A Counter to Complainers

  • Alright, a lot of the feedback forum is filled with complaints about things being too hard, or having a bad experience in the game, or just thinking that it's unfair.

    As a solo slooper, I honestly don't see why.

    Here's the thing, Sea of Thieves isn't a game for people who like an easy time. Rare seems to be slowly reducing the difficulty of the game because people post topics about these things a few minutes after losing a haul, but the game is already fair and fun, and here's why (broken down individually for people who hate a particular thing).


    The Kraken is a tough fight, it halts you in your tracks and forces you to face off against a beast to protect your loot long enough for you to escape. People seem to complain a lot about wanting to make the Kraken easy to avoid, such as having it only spawn in certain areas and make it easy to run away from like the Megalodon.

    The Kraken forces you to be prepared, because on the Sea of Thieves, anything can happen. Taking that away makes the open sea seem dead and lifeless, and if you lose a haul to a Kraken then you clearly weren't prepared.

    Skeleton Ships

    The ambush you on the open seas and make you fear for your haul, you need to test your ship skills in order to survive. People's complaints on this one is that if a Skelly Galleon spawns next to you, you may as well scuttle your ship because you can't win if you're in a lesser ship.

    Again, the Skelly Ship forces you to be prepared to fight another ship... in a pirate game (wild I know right?). These ships are already easy enough if you know the weaknesses of ships and are able to use tactics to your advantage. It's not worth nerfing them further, because then they become a trivial nuisance and to be honest I'd rather have an actual threat than the SoT equivalent of a fly buzzing around my face.

    Other Crews

    This one, hoo boy people hate this one... Other ships that are bigger than yours come to steal your loot. You're a small sloop and a Galleon rocks up ready to take everything you've earned.

    Now, I don't know about you, but I for one LOVE the fear of having other people wanting your haul. If you're vastly outmatched you need to be smart, alert, and be ready for a fight. You can move your loot to a rowboat and set your ship off in the other direction, you can store your loot on the island, you can even load your ship up with explosives and do a suicide run.

    But why on earth do people want servers where you ONLY play with other crews on the same ship? Not only will that split the community even further but it would dull the game to the point of being a sailing simulator.

    Now... I know there's a lot of valid complaints out there such as the grindy nature of the game, the lack of things to do etc. but trust me when I say, the difficulty is not one of them. I'm so tired of this forum being filled with everyone wanting the game to be easier but no one saying that the difficulty is fine how it is.

    Because think about it, let's take out the Kraken, the Skelly Ships, match people up with same ships, nerf skeletons, nerf volcanos, nerf cannons, nerf guns and what do we have? A man, on a boat, wasting his life away carrying chests for 900 hours...

  • 33
  • Kraken

    The Kraken is a tough fight, it halts you in your tracks and forces you to face off against a beast to protect your loot long enough for you to escape. People seem to complain a lot about wanting to make the Kraken easy to avoid, such as having it only spawn in certain areas and make it easy to run away from like the Megalodon.

    The Kraken forces you to be prepared, because on the Sea of Thieves, anything can happen. Taking that away makes the open sea seem dead and lifeless, and if you lose a haul to a Kraken then you clearly weren't prepared.

    This is have to disagree with, mainly on the grounds of the Kraken's and the game's current mechanics.

    The Kraken isn't undefeateble, except when it spawns right after a tough fight against another ship or skeleton ship and you have no supplies. This happened to my crew last night. We fought a player ship, immediately took over the fight against a skeleton galleon and once we stopped to get the loot, the Kraken appeared. We had no supplies left, had no opportunity to get supplies, and no way to be prepared for that encounter.

    Secondly, in the 4 encounters my crew has had with the Kraken since the newest update, the beast has stopped our ship dead despite our sails being full with the wind and the wheel turned to escape (which use to be possible, I've done it). The galleon turns too slowly and we're stopped before given any time to escape. ALL threats in this game, have some manageable means of escape or avoidance. To keep with consistency, this threat should as well.

