Are you happy now with your gold curse and wear it or not?

  • I think all who liked their original gold curse are now disappinted as hell.
    It may be even uglier to you than before and you dont want to equip it anymore.
    If not tell us.

    If you were one of those who were unhappy and disappointed please tell us if the new standard curse pleases you way more and if you like to equip it now.

    My guess is, most of those who disliked theirs dislike the standard curse too and wont wear it.
    All who got a unique curse and were happy also wont wear a standard curse what is more ugly than what they got before.

    But maybe i'm wrong and many more who were disappointed to it are happy now.

    If that's the truth i refuse to equip mine and apreciate this standard one to all who are happy equippng it now.

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  • @bugaboo-bill nope it should have been unique from the beginning everyone's was different and it made it interesting but since this is the Soviet Union everyone gets the same hand out.

  • @bugaboo-bill give us our old curses back. Don’t cater to casuals. What’s up with wanting everyone to be the same? Cmon now 😪

  • @hipsterocelot said in Are you happy now with your gold curse and wear it or not?:

    @bugaboo-bill give us our old curses back. Don’t cater to casuals. What’s up with wanting everyone to be the same? Cmon now 😪

    What does this have to do with casuals ?

    In this case nothing, i find it sad that evryone looks the same now but i get the point that ALOT of people had issue with after grinding out all those tales 5 times and only getting 0.1% of your body covered with gold...

    The change they made was too much, they shpuld have set a percentage of gold coverage and then a random alocation of how the gold was placed for each pirate.

    That way everyone has the same amount of gold but no one is the same

  • The New Update seemed to have flipped the issue. Everyone who were satisfied with their Gold Curse before now feel cheated out of what they've worked for while, at the sametime, those who had terrible rolls with their curse feel rewarded. It's the same issue as before, just different voices fighting it.

    What Rare should have done is upgrade the Curses with little to no pattern on them. Every Gold Curse should have the same percentage of gold just in different places. If I was to make a recommendation to what Rare should do is to leave this current Gold Course as a "temporary patch" while they upgrade the horrible rolls from before then release them in the following update; or even at the very least give this current curse to the ones with bad rolls and return our other rolls to their rightful owners

  • @simmonszore Yes this would have been so much better!

  • @bugaboo-bill

    I love the new design and will wear it because it is much better than the awful RNG based design I originally got.

    But I also think Rare should provide options for players to pick between the existing NPC gold hoarder presets.

  • @Musicmee

    This is in no way the same topic as the other one!
    this one is to ask people if they are happy now with the standard curse.?!

    The other thread is about i'm raging and will KOS everyone who wears the standard curse and literally take mine away to have it.

    I'm upset!

    This feels like you won something on a tournament and loved the medal or cup and then someone comes and says_ sorry i take that away from you, you cannot keep it, but this ugly piece of plastik is for you.
    Some others were disappointed with the look of theirs, so you we need to replace it.


    It's just a good damn cosmetic. I can refuse having it at all.
    But giving me something i liked and then take it away again because others had bad luck is in no way how to deal with us.

    Rare need to find ways to please those who had bad luck or could provide an endless reroll to it.

    But taking away from others what they liked and played for is the worst thing i can imagine.

    I'm normally not freaking out about things like that.
    I give a ... on that, bc i play for fun.

    what makes me ver much upset is the circumstances and why this happened and how it happened.

  • Not a fan, had a great one already. Wont be using the new one

  • Completely lame brained decision when all they had to do was allow rerolls in some way.

    Kills my motivation to keep repeating tales. I would play in arena but i think some relentless adventure pvp may be in order as bill said. And ill make sure to relay the info about this curse to any crews i sink doing any tales. Lol.

  • hate the new curse
    hate how everyone is the same now
    hate how hands are gold

    will not be using it
    will put it on only when I see other people with it on and the same exact clothes as other people in lobbies to make twins

  • @algaram you'll be happy to know if you reach grade 5 legendary seadog before June 25th you'll get a special weapon I can only imagine it being a ghost sword or something that would be sick

  • @fast-bike94 only 97 wins left until I hit 240

  • It is what it is. The developers don’t even have the integrity to stand behind their original design. I am disappointed in the future of this game. I don’t think games like Grand Theft Auto would of lasted this long if they listened to close-minded players.

  • @algaram lol same dude

  • stay on topic please

  • @judsn they said it wasn't intended to be unique it was supposed to be the same from the start plus to make the people whomst complain be quiet it's easier to just make everyone the same.

  • @fast-bike94
    Your right it is easy to make everyone the same but it is easy to make a game boring too. Didn’t know that was their original plan though thanks for the information sir.

  • Should just add the curse to your cosmetic inventory - then designate a button when hovering over the box so you can reroll it if you wish. Much like Y in the Tall Tales menu allows you to see the details of the voyage.

  • I’m so outraged that they took away my original curse that I invested many hours obtaining. To give me this hideously ugly generic new curse. I loved the uniqueness of my original curse & HATE this new one with a overwhelming passion. I don’t see how anyone disliked their original curse but like this new one since I think ALL the original curses looked better than the new one. If I would of seen the intended curse first, I wouldn’t of even wasted a second of my time pursuing tall tail completion.

