I do the work as your sales rep, and you reward someone else? (Mercenary Set)

  • EDIT2: Items added into the store, I like the pistol and jacket best, thanks Rare.

    EDIT: As of the Feb 20th Weekly Dev Update Rare has said that all players will be able to obtain this clothing set some time in the next month or so

    So let me get this straight.

    I'm the one who buys the game.
    I'm the one who signs up for your insider program.
    I'm the one who hounds a few friends to try a new game.
    I'm the one who takes the time to play with those friends and show them the game how to play and how fun it is.
    I'm the one who talks to them about buying the game, and likely one or two of them will get the game or game pass.

    And I'm not the one who gets the reward that you didn't even talk about until it was too late for me to get?

    Really cool guys, I feel like I was treated fairly here /s

    This is the kinda stuff that will push me away from a game, keep playing your cards this way, I'd enjoy the extra free time.

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  • @eatingctrlv New players are rewarded for buying the game. Rare already has your money so doesn't need to offer you a reward.

  • @edzedd said in I do the work as your sales rep, and you reward someone else? (Mercenary Set):

    @eatingctrlv New players are rewarded for buying the game. Rare already has your money so doesn't need to offer you a reward.

    "Rare already has your money"

    Yah, that's exactly what it feels like.

  • I feel for you but you could look at it like the reward is having friends you k ow to play with a haha.

    I'm sorry I know that doesn't help.

  • WHAAAT!!! i didnt know about this mercenary outfit. i gave my codes away and played with friends...and u saying i'm not getting it. thats a load

  • The page talks about the rewards and duke having them for completeing a merc voyage, it's 50 dubs for all of those whom complete their first merc voyage, it is a reward mainly aimmed at new players, they complete the new tutorial for 5 dubs, pay the first merc voyage and get the 50 coins, which is exactly enough for the ship customs.

    also, duke still has the items. the friends for free event ended, but duke still has his wares for awhile longer to make sure that everyone could get them.

  • @puppetpurple said in I do the work as your sales rep, and you reward someone else? (Mercenary Set):

    The page talks about the rewards and duke having them for completeing a merc voyage, it's 50 dubs for all of those whom complete their first merc voyage, it is a reward mainly aimmed at new players, they complete the new tutorial for 5 dubs, pay the first merc voyage and get the 50 coins, which is exactly enough for the ship customs.

    also, duke still has the items. the friends for free event ended, but duke still has his wares for awhile longer to make sure that everyone could get them.

    also, to wrap up, rare really isn't responcible you read deep enough in the page for the codes, but apparently just skipped right by the mention that the rewards are still available pass the 15th and the general fact the rewards were available for veteran players as well. AND THE BIGGEST THING, HOW DID YOU MISS DUKE JUST SPRAWLED OUT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE TAVERN JUST ALL "LOOK AT MY SWAG"

  • Please see my comment on the subject dude @EatingCtrlV I feel for you

  • @puppetpurple said in I do the work as your sales rep, and you reward someone else? (Mercenary Set):

    @puppetpurple said in I do the work as your sales rep, and you reward someone else? (Mercenary Set):

    The page talks about the rewards and duke having them for completeing a merc voyage, it's 50 dubs for all of those whom complete their first merc voyage, it is a reward mainly aimmed at new players, they complete the new tutorial for 5 dubs, pay the first merc voyage and get the 50 coins, which is exactly enough for the ship customs.

    also, duke still has the items. the friends for free event ended, but duke still has his wares for awhile longer to make sure that everyone could get them.

    also, to wrap up, rare really isn't responcible you read deep enough in the page for the codes, but apparently just skipped right by the mention that the rewards are still available pass the 15th and the general fact the rewards were available for veteran players as well. AND THE BIGGEST THING, HOW DID YOU MISS DUKE JUST SPRAWLED OUT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE TAVERN JUST ALL "LOOK AT MY SWAG"

    Buddy, you don't understand, it's not the timed ship items, obviously I got those, and so did the guy I primarily played with.

    The issues is that AFTER the event ended, they added ANOTHER exclusive item that I could have gotten if I had used a code on my own account.
    This is the Mercenary clothing set.

    How you missed this is totally beyond me.

  • @eatingctrlv You do understand this isn't even the first time it's been open to buy right? there have been several xbox live offers that give the merc set.

  • @eatingctrlv the only new thing is the ship livery. the clothing set, has been out in deals over 4-5 times though xbox live offers

  • @Puppetpurple far as i know the only ones Ive seen was the ONE TIME where you purchase Xbox Gold for three months thats it.

  • @puppetpurple

    lol you had no idea what we were talking about and got called out for making a comment that was unrealated to the thread.

    and now you panic with a deflection

    "but but but it was available at another time"

    Noted, but your comment remains pointless.
    And my issue remains.

  • @filibustersg it had like two offers buying a pack of time, and another like 10months ago for buying a 1TB hard drive, similar to the graphics card or whatever that was sea of thieves' themed that gave the blunder blackdog around when the game launched.

  • @eatingctrlv it wasn't a panic deflection, i seriously thought you were just too silly to read the page about the livery.

    if you're complaining about a clothing set they're giving to new players that was available several other times though offers, i don't get the point, why also do you say "use the code on my account" you couldn't use the code, it gave temp ownership of the game and they only get the e-mail after buying the game after using the code for the weekend, were you planning to actually buy the game over again for a clothing set?

  • @puppetpurple

    You keep posting, and you keep getting things wrong.