    Also, in every encounter so far, the Kraken has managed to incapacitate my crew before we can fight back. We are either sucked off the ship or knocked off the ship. One time I was sucked up, I managed to shoot the mouth to release me, and then I was literally stuck in the air, upside down because the game glitched. All I could do was watch as the Kraken killed my crew and sunk our boat. It was 10 minutes after the fight that my character finally died.

    Many of the feedback posts that I've read aren't trying to make it easier, but more manageable.

  • Honestly the Kraken is super easy, even as a solo encounter once you learn the mechanics of the fight and how to counter every move.
    If your crew gets incapacitated it's because they weren't good enough, as there's plenty of advanced warning to get to battle stations before the Kraken actually starts doing stuff.

    Keep getting sucked? Pay attention to the audio and visual cues and go below deck and break line of sight, or if you have a good aim, shoot the tentacle with cannon fire.
    Getting knocked off? Either shoot that shifty curled tentacle that's getting ready to slap your ship, or hide below deck before the slap and repair the resulting damage.
    Getting wrapped? Shoot the shifty tentacle that keeps hovering off the side of your ship, and the wrapped tentacle will release.

    There are no mechanics here with the Kraken which cannot be overcome by preparedness and situational awareness.

  • @kiethblacklion It's unfortunate that you had that luck, but reducing the difficulty on something because you had terrible luck isn't how people should react to RNG in a game. I fought against a skelly ship, was almost outta supplies and a second one spawn right on top of me. I lost everything sure, but I didn't want things to change because of my luck that's just how the game is.

    Also, if your entire crew on a Galleon is incapacitated before you can fight back, you need to rethink your entire battle plan dude.


    Exactly, you need to learn how to fight against adversity, and if the odds aren't in your favour, tough luck just deal with it.

    Also I like how the first two comments on this thread are "Fighting a Kraken in a full Galleon is really hard!" and "Fighting a Kraken in a solo sloop is super easy."

  • Luck would be if it happened occasionally, in every instance it has been immediately after a previous battle. That isn't luck and that certainly isn't a random generated instance. From all of my reading on this forum, luck and RNG seems to be a popular excuse to cover the possibility that these instances are in fact NOT random, but something Rare adjusted and setup on purpose.

    Kinda hard to rethink a battle plan mere seconds before you're taken out.

    In regards to breaking line of sight before being sucked off: how is that possible when A) I've been sucked off in a matter of second before being able to get inside the lower decks and B) I've been sucked out after getting out of line of sight.

    Getting knocked off: Can't shoot the tentacle if you're hit off the ship BEFORE you grab a cannon or a gun.

    Preparedness and situational awareness?: Kraken appears seconds after dropping anchor and jumping in the water to grab loot from a completed fight with a skeleton ship. The Kraken already has us in it's jaws BEFORE we can swim back to the ship (what happened the other night).

    All of these remarks are the same general, lemming responses I see when others who have posted about their issues with the number of instances the Kraken appears and when it appears in relation to other events that take place in the game.

    I don't care about defeating the Kraken or not, but there are enough experiences from myself and others to indicate the possibility that Rare may have over done it on the programming for the Kraken and it should be looked at.

  • People have complained that their is no real progression in the game, just cosmetics. The progression is stocking your ship. Finding cursed cannonballs and kegs. Making sure you are prepared. Progression is tied to sessions. Also learning the game through experience. Learning how to sink a ship. Learning how to run from or fight a meg or kraken. Learning how to sail without using your anchor. Once you gain the experience and knowledge of how to play, and you put forth the time and effort to be prepared each session, things are not that difficult. Unfortunately the game doesn't do a lot to help you learn that stuff. It comes from the community in the form of other players or through your own experience with the game.

    I went out on a solo sloop looking for skeleton ships. Had maybe 50 cannonballs and about 35 planks and bananas. Also I was lucky enough to have two ballist balls. Sank one ship, turned in the loot, and found two more ballist balls and a couple of anchor balls. As I was fighting my second one, a brig was near by fighting another skelly ship. I started collecting my loot a little bit east of keelhaul as they did the same just north west. When they finished, they started to circle around my direction and the kraken attacked. I pulled up next to the ink and started putting shots into the kraken to help, thinking they would be cool and form an alliance.

