Retractable Ship Ladders. How to do them right. (DRAWINGS)

  • This is probably what would be best to encourage Ship to Ship fighting more instead of boarding via sword charge/ cannon launch to water. Basically, a means to raise and lower the Ladder.

    THis was, as a matter of fact, a VERY old idea by the devs themselves. But, they couldn't be able to get back on the ship because the ladder was raised. But... what if there was a way to lower it from the bottom? Here is what I mean with this.

    Take example one, this is the most common means of boarding, And sure it could be avoidable or shoot the guys, but annoying and won't be as good as blazing guns. So, let's get to picture two I made.

    Basically, it adds a third rope down the middle, which is more like a guillotine rope.... where if you pull it, it drops the ladder planks, and with that a new animation of all of them dropping, which could take a second or two. Even if it was one second, it isn't enough for someone trying to board. If they drop the ladder, the ship ladder would be out of reach by the time the animation is complete.

    I mean, if one drops it and another boards that's a way around it, or if they forgot to raise the ladder, but then again this WOULD encourage either ramming more, cannon firing, or cannon ark landing.

    Basically, this goes around the main problem with ship combat.

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  • I agree! There needs to be a way to set traps or raise the ladder! I wouldn't even be opposed to them adding in a grappling hook that took the place of a primary weapon to keep the game balanced.

  • @cold-dead-legs Yeah, grappling hooks are also a great way to bring your ships together and to keep them from drifting apart.

  • That's not a bad idea! Literal jaw clamp trap would be nice as an alternative or both even! Drop one by each ladder. Damages and clamps the player or skeleton for 5 seconds and half damage.

  • @maniacx64 Never heard of the Jaw clamp. Oh! How's about like a mouse trap that once stepped on, it flings you out into sea again??

  • @cheatingpirate said in Retractable Ship Ladders. How to do them right. (DRAWINGS):

    This is probably what would be best to encourage Ship to Ship fighting more instead of boarding via sword charge/ cannon launch to water. Basically, a means to raise and lower the Ladder.

    THis was, as a matter of fact, a VERY old idea by the devs themselves. But, they couldn't be able to get back on the ship because the ladder was raised. But... what if there was a way to lower it from the bottom? Here is what I mean with this.

    Take example one, this is the most common means of boarding, And sure it could be avoidable or shoot the guys, but annoying and won't be as good as blazing guns. So, let's get to picture two I made.

    Basically, it adds a third rope down the middle, which is more like a guillotine rope.... where if you pull it, it drops the ladder planks, and with that a new animation of all of them dropping, which could take a second or two. Even if it was one second, it isn't enough for someone trying to board. If they drop the ladder, the ship ladder would be out of reach by the time the animation is complete.

    I mean, if one drops it and another boards that's a way around it, or if they forgot to raise the ladder, but then again this WOULD encourage either ramming more, cannon firing, or cannon ark landing.

    Basically, this goes around the main problem with ship combat.

    Or and hear me out, or and I know this is crazy, or you could just pay attention.

  • @cheatingpirate Bear trap I guess you'd call it. The old fashion ones you step on with the teeth that snap closed

  • @cheatingpirate It's good to see you posting your well thought out ideas again, mate, thanks for taking the time to put this together.

  • The ladders are pretty defendable if you have crew members paying attention to everything going on. You can see the enemy mermaid pop up. You can see and hear a pirate being fired over from a cannon. You can hear a swimmer splashing along side the boat. You can hear their steps going up the ladder. You can chop them off the ladder. You can shoot them off the ladder.

    This is one sided and thinly masking the true intention by stating there is some imaginary imbalance in the way engagements take place or the tactics used in them.

    You're asking for more time to be safely unaware of your surroundings. You're asking to make your boat basically unboardable by the enemy unless being fired into it by cannon or jumping in from ramming. Who ever stated there was any problem with ship to ship combat and boarding by ladders? There is no problem here that needs to be solved. The enemy should have a fair chance to get on an defend the holes he's poked in your boat. You already have plenty of fair chance to repel them from the ladder as is.

