(Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes

    Private servers/PvE servers
    No, we don't need private servers. This is a ONLINE GAME. Look at his description:

    "Whether adventuring as a group or sailing solo, you'll encounter other crews... but will they be friends or foes, and how will you respond?" - Link HERE

    If you still do not understand this, I suggest you stop reading. Again, this is a ONLINE GAME, shared world.

    Sloop only servers
    You play solo because you want. This is the "hard mode". Stop crying and call some friends to play. Sloops also have advantage, they're faster against the wind, easier to sail. Its size makes it harder to hit and can go in places that galleons can't. Also, with some strategy, you can kill a Kraken, Skelly ship or Meg. Sloops can be powerful in a good player hands.

    They are Spawn Killing me!
    You know you can do it too? You know you can run away from your boat, go back and kill them? You know you can just sink your ship and spawn in other place? You can defend yourself. This is a pirate game, be a pirate too!

    A ship came and sank me!
    I don't even have anything on my ship. We have no way of know if you have anything. The only way to know is to sink you or get on your boat. The option to get close to the players and say "Give me your treasure and do not sink you" is not the best way, and does not work, I know players who tried. If you fight back, this will not happen. Or you can just run away. Your choice.

    They just keep hunting me!
    You can go to another server. You can use some strategy to avoid them. You can fight back. You can use some gunpowders to make them stop. You can do lot of things. Again: You can defend yourself. This is a pirate game, be a pirate too!

    I hate Pirate Legends! They will not let me play! They're just attacking me!
    I decided to put this for a simple reason, many people appear here complaining about the legends.
    Do you know the difference between Legendary and newbie players? Experience (and sometimes not even that ...). They are players like any other, they need gold like any other, they will attack you to steal your gold, and they will not always know if you have something before you attack. But new players do that, too. There are really cool legends, guys who taught me a lot, you just have to give it a try. Behind the character, they are real personal.
    But the point is not this. If someone is attacking you, solve it! You can do a lot: escape, attack back, sink your own ship, change servers. But stop, please stop blaming the legends, PC Players or even the Lag for their lack of skill.

    Pirate Legends can be great tutors if you deserve it.

    The only advantage of those who play on the PC is the use of macros. Hackers? No, they do not enter into this topic.
    I play on the Xbox, I played on the PC. Stop asking to remove or optional crossplay. Like hackers, anyone who uses macros is not a real player. Who needs macros to be a good player, will never be a real good player. It's the same as the guy who was the first to be a Pirate Legend, he did not do it with his own effort, he did using alternative means. Do not be this kind of person. If you play on the Xbox and someone on the PC has sunk you, you just need more pratice.

    Spawn rate
    You've spent months complaining about the lack of content. Now that we have a lot going on, they complain that every time a new enemy appears to get in the way. How about deciding once and for all what the hell do you want? Things are good as they are, they could only increase Shrouded Ghost's spawn rate by 100x.

    Double Gun
    Did you know that it's possible to do this on Xbox too? This is not an advantage of the PC. Go pratice. Then you come back and give me the feedback.

    Bring back Temporary Cosmetics - @Lt-Swag-Johnson idea
    I lost some items because my pc was broken. Then, I bought an Xbox and played since Cursed Sails.
    One of the things that this game brings of incentive to the players are the season's exclusive items. These items cause players to replay, populating servers again. Many games work this way, and this makes each player (and his account) unique. I was really sad to have lost some, but at the same time, I believe that if I lost, I'm the only one to blame. Maybe giving the items in Mixer streams, prizes, contests, etc. could be a good solution, so whoever lost can get a second chance to got, but definitely, put the item for sale in the game or even microtransactions, please, no. This will take away the essence of the game and the exclusivity of those who work hard to get such items.