    After the kraken died I waited trying to form an alliance until one of them was swimming over. Not responding to my messages either through text or chat, I knew he wasn't friendly. Immediately I dropped the sail and took off keeping him from grabbing my ladder. I pulled around a good distance behind the brig and spotted three things in the water. I hit the anchor and jumped in, barely making it back with one item as the brig got closer. Feeling vulnerable with my anchor down, I raise it as fast as i can just as a guy saying "taste steal" starts climbing my ladder and the brig anchors behind me. I get it raised the instant he hits my deck and i no scope him down to the lower deck. I chase him down with my sword as my boat takes off and I kill him as I leave their cannon range.

    They didn't take chase. I sailed to golden sands as they went to sanctuary. The skeleton ships were not a big threat. I easily took them out with only cannonballs and a ballist ball. Even the kraken didn't seem to be a big threat to a two man brig. They were however a threat to me and easily could have killed and sank me if I hadn't been as careful or experienced as I am. Being prepared and knowing what you are doing will make things much smoother in this game. It's part of the experience of playing this game. Frankly it was thrilling knowing they were out for blood. More thrilling than either skelly ship or the kraken attack. I love moments like that. Other players create a tension you just don't feel from ai threats. If you keep your cool and know what you're doing, you can make it out alive.

    Solo sloop is at a disadvantage but it's not impossible. You just need the knowledge, and that comes through real experience, not leveling your character and earning gadgets and perks.

  • If your playing solo I think there should at least be some type of handicap in place. The last 3 times I've played solo I've run in to nothing but people that blow my ship to hell and take all my loot. They won't even acknowledge the offer alliance flag I have out. I hate it.

  • @KiethBlackLion A crazy thought, have a plan before getting attacked. You know, preparedness and all that. You lose to the Kraken due to one or more of these reasons:

    1 - You're just not skilled enough.
    2 - You're undersupplied.
    3 - You're uncoordinated with your crew.

    And complaining that it's not RNG and Rare has set up the Kraken to attack you after every battle is borderline paranoid.

    @testakleze Progression is a point I can understand, but the fact theres no actual skillset progression means the game is COMPLETELY fair and skill based. A legendary crew has no advantage over a noob crew other than experience.

    But like I said I understand the complaints about progression, and it would be nice to have something to feel like you're growing. (Off the top of my head, having to buy a new ship every time one sinks for a small fee and as it gains experience/levels it looks cooler and cooler)

    @TattyDARKSIDE-X A Handicap wouldn't help, really skilled players would just solo sloop for the bonus handicap and wreck shop. Nobody would play in larger crews, multiplayer would suffer, and the game would have a meta of "Play a solo sloop or die"

  • I love the fact that the game is skill based. I feel that makes it fair. Also it makes it more inviting. People don't feel like they need to catch up if they pick up the game late. It's all down to the skill and execution of the individual. Best decision they could have made.

  • @testakleze But of course, since it's skill based, people will complain perpetually that the game is too hard.

  • The Game is and isn't "Hard" … it somewhat depends on really what is meant when someone states such.

    Would I call Sea of Thieves "Hard"? No., not even slightly.
    I'm not going to make up some tall tale about how awesome a player I am., as don't get me wrong... I've died and sunk more than my fair share of times; and yes, it's often led to the loss of a decent haul that can be frustrating depending on the circumstance of such.

    Yet, here's the thing. I wouldn't call the Game Hard, because it isn't.
    I'd call it Unbalanced.
    I'd call it Reliant on BS Randomisation.
    I'd say that the Development Team doesn't understand the concept of Fuzzy Logic Vs. Percentile Probability Chances.
    I'd say that the Development Team doesn't understand the difference between a Fair and Challenging Mechanic Vs. an Unfair BS Mechanic; when it comes to Difficulty.

    Whenever I've died, there are so few occasions where I've genuinely believed it was because I was simply not "Skilled" enough., outside of Fights with other Players (Ships/Crew)... and that's a bloody rare occurrence.

