Will there ever be more options of eyewear?

  • I know the eyepatch is like the pirate thing, but personally I don't care for that accessory too much, on the flipside, I would love to have those little round glasses the merchant alliance fellows sport. I also want their clothes.

    I do hope the variety of hats will grow too, atm it feels like 90% of hats are just multiple variations of that tri-fold style, I really hope they're add in more wide & short brims, like bowler hats for an example of short, maybe could even be powdered wigs, other types of helmets, etc

    Anywho, back to the topic at hand

    Give us glasses!

  • 16
  • @hyenanoises Glasses, monocles, option to move the monocle/patch to the other eye, bandanna to cover both eyes, I dunno.

  • @themastashonuff bandana's covering the eyes would probably work well for those wanting to rep the souls

  • Man, I would rock a monocle like you wouldn't believe!

  • @hyenanoises level 50 is a bandanna (over the eyes) with subtly glowing eyes. Rare plz!

  • No. Pirates were blind. Just because you wear glasses in real life, don't ruin our immersion.

  • @irhcsajr

    Mr. Smee takes issue with your statement.


  • @irhcsajr Mainly pirates wore eye patches so one eye would be used to fighting in the dark below deck where it was often darker due to the lack of sunlight. More so it is Sea of Thieves, not Sea of Pirates. One could literally get to mastery without ever firing about upon another player. Sure it would take far longer, but it is possible; so not everyone IS a pirate.

    Additionally, I am quite sure your statement could be seen as discriminating toward glasses wearers. All are welcome after all, if you don't believe so, take it up with the code.

  • @sargent-sully said in Will there ever be more options of eyewear?:

    @irhcsajr Mainly pirates wore eye patches so one eye would be used to fighting in the dark below deck where it was often darker due to the lack of sunlight. More so it is Sea of Thieves, not Sea of Pirates. One could literally get to mastery without ever firing about upon another player. Sure it would take far longer, but it is possible; so not everyone IS a pirate.

    Additionally, I am quite sure your statement could be seen as discriminating toward glasses wearers. All are welcome after all, if you don't believe so, take it up with the code.

    Where did I say anything about eye patches?

  • I see no harm in the addition of glasses which you clearly see some merchants wearing so fooey to the it's not realistic excuse. I'm not interested myself, but it increases the diversity of styles.

  • My vote is for Blindbeard the Pirate

  • I wouldn't mind a snorkel as well :)

    EDIT: Goggle + snorkel combo

  • I hope to see eye-glasses added as well.
    For the record, I don't wear glasses, or contacts, in real life. I just think they'd be a great addition.

    Seeing eye-wear on NPCs definitely gave me hope and I honestly expect to see them put in for players eventually.
    Give players old fashioned spectacles (no arms on the sides) and monocles!

  • @ledbain21
    I approve...but only if we can double up on hooks and peg legs as well. I need the world to know I'm not afraid to go down with the powder keg...

  • @hyenanoises "Will there ever be more options of eyewear?"

    Yes, eventually.

  • @john-hatter said in Will there ever be more options of eyewear?:

    I approve...but only if we can double up on hooks and peg legs as well. I need the world to know I'm not afraid to go down with the powder keg...

    Keep an eye out for ol Peg Legged John. They say he's never been the same since that shipment of gunpowder went up in smoke.
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