I had read somewhere on these forums that the Kraken won't attack sloops. I'm unsure of that, but I had never been. I'm here to tell you lads that it CAN.
While sailing to do some lame one-X map, I saw tentacles around a galleon. I always try to be nice first, so I sailed over to help. As I approach one tentacle, not wanting to get too close for fear of being murdered, I shout "Ahoy!" and they didn't fire, surprisingly. What I also didn't expect was...
My vessel hits the inky water and I instantly stop. The galleon that was once fighting to survive is now sailing away, and the one tentacle I approached is now 8, all around me. I fought my best for an aspiring solo-octopus-slayer, but I was dropped to the ocean floor, bronze secret keeper in hand. wipes tears
My questions for you are:
Did I simply take their "spot"?
Has the Kraken ever attacked your sloop?