    Where-as against the Environment., no that's almost universally due to the RNG and Mechanics. Rare makes up for the sheer Brain-Dead Nature of the Enemies, via Unavoidable Damage, Stun Locks, etc.
    This results in everything either being a Battle of Attrition … oh and this as a point EXTENDS to things like the Skeleton Crews, Ships, Megalodon, Kraken, etc.
    Some that spawn will be a breeze., I've had some Ships (Galleons) take only 8 Cannon Balls to Sink; but at the same time I've had others that have tanked damn near 45.

    I've had Skeleton Crews Spawns that were all Basic Skeletons; but other times nothing but Golden Skeletons deep inside islands with no nearby Water or Plant Skeletons during Storms all with Guns.

    Oh and let's not forget that they've made the Melee Skeletons Faster and in Greater Numbers., meaning once they've Swarmed you … GFL not being able to Defend, Attack, or really survive very long.

    Or what about Meg, who'll circle around the boat; then every so often do Guaranteed Damage; which wouldn't be so bad but she also will either kill you in 1 Chomp (should the game just decide you were "In-Range"; which this has happened to me a few times when she's chomped the Bow while I've been on the Wheel) or it'll fling you across the Ocean … resulting in the boat typically sinking before the damn Mermaid shows up to get back and frantically repair.

    And it is "Unavoidable" because it doesn't matter how many times you hit her as she's trying to Chomp you... nor can you Outrun / Out Manoeuvre said attack.
    There's not "Skill" there., that's just a simple case of the RNG saying "You're taking Damage Now"

    It's like the Kraken, sure you could have one where it basically never touched you... or you could have a run where it essentially eats / drowns EVERYONE almost immediately.
    There's no Telegraphing., no Avoidance., no SKILL … you just have to hope you can outlast / out damage it., and that you've not essentially rolled the "F U" One with damn near Infinite Health.

    While Casual Players might not be able to properly vocalise or understand WHY they feel like the game is far too Difficult., that doesn't mean any of you can simply wave your hand and say "Git Gud" simply because you're willing to put up with the BS Mechanics, Balance and damn near Non-Existent AI in favour of a Russian Roulette approach to AI.

    If you took your lips off of Rare' Rear End for the Moment, you might actually be able to see how bad a lot of the mechanics actually are... because a GOOD approach, doesn't have to compromise between Casual and Hardcore Audiences to provide Enjoyable Challenging Gameplay that DRIVES the Players to constantly improve.
    BAD approaches however do.

  • There are so many inaccuracies in that post that I don't even know where to begin.

    But lets start with the Meg, your dead wrong on ALL accounts.
    The Meg's charge attack can be interrupted by doing enough damage before it bites down on the ship, at which point it will not chomp and damage will be reduced to 1 hole from just the collision with its body.
    Likewise if you get below deck when she "chomps" you will take little to no damage at all.
    There is no RNG involved in this fight other than the roll of the waves, something which even sailors in real life had to contend with in ship to ship battles.
    Every move that the Kraken and Meg have is clearly telegraphed and can be countered, if you actually pay attention and learn.

    As for skeletons, no they have not made Melee skeletons any faster or in any greater numbers than they used to be. You can outrun them, and you can outflank them, and a good strategy for dealing with them is trying to bunch them up and skirt them with a blocking sword lunge which will hit multiple skellies.
    What you need to watch out for is letting them box you in, because then you are screwed, but that hardly comes down to RNG.
    Gold skeletons inland are a nuisance, but nothing more, just lead the group down to shore and blast them with cannons, or pick up a few gunpowder barrels as part of stocking up before a voyage. All guns? annoying, but go for cover and learn to time your attacks, and use one as a inhuman shield while stun-locking it.

    The ONLY thing I can think of in this game that is pure RNG would be skeleton ships, since they can spawn with any type of cursed cannonballs and spam them relentlessly, but even that can be sort-of countered with peace balls.(I admit that is a counter that is dependent on RNG). Alternatively you could seek cover with your back against an island to reduce the effectiveness of their cursed balls and fire as they circle around.

