The Crab in All the Trailers

  • This crawly critter has become a recurring character and a bit of a running gag in all the trailers and I hope that never changes. And because of this, I think it's time to officially ask the community:

    What shall we name this cute crustacean? As a community, we've already dubbed our favorite gals Karen and Meg to the point where even Rare has adopted it. So this salty sideways walker ought to be next on our list to be baptized with a (possible) canonical community-given nickname.

    I'm starting to get a "Bad Luck Brian" vibe from this distressed decapod. It always seems to be an innocent bystander in the wrong place at the wrong time, just trying to mind its own business when it becomes an inadvertent witness of bad things to come or an unwilling participant.

    So let's hear some suggestions!

    Calamity Crab? Cal for short?
    Murphy, short for Murphy's Claw? (hyuck)

    Wow, these are terrible... Let's hear your suggested nicknames! And go!

  • 45
  • Lass, his name is Mr Crab.
    I know it's basic, I know it's exactly what he is, but hey... its a name.

  • Scuttles

  • @byiconik said in The Crab in All the Trailers:


    I like that !!! Scuttles...awesome.

  • @byiconik said in The Crab in All the Trailers:


    Scuttles definitely has my vote. It's perfect.

    Scuttles The Salty Sea Crab.
    Who always getting himself into situations he has to scuttle himself out of.
    Just like the rest of us on the sea ^_^

  • If it's anything besides Crabby McCrabface then I'm not interested

  • Scuttles

    I think the conversation is over. :-)

  • @byiconik said in The Crab in All the Trailers:


    Scuttles was the seagul! Sebastian was the crab SMH 🤦🏻‍♂️ cmon people! Get ur little mermaid facts in order. Also if we are going to be unique and make our own name for him and not base his name off the little mermaid its quite obvious that the only suitable name would be Carl, Carl the Crab

  • Dinner... I vote for dinner.

  • @blooddoll22 said in The Crab in All the Trailers:

    Dinner... I vote for dinner.

    No eatting SCUTTLES! Maybe a few of its relatives though

  • @byiconik said in The Crab in All the Trailers:


    I quite like that one!

  • Might be a girl crab, ya know, and since the kraken and megalodon have feminine names, I think the crab should too.

  • @byiconik said in The Crab in All the Trailers:


    I was going to Thievin Stephen but nope Scuttles is so much better! Take my upvote!

  • @lady-allrin Im sorry to burst everyone's bubbles here, but Rare themselves have actually already named her, its on their twitter

  • I vote naming the crab Pinchy.

    Scuttles is a good choice too, I admit.

  • Kevin 😍

  • here's a few, I am sure there will be more of them in game soon... :-)


  • Initially i would expect a name starting with C, to keep the continuity up.

    But @BYICONIK s suggestion Scuttles sounds great.
    @The-Godbunny even came up with a full name/title: "Scuttles The Salty Sea Crab"
    But maybe he's rather The Scared Sea Crab?

  • @omega-131313 said in The Crab in All the Trailers:

    @lady-allrin Im sorry to burst everyone's bubbles here, but Rare themselves have actually already named her, its on their twitter

    Well, then... What is it!?

  • Crabby McCrab face

  • I always thought it was Sebastian!

  • Mr. Pants

  • @Lady-AllRin

    Just putting this one out there... can't take any credit for it though ;)


  • @lady-allrin, I agree with @KattTruewalker Crabatha

  • @katttruewalker
    Like it... it's kinda cute.... :-)

  • @lady-allrin How about Andy McCrab

  • @luciansanchez82

    Bravo!!!! ..... Two Zero.... :-)

  • Crabatha Scuttles. :o)

  • @piratecraggy Glad someone got that!

  • Sure hope when we get them in game.
    They can't easily arm themselves....

  • Sheldon
    Shell-don but less obvious.

    although Scuttles is spot on and goes with the "consider this tip" meme.

  • @byiconik Yeah Scuttles, love it!

  • Crabatha Scuttles!

  • Looks like the general consensus is:
    Crabatha Scuttles

  • Crabatha.

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