  • The ladder raising idea has been brought up a fair few times now, but has anyone stopped to think about what impact this would have on the core game dynamics (beyond "I'll be safe on my ship")

    Sword fighting and pistol duelling will become an extremely rare event, fort encounters will become highly contested almost every single time, more sniping from ships, galleons ramming into everyone, restrictions on naval combat tactics, restrictions on play styles, restrictions on freedom, even more PvP (the only way to find out what's on your ship is to sink it), not to mention that it will now take twice as long to get on your ship.

    The very idea itself is just another form of having a safe zone.

  • I do admire the thought that went into this but I am completely against it. As other posters have said, it's another form of a safe zone. Myself and my crew have 0 issues with boarders because we pay attention. We listen for the water splash, we constantly check the water when tailing a ship, everything.

    Safe zoning your ship just takes away a strategy for combat and I for one am against it. Sorry.

  • I've loved the idea of raised ladders, for a long time. Respectfully, I don't agree with it making a safe zone. In fact, having your ladders up can be just as much an issue for the owner of the ship, if they get knocked off. They will have to go through the very same thing that the invader will. We need more tactics! Ship boarding should be a challenge and ramming should be much more damaging to the attacker, if using the bow to ram the sides.

  • @geekster-t one sided again. You are for making your ship safer for yourself, taking away well know boarding tactics from the enemy and replacing them with your safe zone boat. Faintly arguing that the boat owners could fall off and that would be balanced? Saying we need more tactics? Contradictory right there.

  • @cold-dead-legs Grappling Hook is a great idea!

  • @MattyDove74 said:

    Or and hear me out, or and I know this is crazy, or you could just pay attention.

    How is that comment helpful at all? The OP is suggesting an additional game mechanic that might enrich the game experience. It’s not like this is an unrealistic suggestion. Whether you like it or not is irrelevant. At least provide a reason for why this is a bad idea in your opinion. I understand trolling comments like this when someone makes a ridiculous suggestion, but you’re just trolling to troll.

  • @jonaldinho Exactly! I made the suggestion to better the experience! Cannons blazing, risky moves, ramming probably, and if you want on board either ram or shoot yourself onto their deck.

  • @gutterangel I still don't see it being a safe zone. Maybe more of a challenge, but not a safe zone. Based on the OP's post (from how I understand it) you can still use the ladder as an invader, it's just faster to board via cannon or ship ramming.

    And I'm not being one sided.

  • @geekster-t One sided in the way of asking for more boat defense and taking away an avenue of attack from enemy. Wanting very specific circumstances in favor of the attacked to be in play to be boarded. This comes from having weak defense to boarders as is. This comes from wanting to be safer on your own boat. Wanting the first enemy to even to touch the ladder, with all the warnings the enemy is coming, to try to lower a rope and still not have time to get on board is just silly to even ask for. I mean for real? Very one sided.

  • @gutterangel and I'd also support grapling hooks. I love the idea of more tools, offensive and defensive.

  • @jonaldinho said in Retractable Ship Ladders. How to do them right. (DRAWINGS):

    @MattyDove74 said:

    Or and hear me out, or and I know this is crazy, or you could just pay attention.

    How is that comment helpful at all? The OP is suggesting an additional game mechanic that might enrich the game experience. It’s not like this is an unrealistic suggestion. Whether you like it or not is irrelevant. At least provide a reason for why this is a bad idea in your opinion. I understand trolling comments like this when someone makes a ridiculous suggestion, but you’re just trolling to troll.

    Fights already take too long. If no one boards, barrels are irrelevant, cannons are irrelevant. This is to help lazy crews. Nothing more.

