in the DMZ, not a very safe solution.

    I didn't play lately though.

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