    Buy/save supplies
    Save supplies? Buy supplies? No. That's definitively will unbalance the game.
    Just imagine. You just sink an enemy that attacked you while you made a fort, they were A10, they bought everything from the game, they have money to spare. You're just a novice learning how to play. Less than 10 minutes later they come back, 1000 cannon balls, 1000 bananas and 1000 wood planks. They can buy, they have money to spare. What would your chances be? This game is fair for both an A10 and a newbie. This way it would not be.

    Hiding mermaids
    This is not a ninja game. The mermaid does not limit anything, it only makes things difficult to campers, but nothing that a good player cannot solve. The chance to see the mermaid is the same as seeing the player coming toward the ship.

  • 294
  • The game needs more players like you, OP.
    Have my sympaty and my like on your post.

  • Why would you be against PvE servers? It wouldn't bother you one bit, if you don't like it don't play on them. Or are you afraid you'll only end up against other try hard crews?

    I have times I don't mind being chased, sunk or battled at every corner of the map.
    But other times I do just want to do voyages and explore without hell raining down on me.

    I don't mind crossplay, spawn changes and double gun. But your PvP arguments are just based from your point of view. As it stands now, if I only have an hour I can play it's not even woth booting up the game, because 90% of the time I'll end up in PvP wether or not I want that.

  • @eph1zul disse em Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    Why would you be against PvE servers?

    I'm not against PvE servers. I'm against the community asking for changes that go against the game proposal.
    This is like going to the Fortnite (Battleroyale) developers asking a gun removal or a private server. This is like going to Dark Souls developers asking for a easier game.

    I have times I don't mind being chased, sunk or battled at every corner of the map.
    But other times I do just want to do voyages and explore without hell raining down on me.

    Me too, and when any player come to sunk me, i run. Or, i go play another game.

    I don't mind crossplay, spawn changes and double gun. But your PvP arguments are just based from your point of view. As it stands now, if I only have an hour I can play it's not even woth booting up the game, because 90% of the time I'll end up in PvP wether or not I want that.

    Again, this is not a PvE game. This is a ONLINE PvPvE game.

  • @targasbr
    Two types of gamers. Those who dont like to get killed and take it literally and the rest of us who dont mind getting killed. My friend and I never give up and the results are rewarding. Video proof below.

  • @targasbr For me, I can see a reason for private or pve servers. And it has little to do with lack of desire for PvP. If I am not in the mode for PvP, you won't catch me on my brig, or I will simply leave the server before you can catch me. No big deal there. But, I do like to play with my 9 year old son. He lives with his mom and I only get to see him 4 days a month. One thing that helps us connect is SoT. I even bought him an Xbox for Christmas so that he could play with me from his moms house. Even better, my daughter that also lives with her mom just started playing, so I will get a chance to start playing with her as well.

    There have been far too many times when I play with my son that we encounter someone that simply wants to kill us, even if we have no loot, and are toxic in doing so. My son doesn't understand why I have to tell him we need to quit the game and start over when this happens. And don't say this game is not for kids, I know it might have a higher rating, but even Joe Neate said the game was designed for families. And honestly, the cartoonish design behind the game is very appealing to kids. And killing skellies is fun for all ages. So I would very much be in support of private or PvE only servers. I don't care about progression as I am PLA10, but I do care about getting any extra time I can with my son.

    Also, I play both PC and XBox, and there is most definitely an advantage in many areas for PC over XBox. Even if you don't use macros, which I am thankful that you do not, your aiming is much more accurate and fast on PC than it is in Xbox, even with the new sensitivity settings. Even load times are a ton faster on PC over Xbox, so if you end up KOS, then you can respawn in almost half the time an Xbox player can. This too gives you an advantage.

    Doublegun, whether can be done on both platforms or not, is just stupid, but if that floats your boat, then go for it.

    I agree, they need to increase shrouded ghosts spawn rate. I got to battle it once, and darn thing went away mid battle, despite the fact we were not in range of any rocks or islands.

