Fancy a day out? New Rare exhibition at the Herbert Museum

  • On Saturday 30th June a few of us pirates will be meeting up at the museum. If you fancy a day out to see Rare’s exhibition and say hi to a few forum scalleywags then we’ll see you there!

    Come and say hi to;
    @katttruewalker (tbc 100%)

  • 36
  • Come one, come all!

    Would be good to meet and say hello to as many of you as possible!

  • We won't bite.
    I think.
    Can't speak for the others.
    I won't bite.

  • @lizalaroo shame we will get there a bit late, haha.
    @Tartansnake-8 and myself will definately check it out in early August when we are over in the UK ☺

  • @stacky-a Awwwww :( You'll have to let us know if you do go so we can come visit!

  • I'd love to meet you guys. Not fussed about the Rare exhibit but it would be nice to put faces to the names.

    @stacky-a Take me with you.
    Just put some shredded newspaper on the bottom of your luggage and poke some air holes in it with a sharp pencil. Preferably before I get in. I don't eat much, I swear.
    Tell @Tartansnake-8 that there will be at least one Eastern brown snake in it for him.
    By August that could be up to 20. Gawd I hope not.
    If he disagrees then I'll start a rumor that his name is Steve. lol (inside joke, folks)

    Then again although you're leaving in our spring and arriving in their summer, with me living in sunny Queensland and you two in sunny Western Australia, the UK at best would be like the coldest, wettest, most miserable Melbourne day during winter.
    No need to pack sunscreen or swimwear.... or your great uncle RRRSole for that matter. lol

    Have fun guys. :o)

    edit: P.S. Tartan can still have the snake(s).

  • @musicmee said in Fancy a day out? New Rare exhibition at the Herbert Museum:

    @stacky-a Awwwww :( You'll have to let us know if you do go so we can come visit!

    Yeh, would be good to meetup with some of the forum dwellers when we are over :)

    @Admiral-RRRSole Lol, well if we are ever in Queensland @Tartansnake-8 can take those pesky snakes off your hands haha.

  • @stacky-a lol Heads up, I'm taking a screenshot of your reply so I can hold you to it.
    Being on the internet it's as good as a binding contract. :o)

  • @lizalaroo - As @stacky-a mentioned, we'll be fashionably late :-) as we'll be sailing through that area early August.

  • Sound interesting but up north.

  • @hammy-hamstar said:

    Sound interesting but up north.

    It's a loooooong way north for me but I'll make it.

  • I will be going on the Saturday, look forward to meeting you all

  • @tartansnake-8 you trying to make me feel guilty?

  • @hammy-hamstar said:

    tartansnake-8 you trying to make me feel guilty?

    Would I..?

    It's just good timing as we'll be sailing those waters this year :-)

  • @lizalaroo tarter sauce... I live in the U.S. lol

  • @tartansnake-8 I unfortunately can't make this date but would be interested in any future chance to meet everyone face to face.

    I did think twice about this following the greeting you gave me last night with your sword.

  • I think there is talk of a few pirates and myself meeting up at egx. If anymore people want to come that would be great. It was hinted that rare may also do something around egx

  • @lizalaroo @Musicmee @Thor-von-Blitz are any of you planning to go to the late opening on the Friday night?

  • @blair187 we’ll be there!

  • Cool see you all on Friday

  • @musicmee i’ll Be there.
    There’s a cool coffee shop/bar next door called Drapers we should use it as our pirate hideout 😂

  • @lizalaroo said in Fancy a day out? New Rare exhibition at the Herbert Museum:

    On Saturday 30th June a few of us pirates will be meeting up at the museum. If you fancy a day out to see Rare’s exhibition and say hi to a few forum scalleywags then we’ll see you there!

    Come and say hi to;
    @katttruewalker (tbc 100%)

    I had a thread on this I will be there 100% you cant miss me 6'6 tall and a white pirate legend shirt.

  • @lizalaroo said in Fancy a day out? New Rare exhibition at the Herbert Museum:

    On Saturday 30th June a few of us pirates will be meeting up at the museum. If you fancy a day out to see Rare’s exhibition and say hi to a few forum scalleywags then we’ll see you there!

    Come and say hi to;
    @katttruewalker (tbc 100%)

    Im here when are you guys coming

  • @evil-wolf-snipe We were there! Traffic was sooooo bad I didn’t arrive til 8pm!

  • @lizalaroo Looks like you had a great time! Is that your lantern and ship there I see on display!!! 🙂

  • @lizalaroo I'm jealous... maybe next time, I'll get there as well.

    @Musicmee I see a pretty cool lantern. :)

  • @stacky-a yes I was honoured to supply a couple of pieces!
    @sir-lotus I’m sure there will be plenty of other gatherings where we can get to meet our fellow pirate friends. Maybe we should approach Rare to put on Rarefest! Bbq’s, music and a studio tour maybe? 😂

  • @lizalaroo said in Fancy a day out? New Rare exhibition at the Herbert Museum:

    @stacky-a yes I was honoured to supply a couple of pieces!
    @sir-lotus I’m sure there will be plenty of other gatherings where we can get to meet our fellow pirate friends. Maybe we should approach Rare to put on Rarefest! Bbq’s, music and a studio tour maybe? 😂

    8pm what day did you go I went today 10am they said the 30th

  • @evil-wolf-snipe Ah I was invited to the launch evening which was last night. I do know @Thor-von-blitz was going to head back in this morning though. He's about 6 foot tall with glasses. You couldn't have missed him :D

  • Too far away 😭😭

  • @lizalaroo sagte in Fancy a day out? New Rare exhibition at the Herbert Museum:

    @evil-wolf-snipe Ah I was invited to the launch evening which was last night. I do know @Thor-von-blitz was going to head back in this morning though. He's about 6 foot tall with glasses. You couldn't have missed him :D

    Was there this afternoon, took some more pictures and made a donation.

    If Rare would do a BBQ during EGX that be perfect. 😉

  • @evil-wolf-snipe they said the 30th to start with but decided to do a evening opening on 29th which wasn't promoted much till the day of the event. I did mention it on here.

  • @blair187 the 29th was the launch evening. Grog and speeches :D

  • @lizalaroo said in Fancy a day out? New Rare exhibition at the Herbert Museum:

    @evil-wolf-snipe We were there! Traffic was sooooo bad I didn’t arrive til 8pm!

    This is THE COOLEST THING EVER!!!!! I would die for a real life exquisite spices for my room!

  • @lizalaroo said in Fancy a day out? New Rare exhibition at the Herbert Museum:

    @blair187 the 29th was the launch evening. Grog and speeches :D

    My bday!!! I feel honored!

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