    But ultimately, most things in this game is about skill, preparation and experience.

  • @reavermachete50 I only play Solo and I've never had this much fun!
    It's great the way it is now!

  • @reavermachete50 I also agree that I'm frustrated with how many people complain about the 'difficulty' in this game or than they want specific mechanics curtailed to make their experience more mild

    @reavermachete50 said in A Counter to Complainers:

    But why on earth do people want servers where you ONLY play with other crews on the same ship? Not only will that split the community even further but it would dull the game to the point of being a sailing simulator.

    Especially this. Like, I get that people want this, but this literally defeats the purpose of Sea of Thieves. There are other games that are meant to be like that; this is not one of them. This is a PvEvP open world sandbox and emphasizes freedom; doing what you want, when you want, how you want, to whoever you want, and dealing with the consequences thereof. "Do what you want, because a pirate is free. You are a pirate!" This makes an exciting, dangerous, thrilling world with incredible amounts of adventures built by players, driven by players, about the players. Both with and against each other. That's what Sea of Thieves was meant to be. If anything, the number 1 change I want to see if having more players per server so there's more player interaction

  • @reavermachete50 said in A Counter to Complainers:

    Other Crews

    This one, hoo boy people hate this one... Other ships that are bigger than yours come to steal your loot. You're a small sloop and a Galleon rocks up ready to take everything you've earned.

    I rarely fear galleons, since they are usually full of jolly friends hanging out, playing music and joining alliances. It's those quiet and lonely sloop players that hunt me down every single time. They're small, but often really advanced and clever. And mean. Definitely mean.

  • Its sot not som.
    I wish to encounter pirates thieves and players and occasionally a monster. But when i encounter 15 monsters and only 2 pirates on one session i just dont like it no matter how you fight them its just no longer a funny pirate game but another lotr to fight stupid monsters

  • Okay when I am solo slooping and a skelly ship comes up and I hit it like 50 times and it doesn't sink, and yes I aim low. DO NOT TELL ME THAT I AM NOT PREPARED. If I can defeat a kraken and Meg alone I should be able to defeat a skelly ship alone. The game is NOT balanced with them for solo players. End of story.

  • As one of the people who recently cmplained about the Kraken, I thought I'd reply here too.

    I don't think the game is too hard. It's essentially like a lego game. You die, you lose money. Not much more (and in lego games you can even use that money to buy actually useful characters etc.).

    The problem I have with the kraken is that it seems to be so against the gameplay that SoT seems to want to have. Sailing in this game is great, yet the kraken pretty much stops that. Interacting with other crews (and that includes losing from them) is great too, but good luck getting any interesting interaction with other crews when you are under attack by a kraken.

    Also, to me it feels like most of the encounters teach you better PvP. You can fight skeletons to enhance hand-to-hand combat. You can fight skeleton ships to enhance cannon aiming and tactical maneouvering. Megs perhaps slightly less so, but at least you can practise sailing away from something. With the kraken you lose all that.

  • @reavermachete50 I definitely don't think they are "reducing the difficulty of the game" for people. They have reduced the amount of grinding for getting to pirate legend through "power creep," which in this instance is better payout from alternatives to voyages. That just removes grind. The game has most definitely gotten harder, especially for solo sloopers, with the exception of the nerf to the Devil's Roar. The Kraken is much harder than she used to be and originally wasn't even a threat to sloops unless they actively sailed to her after she attacked a bigger ship. She also has a tendency to attack ships that are newly spawned in and just leaving the outpost. This doesn't give them much of a chance to prepare. That being said, it's definitely not an impossible fight, and players should be actively preparing for the worst like you suggested. Personally I have had more trouble with the Kraken than I have with skeleton ships.

  • The other night I met Kraken and just ran below deck. Didn't attack her at all. Just hid with my wood planks, repaired the damage she did, and eventually I sailed out of the ink and she disappeared. Takes her a while, but eventually she gives up and leaves you alone. Just make sure you have lots of wood and are ready to bale.