  • @eph1zul Most people find it refreshin to be in a world with all different shaped and sized pirates. Some like PvP some don't Mind PvP some swear by being just PvE. Having all these different people and all the different reactions on the seas is what makes this game for the most of us.

    It's also a time and money sink to make a PvE server. I'd suggest following Gregg Mayles @Ghoulyboy on twitter. He posts a lot of development info for Sea of Thieves. Here I found a lot of info on the thought process at Rare and it's facinating.
    I bet they have good reasons not to introduce a PvE server and I'll bet you the Arena is their answer for those who just want action and sink people (thus making the waves a little less hostile).

  • @hynieth said in Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    @eph1zul Most people find it refreshin to be in a world with all different shaped and sized pirates. Some like PvP some don't Mind PvP some swear by being just PvE. Having all these different people and all the different reactions on the seas is what makes this game for the most of us.

    It's also a time and money sink to make a PvE server. I'd suggest following Gregg Mayles @Ghoulyboy on twitter. He posts a lot of development info for Sea of Thieves. Here I found a lot of info on the thought process at Rare and it's facinating.
    I bet they have good reasons not to introduce a PvE server and I'll bet you the Arena is their answer for those who just want action and sink people (thus making the waves a little less hostile).

    Good point...

  • @evilchewzilla I think no one like to be killed, but this is part of the game proposal. BTW, great battle!

    @nofears-fun I play with my 7 years old girl too. And I'm not against private servers, I'm against the community asking for changes that go against the game proposal. It would be spending too much time creating something that is not useful to most players. We have several ways to avoid PvP players. When i was a kid, I played Battletoads, Contra, lot of hard games, the new generation can do it too. And, we can aim fast in a PC, but we can adjust sensitivity to aim fast in a Xbox too. I agree with you in the load time, 10 seconds in a PC is a awesome advantage. Doublegun? 10 shoots against 5 + sword, don't think this is unbalanced.

  • @hynieth How exactly would PvE servers be a money sink? The servers are there, all they have to do is allocate people accordingly.

    And I wouldn't mind the so called PvPvE world, if it weren't for the fact that acting like a total maniac has no single downside. You get to play the way you like and nothing punishes you for it, but that doesn't go both ways. So in essence it should just be labeled PvP.

  • @nofears-fun said in Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    Even load times are a ton faster on PC over Xbox, so if you end up KOS, then you can respawn in almost half the time an Xbox player can. This too gives you an advantage.

    Unless the black loading screen after you enter the doorway takes as long as the entire time on the ferry, this is false.

    It might be quicker, and that is highly hardware dependent, but half the time? No way.

  • Although I agree with you on every point, I do not share the title. Who are you to command a stop? All players have the right to comment - even those who don't agree with me.

  • @goedecke-michel I totally agree with you. My intention was not to show myself as the owner of the truth, but just to show that asking for these types of changes goes against the proposal of the game, I also wanted to show arguments showing this. I admit that I made a mistake in this title, but unfortunately, I can not edit for a better understanding.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    @nofears-fun said in Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    Even load times are a ton faster on PC over Xbox, so if you end up KOS, then you can respawn in almost half the time an Xbox player can. This too gives you an advantage.

    Unless the black loading screen after you enter the doorway takes as long as the entire time on the ferry, this is false.

    It might be quicker, and that is highly hardware dependent, but half the time? No way.

    It is up to 40% faster based on speed tests done by many others. I personally upgraded to an external SSD drive on my XB1X and find my load times have increased by roughly 40%. I have not actually timed it, but there is a very big, noticeable difference. My first mate has even asked me how I am able to load in so much faster than she is, it is that dramatic of a difference.

  • @eph1zul I'm not talking about servers themselves.
    It's more a people problem. People cost money. Having an entire team make something no-one was realy asking for is a time sink.

    I've led many projects and have had many users ask for things that they thought they wanted but the project just didn't need. I've even had higher ups force me to go far over budget just to have features coded into systems that were just bad for the system overall. It costs money to have people make things. PvE servers are no different.