    There's many people on reddit that claimed a code against their own account and did in fact get the set.
    This loop hole was closed about an hour before I posted.

    I assume you'll be responding again since you seem like you just can't not have the last word?
    I'm going to ignore your response, I didn't come here to teach a lesson, I came to post that I am frustrated with an extremely poorly executed reward for an event that I put a decent amount of effort into.

  • @eatingctrlv im sorry that rare gave us a great event and you cant help but cry over a clothing set you didn't get because you didn't get the chance to exploit something before rare closed it.

  • wait so what happened? what reward did they give new players? and how did the new players get the rewards?

  • @puppetpurple but we already bought the game. kinda sucks that now you can buy the game and get this cool free clothing set. I would have loved this free clothing set, I bought the game why dont I get it. why do these new people get free stuff that I didnt get

  • @filibustersg exactly also was before game even launched and most of us who play Xbox Live buy it for 12 months at a time not 3. Who buys 3 months of Xbox Live besides kids under 9 or those without employment I assume.

    this is ridiculous

  • Yeah you mention push me away from the game as I am grinding sailing 1000 miles on Athena quests for a kinda okay Capstan cosmetic. Literally spend 25+ hours or more just sailing for one cosmetic.

    I was all into the Commendation grind recently but this kind of stuff really makes me MAD! Don't they understand that rare cosmetics is the only real reward in game? Don't screw us long time veterans who gave out codes Rare. Please.

  • I'm upset to hear about this - nowhere did I see, or hear, anything about a reward for inviting friends after the event ended. To not really advertise it very well and to only offer it for such a short duration? I've been trying to unlock that clothing set forever, and you mean to tell me that I missed another opprtunity!? That's like a kick to the face! The irony was that I was on SoT today, but it was on the Pioneer test build, helping make their game better... Why not just send free codes via email to anyone who successfully recruited new pirates? That would have been far easier!

  • very disapointing to hear about this, sounds really stupid to me and I cant believe they would do something like this.

  • Just Rare falling on their face and driving away their player base like normal.

  • I've tried to join the Insider program for months and I've never received an email. Ugh.

  • @eatingctrlv SoT isn't nearly as populated enough to be treating their core players this way. Its like, they totally got fat during the couple months this game was popular before throwing it all away with optional crossplay.

  • @dragnonhd Rare does seem to change their minds a lot.
    They went from "Crossplay will never be optional, EVER!" to "It's coming soon". "There will NEVER be Game Modes" to "Welcome to the Arena". And for a company that has no tolerance for swearing and rudeness, they sure do seem to bring those things out of people with their poorly thoughtout actions.

    How could they not realise that, doing this latest fiasco would make people angry?
    It's like they aren't even thinking when they do stuff like this.

  • @sailorkek My friends played the game when I invided them but are not willing to buy it because of the extraordinary pricing, they would pay 30€ not more for a one year old game.

    So I get nothing, not a set for trying to convince them nor a new crew and with the new optional crossplay im scared that I don't find anyone to play on PC with.

  • @danish-crusader said in I do the work as your sales rep, and you reward someone else? (Mercenary Set):

    @dragnonhd Rare does seem to change their minds a lot.
    They went from "Crossplay will never be optional, EVER!" to "It's coming soon". "There will NEVER be Game Modes" to "Welcome to the Arena". And for a company that has no tolerance for swearing and rudeness, they sure do seem to bring those things out of people with their poorly thoughtout actions.

    How could they not realise that, doing this latest fiasco would make people angry?
    It's like they aren't even thinking when they do stuff like this.

    They are trying to please everybody and in the process are pleasing nobody.

  • @eatingctrlv

    What rewards are you talking about? Is this about the mercenary ship parts or is there another reward that I didn’t get because I already have this game?

  • @coffeelight5545

    Yah the Mercenary Clothing set (https://i.redd.it/54l5jjrt0vg21.jpg) seems to be given out to anyone who you gave a key to if they buy the game, not you as well, just them.

    Also you could an extra key on yourself, but only a lucky few people got to do that.

    I understand canceling the codes as I'm sure rare doesn't want a ton of codes floating around being sold on the secondary market, but the fact that it even worked a ton of people got these things for no effort at all without even inviting a friend is pretty lame.

    Even if my friend gets the game, I get nothing even though I'm the one that sold the damn game.

  • @barnacle-remson wait for a sale. I got SoT for £25 after being on the game pass for half a year.

  • Someone's gotta see this. We definitely aren't just flapping our gums about this baloney for our health.

    And I agree, Im Athena Level 10, PL, Got 2.8 M in gold, I got up at 3am EST to complete the Sandman's Revenge Cursed Skeleton Crew commendation because thats the only time it could be available for me. I Spent three hours fighting the megalodon when it premiered in the Hungering Deep, and I have been part of the process since the Alpha.

    I did my time, but I still come back because of how this game is an escape for me. But the fact that the mercenary pack has caused this much commotion, I do hope someone gives us a solid answer in regard to it.

  • @filibustersg Reddit is going crazy over this, every other topic on there right now is about this.
    So Rare knows we are unhappy, but will they do anything about it? Or even respond? We just have to wait and see.
    I do not envy being Neate right now, the amount of hate he must be getting on Twitter right now must be immense.
    Even if he had nothing to do with it, he is the face of the game pretty much, so I bet a lot of people will vent their frustrations his way.

  • Heres the funnier part: The Mercenary pack they launched for Friends Play Free, versus the one that was launched with Xbox Gold 3 months, DIFFERENT EYEPATCH. @Danish-Crusader

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