    Didn't shoot at her once. Yes, I'm a solo slooper.

  • @reavermachete50 said in A Counter to Complainers:

    Alright, a lot of the feedback forum is filled with complaints about things being too hard, or having a bad experience in the game, or just thinking that it's unfair.

    As a solo slooper, I honestly don't see why.

    I'm a solo slooper a lot of the time and while I take it in stride when attacked and chased down by a well organized 4 man galleon, it's really disheartening when you also get a Meg after you when it ignores the attacking ship. Insult to injury.


    The Kraken is a tough fight, it halts you in your tracks and forces you to face off against a beast to protect your loot long enough for you to escape.

    This is up and down for me. I've had kraken fights that were super easy and single handedly welcomed the fight. But then one time after fighting a galleon for a fort (and winning) I sailed to the next island over to turn in and the kraken schooled me. When you immediately get sucked up and you can do nothing but watch the tentacle crush your boat it makes you angry. Then when you sink and mermaid back to the the new ship and sail back to the loot and all but your merchant loot sinks you get very angry. Why this bug is still a thing I don't know but chests and skulls sink WAAY too fast.

    Skeleton Ships

    The ambush you on the open seas and make you fear for your haul, you need to test your ship skills in order to survive. People's complaints on this one is that if a Skelly Galleon spawns next to you, you may as well scuttle your ship because you can't win if you're in a lesser ship.

    These I usually hunt and I find the difficulty is perfect for a single ship. Your encounter varies greatly based on the CCB they fire however.

    Other Crews

    This one, hoo boy people hate this one... Other ships that are bigger than yours come to steal your loot. You're a small sloop and a Galleon rocks up ready to take everything you've earned.
    You can move your loot to a rowboat and set your ship off in the other direction, you can store your loot on the island, you can even load your ship up with explosives and do a suicide run.

    I would love the option to do this but solo play means only one connection to the server and you can easily be almondbearded or server merged away from your loot. It has happened so much to me that stashing on an island (while perfect from a lore perspective) just isn't viable with the fickleness of the servers.

  • Careful with these threads.
    I like the dialogue, but I disagree with your premise.

    This is a feedback forum. People are allowed to share their experiences good or bad whether you disagree with them or not. Sometimes those people offer good suggestions or alternatives. Sometimes they just give feedback. It is okay.

    Just your title seems like you want to bash people that you disagree with.

  • i have been taken by the kraken tons of times, loosing all we had onboard

    i love the way that you allways have to be on your guard for things can happen to you in a blink of an eye. The timing some times is realy bad, maby stright after or under a other encounter

    My navigation at sea depends on what ship i have, allways trying to have an ability to use the advance eatch ships gives me, im not good at the game but im allways trying to give myself or my crew the best chans for sucsess

    BUT the kraken!? i both love and hate it, but a pirate game without a kraken aint a pirate game at all, to be honest the kraken would actuly be a creature that will cleave a galleon without a problem and without any warning.

    Its intresting to read other players oppinioon on the enemies and sometimes i both agree as i disagree!

  • @reavermachete50 Yep, 90 percent solo slooper here and I had some treasure onboard because the port was being used. So off to my next voyage in the wheel and sure enough skellie ship decided to battle and a long battle it was shooting, patching, bailing, repeat until I needed to change direction to avoid the rocks and still don't know how but side stepped right off the sloop. And of course the pirate ship sank at the exact same time my sloop did. Yep, spawned across the map and logged out shaking my head but would not change it for anything.
    Takes practice but worth it.

  • @lord-szarvas This is a feedback forum. This is feedback. If we don't tell rare what we enjoy, then it will be removed, don't you think? :)

    We can't let all the feedback be negative especially when a bunch of people really enjoy how the game works, and these are all the reasons why Rare should keep things as they are and why they shouldn't listen to complaints about difficulty.