    Imagine if you will being at Rare and having lovingly crafted this world where everyone is free to interact with it as they see fit. And then have to destroy it at its core because a select and loud few want it differently?

    It's like those people at work who want an I-Mac in stead of a windows machine because they THINK it's better but none of your software works on Mac-OS.

  • Thanks for posting, @targasbr.

    Could you put Bring back Temporary Cosmetics on the list? I kinda dislike the players who keep begging for a reward that they just weren't around for.

  • @nofears-fun said in Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    @d3adst1ck said in Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    @nofears-fun said in Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    Even load times are a ton faster on PC over Xbox, so if you end up KOS, then you can respawn in almost half the time an Xbox player can. This too gives you an advantage.

    Unless the black loading screen after you enter the doorway takes as long as the entire time on the ferry, this is false.

    It might be quicker, and that is highly hardware dependent, but half the time? No way.

    It is up to 40% faster based on speed tests done by many others. I personally upgraded to an external SSD drive on my XB1X and find my load times have increased by roughly 40%. I have not actually timed it, but there is a very big, noticeable difference. My first mate has even asked me how I am able to load in so much faster than she is, it is that dramatic of a difference.

    Someone will need to make a side by side comparison video so that we can get documented timing on the loading times.

  • @lt-swag-johnson Done!

  • EDIT - I added Buy/save supplies topic too.

  • @nofears-fun and @d3adst1ck There are people who say that after they switched from the Xbox HD to an SSD, they solved the problem. In fact, it depends on hardware. I think they can improve it somehow, maybe preloading things while we're on the ferry or doing it on the game's initial screen. I do not understand game development, so I do not know if this is possible.

  • @targasbr Well my PC uses a mechanical drive @ 7200rpm, but I understand the default drive in the XBox is a cheaper 5400rpm drive - an SSD should be quicker than all of these. The loading times have still varied wildly for me between patches and the changes made in Shrouded Spoils has probably resulted in the quickest ferry load times so far.

  • @d3adst1ck A friend of mine has a PC with SSD, don't know the speed. He can load the game less than 10 seconds. On my Xbox, i can load the game in a minute. In a battle, this also happens.

  • @targasbr said in Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    @eph1zul disse em Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    Why would you be against PvE servers?

    I'm not against PvE servers. I'm against the community asking for changes that go against the game proposal.

    Sorry two words from the mouths of Rare changed all that. The Arena.

    This is not very welcoming and friendly to all members of the community either.

  • @x-crowheart-x disse em Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    @targasbr said in Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    @eph1zul disse em Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    Why would you be against PvE servers?

    I'm not against PvE servers. I'm against the community asking for changes that go against the game proposal.

    Sorry two words from the mouths of Rare changed all that. The Arena.

    Changed? Where?

  • @targasbr said in Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    @x-crowheart-x disse em Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    @targasbr said in Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    @eph1zul disse em Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    Why would you be against PvE servers?

    I'm not against PvE servers. I'm against the community asking for changes that go against the game proposal.

    Sorry two words from the mouths of Rare changed all that. The Arena.

    Changed? Where?

    The original proposal and vision was for one big open sandbox world. That was what was promised and we bought into literally. The Arena is a separate mode of the original proposal condensed down in their own words to a faster, mini version to promote and reward competition in the form of PvP.

    There is no purist ground to stand on. Rare said there would never be modes. Well we are getting two of them soon called Adventure and The Arena. Should never say never unless you have the perseverance to mean it. To not be open to all members of the community would not be fair and would be very hypocritical at this point.

  • I agree ... it makes no sense to separate PVP from PVE, the name of the game itself has the word "THIEVES", that is, it is part of the game being attacked and stolen by another trip when playing a multuplayer, do not keep crying for and it's no good to be insulting the players because they attacked you, this is not forbidden in the game, the game actually induces you to do so if you want to. If you want to become a "Legend of the Seas" then you have to face any danger that appears ahead.

