Obsidian Cannons!!! HYPE!!!

  • Watch the trailer! The cannons are looking so cool!

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  • @darkmore111

    But on the for real... how do I get them?

  • @xcalypt0x I don't know. Maybe they'll handle them like the other obsidian stuff. Sooo...maybe by buying in stuff in their store or as a mixer reward?

  • @darkmore111 It's the set that never ever ends -_-

  • @darkmore111 Nice Catch! I'm happy to see that they didn't just make the hull but also the cannons. That makes me hopeful for the full set.

  • @testakleze Where did you see the hull??

  • @xcalypt0x I haven't seen it but it was mentioned somewhere previously.

  • The full Obsidian Ship Livery is coming for Twitch Rivals me hearties!

    alt text

    It looks very amazing!!

    More informations on the official web page: https://www.seaofthieves.com/twitch-rivals/signup

  • @skulliah

    Okay, this actually makes up for the cosmetics with Blackpowder Stashes. Especially if it's coming full with cannons and all.

  • @chronodusk said in Obsidian Cannons!!! HYPE!!!:


    Okay, this actually makes up for the cosmetics with Blackpowder Stashes. Especially if it's coming full with cannons and all.

    Well, Twitch Rivals rewards will only feature the figurehead, hull, sails and flag. Cannons, wheel and capstan are probably for a future event?

  • @skulliah Oh it's only the figurehead? The thing I saw on Facebook said the whole set I thought.

    But it makes more sense that they wouldn't give us the whole set right away... xD

  • @chronodusk No, the whole ship set EXCEPT cannons, capstan and wheel

  • In the End only the chosen one will be have the whole Set from Black Dog Pack to Obsidian Cannons!

  • @king-deka I only need the blunderbuss (and the ship cosmetics) and I will have it complete!

  • @eggamer13 Same here ;)

    Wait. Aren't we missing the black dog hook? I have vague memories of it not existing. The shirt too.

    I guess we could add in the black dog/ onyx/ obsidian tattoo, face paint, and curse too.

  • @testakleze Oh yes. True

  • I like the black dog figurehead. It's pretty sweet. I had always imagined a dark menacing wolf but this is cool too. I just have this thought that the swords on the figurehead should be the black dog swords though.

  • @skulliah How did you stumble across this unlisted video :O

  • @xcalypt0x said in Obsidian Cannons!!! HYPE!!!:

    @skulliah How did you stumble across this unlisted video :O

    It's on the Sea of Thieves Twitch Rivals web page :)

  • Why can't they give these out on both Mixer and Twitch? I'm not sure if I want to create a Twitch account that I'd never use beyond this event.

  • @darth-noc It's just a new partnership for them to do marketing. Creating the account for twitch is easy. You might even find streamers that you enjoy watching and continue to use it after :)

  • @xcalypt0x I know it's probably easy. But I'm hesitant to create a new account, a new password to remember, etc, on a whim because of an event like this. Creating an account would come after being invested, not before.

    Nevermind that they could easily give it away on Mixer as well, and probably will do so in the future if they don't change their mind now. Then I'd have created it for nothing.

    I try my best to stay on top of the promo items (Midnight Blunderbuss when? Aside from these new ship items, I believe it's all I'm missing of the ”extended” Black Dog set), but this is one hoop I wasn't expecting. It's cool that Twitch users can get them now... but unfortunate that Mixer users (at least for now) can't.

  • @darth-noc I understand what you mean. I created a Twitter just to be able to keep up with SoT because Rare was pretty bad about announcing everything on all their channels in the beginning.

    I would just create the same username & password that you have for mixer but if you are worried because of security you could use Keepass or something.

  • Great catch!
    All of this makes me realize how much I want what I imagine an Obsidian Helm would look like. I like the look of the cannons and the set is nice.

    @testakleze Ah man, now I'm a little bit sad, haha. A black dog/wolf would have been AMAZING.
    Different strokes for different folks, but this figurehead is a little bit like the Sea Dogs Arena figurehead (forgot the name right now!) and I'm just not a fan of the style. Although, I do like this Obsidian figurehead better. It's not bad at all, but now all I'm thinking about is a nicely carved black dog figurehead! :D

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