Will the content updates after Forsaken Shores be back-to-back?

  • Like the title says, I was wondering if there's any information on when the next three updates after Forsaken Shores comes out. If Forsaken Shores releases in September, then there are three months after that (October, November, December). Considering that as time goes on the content update gets larger to where it takes up three weeks (at least in Cursed Sails) then it is safe to assume Forsaken Shores, and all other content updates after it, will take a minimum of three weeks.

    So, if Forsaken Shores comes out on September 25th, and it runs for three weeks, it will go until October 16th. If the next three content updates were to have one bilge rat adventure between them, then no content updates would be released in October, one would be released in November, and two would be released in December.

    Now, because it would be a nice balance for a content update each month, this has lead me to believe there will be no Bilge Rat Adventures between the next major content updates, starting after Forsaken Shores.

    Content updates after Forsaken Shores will be back-to-back because there isn't enough space for Bilge Rat Adventures.

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  • Although it's possible, I find it very unlikely that this will be the case. Although it would be nice to get in an update a month, this would be decreasing the amount of time each update is released at, meaning that less content makes it into each update. Plus, rare has stated that they have 3 content updates planned for fall/winter in there Content Roadmap released way back in April. Even though it's possible that there plans have changed (like how purchasable pets was going to be the first expansion), if it hasn't it's unlikely that all three updates will come out before the end of the year.

  • They've confirmed that another Expansion is coming in December.
    It seems the 3 more Expansions coming this year idea was either misinformation or Rare changes their plans.

  • @sgt-palooggoo i read the same but i don't remember where. I guess we will keep getting the biweekly events in between. I'm very excited to see how the skeleton ships will remain in the world after the event and what the Forsaken Shores new biome looks like. FS will also introduce the item that i'm waiting most, the raw boat, looking forward to that.

  • @seldros some people are saying only 3 more but i recall reading three more after forsaken shores in that article kattruewalker put up the other day which is more current than that road map and was from mike chapman. i was also wondering how this can work they will have to up their output is the only way its possible like you suggested.

    i think we can see the bilge rat adventures right now. i mean i see these cursed sails doubloons as bilge rat adventures. time limited gives doubloons titles and limited time cosmetics lasts a week or two, goes in the bilge rat column on your stats page. so i consider these the weekly adventures. they just happen to be using fresh content this time. so i dont think they have to be inbetween updates they can take advantage of the content in the update. with that thinking it would be possible to always have updates and continue the adventures promised.

  • Ahoy there @seldros!

    I doubt we'll be seeing three big content drops back to back. You're right that the video did mention three possible updates for Fall/Winter, however I think you're forgetting that the Winter doesn't end at the end of the year. Which means they'll have six full months after Forsaken Shores for the other content.

    alt text

    • Forsaken Shores - Summer (ends September 23rd 2018)
    • "Fall Snails" content - Fall/Winter (between September 24th 2018 - March 20th 2019) - Maybe November?
    • Unnamed content - Fall/Winter (between September 24th 2018 - March 20th 2019) - Maybe January?
    • Unnamed content - Fall/Winter (between September 24th 2018 - March 20th 2019)- Maybe March?

    It's all just speculations though so don't get too hyped up until we have the actual information. We'll just have to wait and see when Rare lifts up the veil to show us some interesting content titles for the rest of the year and the next. Although I doubt that anything will be revealed before the Forsaken Shores, we always hope for an earlier sneak peak or Joe Neate accidently leaking some info :)


    Captain FishSt1ck

  • As others have mentioned, there will be the expansion set for December. As for October and November, I'm personally hoping we see more of festival styled bilge rat adventures for them. Lets be honest, who wouldn't want to go around SoT in October with a Halloween themed quest? Would definitely love to see the ability to be a skeleton for it.

  • @sargent-sully Ask the OoS Lady, in SoT everyday is Halloween.

  • The article said every 6-8 weeks on an update with the 4 teams.
    Also said that 6 expansions in the year.. maybe they mean year until launch date again and not calendar?

    All in all, this means Rare's online pirate game will have six hefty expansions, plus a few features added through the regular events, by the end of the year - an impressive feat compared to the likes of Destiny, where new expansions are only release once or twice a year.

    I am not sure we will see the november release since early-mid sept for shores puts that next 8 weeks in november but too close to what they are saying an end of year one in december. Unless that is the 4th team's job and they will sneak one in.

  • I'll be very interested to see their plans post-Forsaken Shores. Like many of you here I was also trying to get a better idea of their development calendar, and trying to imagine how they would manage to get three more DLCs post-Forsaken Shores before the end of the calendar year.

    However, as some of you pointed out, perhaps it's not necessarily the end of the calendar year but rather year from the date of launch. So by the time we hit SOTs 1-yr anniversary well have the six DLCs, and several Bilge Rat Adventures (BRAs) in between. I'm really looking forward to what's to come.

    Despite the hate certain BRAs have received I think they're a nice change of pace, and encourage us to play the game differently even if it's for a short amount of time. As the game grows and adds more tools, I can see these taking on very unique spins on what's possible in game.

  • At that point in the Content Plans video they say there will be three more updates after FS in the 'rest of the calendar year' - meaning before December 31st at 11:59PM.

  • @seldros We had weekly events, then we had bi-weekly events, and finally we got tri-weekly events. I'd be very happy if Rare consistently put out Bilge rat adventures every week because it gives players meaning to play the game. Now with the Cursed Sails being extended by a week, I doubt that there'll even be one Bilge Rat adventure between the next major content update. And it's not like my assumption is misplaced either; we all know that Rare has been well known for breaking promises and causing unrest in the community.

    Of course I'm more than happy to be proven wrong; more content is always a good thing!

  • If they meant 1 year of launch, that would be a total of 6 large updates a year. So a large update every 2 months, which would tie in well with the 6-8 weeks per update thing we were told.

    That could mean one more unannounced update mid-late November after Forsaken Shores.

    That could be followed by a Holiday update that was a little smaller in scope or maybe a larger update in early 2019, and time for another larger update before the 12 month mark in March 2019.

    Sure beats waiting for SoT2

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