    As for the argument of wanting to play with your child in peace, of course I agree that you have this right, but the game does not have that objective and in an online / multiplayer mode you will hardly have that peace in any game ...

    What perhaps they could do is something really aimed at children's audiences, an offline mode where you would just do basic story missions where you would not hear progression like online and the rewards were also different so that they even avoid contact with players who use the game chat and talk nonsense.

  • @targasbr Totally agree. Being grieved sucks, but you can also find great people that will work with you. If you haven’t yet, than you are exceptionally unlucky, or you have not played enough.

  • @x-crowheart-x disse em Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    Rare said there would never be modes. Well we are getting two of them soon called Adventure and The Arena. Should never say never unless you have the perseverance to mean it. To not be open to all members of the community would not be fair and would be very hypocritical at this point.

    Can u show me where Rare said this?

    Btw, I started researching about what you said and I found this:

    Sea of Thieves description
    "Sea of Thieves is a new type of multiplayer game that delivers all you need to live the free-roaming pirate life. Whether adventuring as a group or sailing solo, you'll encounter other crews... but will they be friends or foes, and how will you respond?"

    Arena mode description
    "Get ready to prove your worth in Sea of Thieves' fifth free content update since launch: The Arena! This competitive game mode is coming to the game in early 2019."

    I really cannot see difference from the original propose.

  • I have to disagree with the original post here. Community feedback has brought many amazing additions to the game. Without community feedback, the game would not be the same. I think calling for a stop to community feedback, whether it is for additions to the game, or subtractions to the game will hinder its further growth.

    When the game first released, all you heard was that it was released far too soon, not enough content to make it fun. But Rare already had tons of feedback from play testing, and had already made designs for further growth. And even after release, they continued to listen to the community, and made changes, even changes they never wanted. Look at skelly ships, they never wanted roaming AI ships in the game. They wanted every ship you encounter to have someone on the other side of the wheel. But, thanks to community feedback, we have one of the best AI encounters in the game now. A feature that I personally love. And there are many others that go along with this.

  • @targasbr

    Hey dude.

    Though I commend your arguments and points. It is well written and has good ideas. I agree with most of them. Though the entire premise of the thread is breaking the spirit of what feedback is.

    Just because you may disagree with someone's points (because I have seen some ideas I don't agree with on the forums) then you can address that in their feedback thread and state your opinion.

    Feedback is simply feedback. It will be up to Rare to make the decisions and changes. And some of the feedback has been addressed so far too certain degrees. So, we don't want to necessarily alienate people on the forums. I get what you're saying but bad form jack!

  • @nofears-fun Totally agree with you, but, like I said before, sometimes the community don't understand exactly the proposal of something.

    Imagine that Pokemon is this way. In the beginning, the community will want to put more than 4 attacks per pokemon. Okay, nice, it might be unbalanced, but we can do it. The community begins to complain that there are people who train more than others. Okay, let's remove the level of the Pokemon. The community complains that some pokemons are unique and hard to catch. Okay, let's remove the difficulty. The community complains that it is wrong to put the Pokémon to fight. Okay, let's remove the fight. The community asks us to take care of the Pokémon as domestic animals. Ok, now we no longer have a Pokemon game, we have a Tamagochi with a few hundred little monsters to care for. This takes months of development.

    This could happen on Sea of Thieves. This is a PIRATE game, not a navigator game, not a explorer game. I've seen players asking for autorunner, vikings, machineguns, parachutes...

    instead of trying to totally change a game, maybe the solution is to go play another game. I do not particularly like soccer games, and I don't go ask for mechanics that make players fight among themselves or even mechanics that remove the opposing team so that I can score goals.