  • All ship fighting is now is simply swimming on board and killing them. I suggested rooe ladders as a means to encourage REAL ship fights. Guns blazing, repairs on all decks, and the ships eventually getting close and personal to each other, both crews jumping on each other ship.

    That is fun! Simple boarding by ladder is just.... eh

  • imagine jumping past ships with grappling hooks, flying onto the ship like titan falls hook, omg that be so cool

  • @commando-slippy that's what I am thinking as Well! But I am also doing this off wishful thinking

  • @cheatingpirate All ship fights aren't simply just that though. This is a false statement to make. Real ship fights are taking place every time.

    Whats happening are a combination of guns blazing, repairs on all decks, both ships being boarded, repairs being denied on both sides, ships getting hit with gun powder barrels inside and outside, anchors being dropped, anchors trying to be raised, getting killed on the anchor, getting killed on adjusting a sail, getting killed steering the helm, getting killed while repairing,getting knocked off a ladder and forced to take a mermaid a minute after the ship sails far enough away. I mean do I have to keep going, because I can?

    You want to lower the chances of those possibilities drastically and force more ramming and cannon boarding so you can a tend to your ship a little more mindlessly and you suggest a grappling hook that doesn't give back anything taken away.

    Grappling hook is a cool idea on its own. I would certainly like another mechanic to learn to use offensive and defensive on the seas.

  • It's players with great ideas like these that make me happy to be apart of this community. Together we build Sea of Thieves' future.

    I love this idea. Grappling hooks are great, but also boarding axes. We see them laying about as static decor, but not yet available. Only a question of when.

  • As a ship boarder i would hate this lol often times when we get chased im the one jumping off the back and dropping ur anchor n this would make that near impossible, i know thats ur intention but id rather drop ur anchor than catch my ship and for ship battles itd b much harder to force u to sit still while we sink u. I dont like this idea at all

  • This is a great idea. Boarding is currently too easy to do considering how devastating it is. The risk vs reward balance just isn't there. There is no risk for a chance of a huge reward. If mermaids weren't a thing, it'd be a different story, but they exist and ship to ship combat is dumbed down immensely for it.

  • Grappling hooks need to be a thing, and the counter... Sword hacking the hook and cutting the rope attached while the hook throwing player slowly climbs onto the ship. I think keep the ladder, and add hooks. we should always be on our guard, and never feel safe...

  • The people saying boarding is too easy are possibly just being boarded often and aren't able to get their crew to gaurd the ladders. This idea seemingly just wants to take away an avenue of attack that they must be vulnerable to.

    There is plenty of risk trying to board an enemy in combat. The first being, now your boat is down however many crew members are trying to board the enemy. Miss the ladder and now wait a minute or more because the mermaid wont pop up until your ship is far enough away. Die on the ladder due to alert enemy crew members. Miss a ladder attempt and now the enemy is gaurding ladders. The ladder is fine the way it is.

    This suggestion is trying to make the the boat a safer place for an unaware crew. It gives nothing back in the other direction by offering hooks and axes.

  • @gutterangel said in Retractable Ship Ladders. How to do them right. (DRAWINGS):

    The people saying boarding is too easy are possibly just being boarded often and aren't able to get their crew to gaurd the ladders. This idea seemingly just wants to take away an avenue of attack that they must be vulnerable to.

    There is plenty of risk trying to board an enemy in combat. The first being, now your boat is down however many crew members are trying to board the enemy. Miss the ladder and now wait a minute or more because the mermaid wont pop up until your ship is far enough away. Die on the ladder due to alert enemy crew members. Miss a ladder attempt and now the enemy is gaurding ladders. The ladder is fine the way it is.

    This suggestion is trying to make the the boat a safer place for an unaware crew. It gives nothing back in the other direction by offering hooks and axes.

    This doesn't remove an avenue of attack, it adds a modicum of difficulty to one which currently has none. Swimming toward a ladder is one of the easiest things to do in this game and it has the potential to be a huge game changer. There is no reason that something so pertinent to the outcome of a fight should be so absolutely brainless. Retractable ladders make the game require more skill and planning, not less.

