[SOLVED] Riddles with LANTERN not working #notabug

  • I experience this issue almost every time I have a riddle that involves raising my lantern. I have also heard this complaint from other users. When I find an area that requires raising my lantern to see the next line of the riddle it simply does not work. There have been times where I am trying to raise my lantern and another user will come up and raise his lantern and boom, it works. I have gotten to the point where I refuse to do riddles at all because I don't want to get 3 lines in and not be able to go any further because the lantern doesn't work. Please look into this, Rare.

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  • @jonaldinho Hi,

    best bet is to do what this post says:

    "The Support Team do not monitor this category, the only way to get support from the Official Sea of Thieves Customer Support Team is to submit a support ticket.
    You can submit a support ticket here - https://support.seaofthieves.com

    Thank you!"

  • @jonaldinho
    Pull Left Trigger on Xbox.
    And probably Right Click on PC.
    Legitimately, raises the lantern.

  • @jonaldinho Like carcinoGenetxc said, BUT raise it ONLY when you are at the right spot. If you raise the lantern and walk to the right spot it will not work. The action to raising it must be done at the right spot.

  • @carcinogenetxc Haha I feel like a total noob. I'm a level 35 gold hoarder and had no idea the left trigger would actually raise the lantern. Lol, thanks for the tip. I'm surprised no one else told me this when I would talk about it in game.

  • ahhhh! i probably wandered an island an hour the other night trying to finish one of these riddles. we had the right spot, but couldn't trigger the next line. left trigger all along was the key. doh!

  • did u try to turn your latern off and on again? trollface

  • @jonaldinho To be fair I thought this was a bug but accidentally found out you have to actually raise the lantern and not just equip it. Glad I'm not the only one.

  • Took me a few attempts at the beginning to realise that (on PC) you have to right click and hold for a moment to actually raise the lantern and trigger the clue. D'oh!

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