  • @lord-szarvas Like i said here

    @targasbr disse em Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    @goedecke-michel I totally agree with you. My intention was not to show myself as the owner of the truth, but just to show that asking for these types of changes goes against the proposal of the game, I also wanted to show arguments showing this. I admit that I made a mistake in this title, but unfortunately, I can not edit for a better understanding.

    I apologize if I made the wrong impression, my idea was to have feedback and show that many things requested do not make sense in the game proposal.

  • @jet-fire-diego said in Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    I agree ... it makes no sense to separate PVP from PVE, the name of the game itself has the word "THIEVES", that is, it is part of the game being attacked and stolen by another trip when playing a multuplayer, do not keep crying for and it's no good to be insulting the players because they attacked you, this is not forbidden in the game, the game actually induces you to do so if you want to. If you want to become a "Legend of the Seas" then you have to face any danger that appears ahead.

    As for the argument of wanting to play with your child in peace, of course I agree that you have this right, but the game does not have that objective and in an online / multiplayer mode you will hardly have that peace in any game ...

    What perhaps they could do is something really aimed at children's audiences, an offline mode where you would just do basic story missions where you would not hear progression like online and the rewards were also different so that they even avoid contact with players who use the game chat and talk nonsense.

    Actually it is for him playing with his child. Rare recently accepted one of the few awards they received and it was for best family/social game that Joe Neate graciously accepted. Joe Neate himself has passionately stated many times that this game was intended for all types of players and especially families. He even specifically spoke about parents teaching their kids about sailing and how things worked as they played together.

    Many times Joe has said in numerous talks and speeches that the vision was absolutely not all about killing other players all the time. He specifically said it was more a game were players of all ages and differences could come together to be social and roleplay their pirate fantasies and tell their pirate stories. Rather it be by themselves or at times with others.

    So, the problem is the true vision has been commandeered by the part of the community that wants what Joe said the game was the least the most. He also just said in his most recent video that it was time for the community to revisit the Pirate Code.

    The nonsense that we are pirates and not care bears or this is not the “Sea of Friends” is what truly needs to stop. This original post only promotes and echoes what is not the true vision of the game and the way we all shall be as a community. Sailing on the Sea of Thieves should be uniting all of us despite how we want to play it or how Rare may give us options to play it the way each of us want and love best about it.

    I love and stand behind the true vision that was first proposed, that Joe can talk very passionately about, that we have been playing up to now. Hopefully we will always we able to find it in the adventure mode. If the vision worked the way Rare originally intended we all would find what we want there. The community just has not sailed along in that direction as much as it should. So, if Rare is giving us The Arena for some who want to look for more of what they want in one type of mode, I have nothing against another. It would only be fair.

  • @targasbr good point now the double gun does not need to be removed players can use it if they want to but they need to make the animation longer because what I have seen is that they fire a second bullet without taking the other gun it's an animation issue or maybe something else also you can do the same thing with a cutlass and a gun so it's not just a double gun thing issue they need to fix the animation for swapping weapons

  • @targasbr said in Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    This could happen on Sea of Thieves. This is a PIRATE game, not a navigator game, not a explorer game. I've seen players asking for autorunner, vikings, machineguns, parachutes...

    instead of trying to totally change a game, maybe the solution is to go play another game. I do not particularly like soccer games, and I don't go ask for mechanics that make players fight among themselves or even mechanics that remove the opposing team so that I can score goals.

    Don't forget the all important submarine that was suggested a while back. LOL. I know what you are saying, to be honest though, I would not mind some of the above changes. But as I said, for different reasons than some might want them.

    As for soccer, man having hacky sack available while on long voyages would be awesome, great suggestion matey. :)

    And yes, I would want to teach my kid good sportsmanship and all that while playing. But a private server, maybe not even PvE only, but age appropriate, or family friendly, I would be all for that. Yes, you can mute other crews, but what fun is that? Plus, I have sadly had some occasions where thankfully my son was in the same room as me when someone sent him a toxic message in xbox after sinking our ship.

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