    I can’t even begin to describe how ticked off I am over this wasted time/grind for a cosmetic i now do not even like. Especially considering the fact this tale took longer than it should have do to the game itself not working properly. I had to go back & re do journals that weren’t spawning in the appropriate spot & things like that. All for this tackily done gold curse. “LeTs JuSt CoVeR hAlF ThEiR bOdY In GoLd tHe KidS wIll LoVe ThAT” in my I’m a tool I work for rare voice

    What should have happened is everyone who liked their unique curse should of been able to keep it. (Kind of like what y’all did with the ruffian sea dog figurehead when it was removed due to complainers) The people unhappy with their original curse should of been given the option to keep their original curse or change to the ugly new monstrosity curse.

    Forcing us all to have the same curse is appalling & infuriating. Why not make all the gold hoarders in game wear this new ugly golden statue curse also, why should they be able to retain their individuality?

  • @bugaboo-bill I hate my curse now the one thing I was hoping would get changed was 2 gold hands but nope 2 gold hands still. Look like the gold Kano from mortal kombat and now so does everyone else. Look like cersei and jaime's kid that survived or something.

  • @fast-bike94 said in Are you happy now with your gold curse and wear it or not?:

    @bugaboo-bill nope it should have been unique from the beginning everyone's was different and it made it interesting but since this is the Soviet Union everyone gets the same hand out.

    Incorrect, there was a pool of 13 curse appearance... and people got RNG'd for one of them.

    The pool consisted of the 7 current gold Hoarders, and the 6 old gold hoarders (from before they updated their appearances).

    It was nice with a slight variation between players, but several players got identical curses... if the pool is 13, and 50 players have the curse, several of them share the same appearances. :P

  • @bugaboo-bill said in Are you happy now with your gold curse and wear it or not?:

    I think all who liked their original gold curse are now disappinted as hell.
    It may be even uglier to you than before and you dont want to equip it anymore.
    If not tell us.

    If you were one of those who were unhappy and disappointed please tell us if the new standard curse pleases you way more and if you like to equip it now.

    My guess is, most of those who disliked theirs dislike the standard curse too and wont wear it.
    All who got a unique curse and were happy also wont wear a standard curse what is more ugly than what they got before.

    But maybe i'm wrong and many more who were disappointed to it are happy now.

    If that's the truth i refuse to equip mine and apreciate this standard one to all who are happy equippng it now.

    Has anyone actually checked if they are all identical? Or is it just something you all assume? Post pics guys, come on.

    I have a golden foot, that's all i really wanted, lol. I guess i'm happy, but i have yet to actually see if someone else has an identical appearance to mine, so i can't know for certain if that makes me unhappy or not. :P

  • @sweltering-nick yeah that’s much better than EVERYONE having the exact same appearance!!!

  • @sweltering-nick we don’t have to “actually” check when in the patch notes it clearly states that everyone’s is the same 🤦‍♂️

  • @Sweltering-Nick

    its completely identical to yours now.

    This was mine before

    Bild Text

  • @admiral-greyjoy said in Are you happy now with your gold curse and wear it or not?:

    @sweltering-nick we don’t have to “actually” check when in the patch notes it clearly states that everyone’s is the same 🤦‍♂️

    What patch notes? They haven't posted them yet...

    The dev update only said they updated the gold curse, that now it should work as intended... They never mentioned the curse looking the same for everyone.

    Not ruling that out as the most likely possibility, but for me it seems like everyone is just assuming things based purely out of pessimism. xD

  • @simmonszore said in Are you happy now with your gold curse and wear it or not?:

    The New Update seemed to have flipped the issue. Everyone who were satisfied with their Gold Curse before now feel cheated out of what they've worked for while, at the sametime, those who had terrible rolls with their curse feel rewarded. It's the same issue as before, just different voices fighting it.

    The grass is always golder on the the other side of the fence? :P Oh well, you can't please 100% of the people 100% of the time. Seems like a rather silly and trivial thing to get upset about either way, in my opinion. :shrug:

  • @bugaboo-bill said in Are you happy now with your gold curse and wear it or not?:


    its completely identical to yours now.

    This was mine before

    Bild Text

    That isn't the picture i asked for.

  • @sweltering-nick sagte in Are you happy now with your gold curse and wear it or not?:

    @bugaboo-bill said in Are you happy now with your gold curse and wear it or not?:


    its completely identical to yours now.

    This was mine before

    Bild Text

    That isn't the picture i asked for.

    dude - when i say its the same as yours now and its in the release notes, nobody has to check it.

    Gold Hoarder Curse – Players who have previously been awarded the Gold Hoarder Curse by completing all Tall Tales – Shores of Gold Commendations will find the Gold Hoarder Curse has been visually improved and all players now have the same consistent design. Any new players earning the reward will also be rewarded with the new design.
    But i did.
    Bild Text

  • @bugaboo-bill That link is literally nowhere to be seen on my browser. xD

    EDIT: That link isn't available to the language region i've set. o_O

  • @nathanuserectus actually it is not false here is the link

  • @Sweltering-Nick i'm in germany, site is english, maybe EU.

    @Fast-Bike94 stop offtopic please.

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