Toggle option for torn sails

  • I can't be the only one who thinks this is a good idea? Instead of having the wear and damage of every sail in the game being predetermined let players instead toggle between a few different options of wear/damage when equipping their owned sails. This would be a nice little touch of customization for players trying to achieve a certain look hindered by unwanted (or lack of) rips and tears. Below is my idea of how the toggle could work with in-game examples:

    Undamaged Sails (default sails) - completely undamaged
    alt text
    Ripped Sails (bone crusher sails) - a few holes and tears
    alt text
    Worn Sails (wailing barnacle sails) - worn around the edges
    alt text
    Torn Sails (kraken sails) - large rips, tears and holes
    alt text

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  • On one hand I'd say that'd be nice! Yeah I'd love some worn seadog sails or set my sails to match my ship more. (full of holes)
    On the other hand the sails as they currently are are a design choise made by someone who poured his heart into it.
    The Kraken sails look awesome torn and it would lose that feeling when they were just pristine sails. The Admirals sails would lose some of it's status if they were torn because they were meant to be top of the line well kept sails.

    So I'm in the middle on this.

    Good Idea tho :-)

  • I wish sail damage was an actual mechanic in the game though, something that has an impact on the game. Imagine if each level of damage slowed the ship by a percentage, and you had a fabric resource that you could use to repair it?

  • @bloodybil

    Yip... I have similar thoughts on Sail damage.
    Maybe "Chain-Shot" is coming? ( to cause all that sail damage ).
    The cut-outs at the front of vessels are for something... probably harpoons of some description. I liking the idea of a "fabric" resource, for repairs on the fly.

    Another thought... & I really wish they would put this into the game.


    I wish there was a more practical use for them, whether it be repairing the look of your vessel (ie. remove battle scars, I rather like them myself, but would like the option). Being able to use them to swap vessels should your friends wish to jump on board in game ( ie 3 man brig.. to 4 man Galleon) without starting a new instance of the game. Any repairs to sails on the fly by us would look patch-worked, the shipwright could then for a small fee make them pristine again.

    Just a few thoughts...

  • @bloodybil

    Of course if sail damage is introduced.
    We have plenty of "fabric" just sitting up in the crows nest.

    Sail repair on the fly..... :)

  • @piratecraggy said in Toggle option for torn sails:


    Of course if sail damage is introduced.
    We have plenty of "fabric" just sitting up in the crows nest.

    Sail repair on the fly..... :)

    Hehe we do!

    Ever since the addition of cursed cannonballs that added an alternative type of ammo, I always wondered if we would ever have alternatives for bananas (hopefully with potential upcoming cooking feature, we will) and an alternative repair material to planks. I think the changes to the barrel system was exactly planned with resources of all kinds in mind.

  • I prefer sails taking damage in a fight. The more hits they get, the more damage they take, the slower is the ship. At any outpost, you could buy new sails.
    Would add a little bit of realism to the battles at sea.

  • @goedecke-michel said in Toggle option for torn sails:

    I prefer sails taking damage in a fight. The more hits they get, the more damage they take, the slower is the ship. At any outpost, you could buy new sails.
    Would add a little bit of realism to the battles at sea.

    Gunpowder in the crow's nest would become a double edged-sword, if you get sniped, your sails are torn to shred.

    Never made sense to me that the mast and sails were indestructible.

  • @bloodybil Would be great to have this.

  • @oceanmann7

    An option like that would be fine for a custom cosmetic creator, but the sails we have are designed to look the way they are. The Bone Crusher sails have been through many battles, and are torn from stray gunfire. The kraken sails have withstood attacks from the beast, and have been pulled at and hit. The sails of the Wailing Barnacle have been resting on the seabed for years.

    As for the other things here, a fabric resource is probably already coming.


    The cutouts at the front are most likely for rail-mounted weapons, such as smaller cannons capable of firing harpoons, lighter cannonballs, chainshot, grapeshot, and anything else you could shove down the barrel.

  • @goedecke-michel Chase cannons with grapeshot or chain shots like @PirateCraggy mentioned would be great timing with the new potential cannon slots we are getting at the front of ships.

    Maybe I'm being a bit overly hopeful but it would be great if next update brought 3 new resources ( 1 of each type):

    • Cooked food
    • Grapeshot cannon ammo to damage sails
    • Fabric for sails repair
  • @oceanmann7 yep, a great idea, pay loads of gold for ripped wares! I think not sir.

    I've delivered enough luxury cloth!, fix the sails rare.

  • I want the same sails as skellyboats for me bonecrusher set :D

  • @ultmateragnarok I understand what you are getting at with the sails being designed to tell a story, but with more customization (even little things like sail damage) it lets players make their own story.

  • @OceanMann7

    Yes, but maybe save that for making a full custom sail set rather than ruining the look of current ones.

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