Mechanic to raise the rope ladders needed

  • As much of SoT has become sneak on board and spawn kill tactics. Being able to pull up the ladder would force more ship to ship combat. Making pvp more unique to other games.
    On any battleship, never is a ladder left hanging off the side anyway. Players will have to actually shot themselves on deck, rather than just boarding at will. We should have the choice to roll up the ladder, especially during combat.

  • 24
  • They dont want em to roll up. Their has to be multiple ways to board a ship

  • And to be fair, real ships in the age of sail did not even have rope ladders at all. The steps were a permanent feature of the hull.

  • no......

  • @captgraykid You could also let the one on the helm check the ladders or dedicate someone to check the ladders.... We encounter a lot of crews that focus on the wrong things and its easy to board... I will be fair and say without communication who watches the ladders it is tricky... but still we encountered a lot of ships who does not check ladders at all the once who do are harder to sink!

    SO instead of removing the ladders put someone on watching the ladders. We always have the helm guy watching and is he suspect something he calls out someone to watch or check to be sure.

  • @mr-shatango Aye no need to roll up the ladders there is even a sound in game that lets you know that someone just got out of the water climbing the ladders.

  • @dyanor said in Mechanic to raise the rope ladders needed:

    @mr-shatango Aye no need to roll up the ladders there is even a sound in game that lets you know that someone just got out of the water climbing the ladders.

    I forgot to mention that yup when they were under water you hear them gasp for air and a splash sound when getting out of the water indeed! Thanks for the add!

    p.s - Sometimes when we Bail water and it splashes on the water I get confused with the boarding sound xD

  • There's something to be said for raising the ladders. However, in the game's current state I have to be against it.

    Like @Mr-SHATANGO said, it's fairly easy to keep an eye on the ladders and crews tend to focus the wrong things. They're chasing you and all, except the pirate on the helm, are standing at the bow of the ship. You just come up the moment the ship is above you and you are on-board without them knowing a thing.

    Now, if we would have more boarding options than just the ladder and a lucky shot from a cannon then I would be all for raising that ladder. For example; I really want grappling hooks to be part of the game along with ship slowing cannonballs. You fire your cannonballs, get alongside the ship, throw your grappling hooks, tighten the enemy ship to yours and you are aboard. At that point you can drop the ladder to make sure that if they manage to cut you loose, you can still jump on if you so desire.

    In essence: We need more ways to board a ship, not get rid of the single way we have. Those who know how to stand guard at the ladders are already impossible to board and those who don't are too easy to board. There is nothing in between really.

  • @captgraykid Sneaking on to ships, is a very important mechanic to the game. It is easy to check ladders. Fighting on the ships is crucial for sea combat. If you are being harassed the best thing to do is scuttle the ship, then respawn away.

  • @captgraykid

    There's a great post made just today about this very subject - with illustrations!

  • Not sure why having an ability to raise ladders turns into a 'removing ladders' argument.

    If there's a tactic for checking ladders....why wouldn't there also be a tactic to raise the ladders?

    I'm down with raising the ladders...cuz I would do just that if someone was trying to board my anyone else would.
    Not sure how that turns into lazy or poor strategy?! Quite the opposite.

  • What about like a dual wield boarding axe to maybe replace a weapon slot. It would be act like cutlass but slower in terms of combat. Also it will give the player the ability to climb onto a ship from any angle. Not just the ladder. While boarding with the axe it will make very loud noises so if you still want the stealthy approach the ladder is probably still preferred.

  • How about no. Watch your ladders...easy as that. Sloop vs galleons is the main reason, if you have a full crew galleon vs full crew sloop in just pure navel combat, galleon has the advantage. I love being on a sloop with my friend launching him in course of galleons...anchorings them, he kills them holds them off wile I launch cannon balls at them.

  • Imo we need the ladders the way they are, It gives people more freedom to engage other players the way they see fit. Some people prefer to try and board. Others prefer the ship to ship combat.
    Just watch your ladders.

    When people try to board it leaves them very vulnerable and leaves the other ship a crew member or two down, learn to use that to your advantage.

  • @shutupandfire I do watch ladders. In a game that revolves around sailing there are many ways to board a boat that involve good sailing techniques. It takes away from the game when the only tactic a crew does is run until you line up enough to drop somebody in front of a boat.
    I find more crews will try the run and board tactics rather than actually engaged in naval combat. With ladders raised it will bring more immersion to the game. I can at least respect a crew that will try and ram in order to board. Having to constantly check the water for a person about to grab the ladder moving at over 30 knots is just ridiculous. Even when I random galleon, as soon as the fighting starts two crew members hit the water in a try hard attempt to board. Risking our
    own boat with just a one or two man crew.

  • Lol like a broken record...

    Look no one likes getting boarded. But there are mechanics to prevent it.

    1. have someone watch the ladder(s)

    2. Having boarded many ships myself there is a certain speed you maintain that is slow enough to blow someone to hell and fast enough to make it extremely difficult to be boarded. Let’s call it a sail and a half!

    The NUMBER ONE rule for a Galleon - Never stop the ship in combat! Just makes you a big fat target!!!!

  • I heard they were working on it a year or two ago, but scrapped it along with rowboats, but the latter is coming in cursed sails, so who knows? If they were to give us grappling hooks to tether ships together, then I could see this being a viable idea. Or some sort of way to subdue (ie. Tie the to the mast) a crew rather than have to spawn kill them to take their treasure.

  • I think retractable ladders is a good idea, but it can't come without some other implements as well. If you retract the ladders, there is little you can do to board a ship other than jump on it from your ship or cannon yourself on. I would like to see more ship combat encouraged. It is so frustrating to be sailing after someone only to hear your anchor drop while you and your crew mates were adjusting sails.

  • @great-grumungus I think thats a good idea. I was thinking maybe the old hollywood style where you swing onto their ship. That would be cool. Maybe they could add rope you could find like cannonballs and planks, but you have to carry it like loot until you use it or drop it.

  • All i heard was "boo hoo make the game easier for me please"

  • Bad idea, it's great how it is just get better at hand to hand, pirated did a lot of hand to hand, but in this game you can't just hook a boat throw a walk a crossed and attack so rope ladder it is. How do you think boats were raided

  • @skullmanbeard my bad I get the two mixed up. All that matters is it’s in the works.

  • No battleship battles have there ladders down? I would say that is a mistruth and an assumption. Just a few weeks ago I saw a Black and White pirate movie with England and Spain with privateering on both ends. There ship's ladder was slots in the side of the ship, you can't raise that now can you. Plus stating your wants as a necessity is a sin in my book. This is an opinion and idea of what you think will work, not everyone will think so but that is their problem. I would like to see it implemented in the pioneer program and tested first to see if it is a good idea and see how people think of it. It could be iterated on over multiple pioneer test builds until the user base us happy with it, then it can be sent out for production.

  • Why is it ok to Necro some posts like this but not others? This forum has strange rule enforcement. Shouldn't the mod who posted in here after the necro occurred have locked it down? I'm just asking because I'm trying to learn how to participate here and I've wanted to say some things after reading a post, only to notice it's been over a week since a previous reply was made and then feeling like I can't contribute to it.

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