  • I also like the keeping on your toes, and agree that the game needs more variety than hours spent toiling on a ship, but in terms of solo play, I do think it's to difficult. Sure some would charmingly say "git gud" and I'm sure there's some stellar sloopers out there, but I have spent way too many play sessions where I've worked hours at a long voyage, only to end with nothing to show for it but dissatisfaction with the game. And I'm not talking about a player steals your loot or you have the misfortune of one encounter going badly. Sometimes, I didn't even get loot, I just lost ships, trying to keep the balancing act of soloing even a small ship. Sometimes I get some of the loot, but it takes so long that I don't finish the multistep journey (Limping through the devil's roar with no wood, alternating between bailing and steering is exciting sometimes, but not everytime - I swear those volcanoes aim at my ship) Most encounters, I'm not fighting, just surviving, so I rarely get to accomplish some of those grand things like slaying a kraken. I just survive krakens, or look wistfully at a ruby mermaid statue and wonder if it would be worth trying to find another crew who won't attack me on sight (not hating on the pvp there, just illustrating), or watch my ship sink because I died to a stray cannonball or volcanic rock with no one to make repairs, and respawned just too late.
    Some things you can do, and I have, but it's disheartening to have spent much of your time single-handedly clearing a fort only to have the server disconnect or a skilled galleon crew show up and reap your rewards.
    True, it's not impossible, it just feels like soloing gives you a lesser experience, which is a shame, because soloing can be fun.
    Lastly, unrelated observations on skeleton difficulty, not super hard, depending on the situation, you can usually get creative but those gun toting ones; deadshots, every one, fighting them head on solo, is more like standing in front of a firing line, that is of your were hiding behind rocks, and the firing line all makes that perfect shot through that little gap XD

  • @asa-bladerover Aye, I agree to that. Though I've had a calm time in the Devil's Roar. If you think you can manage, go for a galleon next time (yes, solo. I know, I'm crazy but it works).
    Rocks from volcanoes almost never hit the lower deck, so you can go for an hour or so being bombarded by rocks without having to repair (though you should wish very hard that there's not a skelly ship with a ballast ball nearby).

    As to the kraken... I'm still grumpy about it, so think about it a lot. I don't mind hard encounters. I've finished Dark Souls 1 and have taken on Ornstein and Smaugh somewhere around 100 times, losing again and again. I don't mind that. Because I knew I was not good enough and that it is possible to defeat them, if I just get my timing that tiny bit better.
    I don't have that with the kraken at all. I keep dying and sinking and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong or how to improve. I am already repairing and bailing as fast as I can without doing anything else and I make water fast.

    Maybe I've just gotten unlucky. There are people who think the kraken is easy, but that skeleton ships are impossible. Experiences vary.

    All I know is that if I'm going to play SoT again (as soon as I regained my motivation), I will be doing DR quests. I have not yet seen the kraken there. If it shows up there too with regular frequency, I think I will quit. There are plenty of more enjoyable games out there.

  • @silentrich69 Firstly, they are easy enough to kill solo if you know how to perform hit and run tactics and not take full on broadsides.

    Secondly, the game isn't designed to be played solo, the sheer fact that solo sloopers have a fighting chance means it's balanced enough to make sure ALL players have a good time, there's no need to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

  • I think I love you @ReaverMachete50

  • Too many people jump on the forums to whinge instead of figuring out how to get around the problem. Almost all of the time whatever they're whinging about is a non issue that could be solved with little to no effort. Keep your eyes open and your pistol loaded and you'd be surprised how many of your problems are now solved. The Meg backs off at any island, Skelly ships crash into rocks constantly, the Kraken can be shot with a gun whilst below decks in a sloop, and other crews can always be avoided if you watch out for them.

  • just one thing let me feel that isnt designed for solo players its oos missions,its not fun when 4 with pistols shot at you at the same time ,and a second later u got snipert ,snipers are so annoying.

  • Soloist my self majority of the time. I’m fine with the AI spawn rates. Definitely a lot of action right now. I’m sure they will be dialed back like everything does after a month or so of the current bilge rat event.

  • @ottersteeth Interesting idea about soloing a galleon in DR. I mean I know it's possible, half the time finding a crew of people you don't know, yet, means pretty much doing that anyways XD. Just to let you know, though, Krakens do come up in DR.

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