    This suggestion is trying to make the game more difficult for the poor sailors and cannoneers. Hooks and axes are things for a different topic.

  • This is a Good idé, and like most of you say, we need gapling hooks, so it feels more like boarding, we need ropes so we can swing us over to the enemy ships, we need another riflel (musket) we need it to start look like it did over the seas at that time, we need knife’s, we need alot :)

    But Im shure rare Will do everything in there power to get us the right feeling

  • @ttargetpractice You are completely over simplifying boarding and trying to attach some buzzwords like brainless to it. You are stretching so hard to fit your argument and you know it.
    Pay attention to your ladder. That's why the mechanics of water splashing, footsteps on a ladder, knocking off the ladder with one sword swipe, knocking off the ladder with one bullet, exist. You don't like being boarded by your own ladders, fine. That doesn't make it brainless and easy. Walking over to your ladder and swinging your cutlass is one of the most brainless, easy things to do, so is learning how to use the rest of the mechanics in place to repel boarders.

    Retractable ladders go too far in the direction of protecting the unprepared, unaware crew and punishing the team trying to board an enemy boat. Takes away the need to pay attention at all when you have so much warning and additional time to react in addition to the easy, brainless ways of repelling from your ladder.

  • @gutterangel said in Retractable Ship Ladders. How to do them right. (DRAWINGS):

    @ttargetpractice You are completely over simplifying boarding and trying to attach some buzzwords like brainless to it. You are stretching so hard to fit your argument and you know it.
    Pay attention to your ladder. That's why the mechanics of water splashing, footsteps on a ladder, knocking off the ladder with one sword swipe, knocking off the ladder with one bullet, exist. You don't like being boarded by your own ladders, fine. That doesn't make it brainless and easy. Walking over to your ladder and swinging your cutlass is one of the most brainless, easy things to do, so is learning how to use the rest of the mechanics in place to repel boarders.

    Retractable ladders go too far in the direction of protecting the unprepared, unaware crew and punishing the team trying to board an enemy boat. Takes away the need to pay attention at all when you have so much warning and additional time to react in addition to the easy, brainless ways of repelling from your ladder.

    Swimming toward a ladder is brainless and easy, period. There is no argument that can be made to the contrary. You falsely assume that I like or don't like whatever. You're incorrect. I don't speak of my opinions, I speak of balance. This change would "hurt" me as much as anyone because the majority of my boarding comes from people stupid enough to pursue me on a predictable course. The difference between you and I is that I recognize the simplicity of the tactics I'm using and the disproportionate effect it has on the other team's ability to operate. This would add more to the game, not take away from it. It's currently easy, I would like to be challenged a bit more.

    Comparing swimming toward the ladder and guarding the ladder forever is asinine. They are incomparable in regards to the skill and effort required. Guarding a ladder is a thing that must constantly be done. Swimming toward a ladder is a decision that you make and don't have to think about before or after. It's not even a decision any longer, it's the expected tactic because it's the easiest, most reliable, and most risk free tactic.

    Most importantly, they're actually retractable rope ladders. The more parts of the ship that actually function like parts of a ship, the better and more immersive the game will become.

    @cheatingpirate I would add one thing to the OP. Ladders fall when the ship takes damage from any source.

  • How about this to satisfy both sides...

    The ship has only one ladder down at any time. There could be a control to raise/lower, but essentially it is just toggling which side of the ship has the ladder available.

    It would make boarding slightly more challenging, and defending a little easier, but doesn’t deny either possibility from still happening. It just mixes up the odds and adds some variance

  • Worst idea iv ever’re leaving the sloop at a greater disadvantage. I personally love running a sloop and taking out galleons by boarding them, anchoring them, putting holes in them. If you were to make it strictly ship vs ship...sloop would have a great disadvantage.

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