Almost no players in Adventure mode and several other odd bugs.

  • So far today I have seen a grand total of 3 other "players" in adventure mode for a total of 2 ships in an entire 6 hour play session and been server transferred 5 times.

    Additionally there are several row boats in game that I can get into, use the chest but cannot use the ores. No one in my crew could use the ores, it was not unique to me.

    Additionally some strange graphical glitches with the cannons not being consistently "Dressed" in their selected cosmetic appearance.

    Perhaps not a bug and design related is the extreme high number of mermaid gems I have found on the beaches and from NPC event kills such as Meg and Skeleton ships.

    And that is all I have to say about Sea of Thieves today.

    I really hope that we can get more people back into adventure mode; it's the only mode worth playing, and with out a healthy adventure mode this game is sunk.

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  • @swimplatypus7 I agree with @mr-dragon-raaar about the servers. I just got back into it again yesterday for almost the entire day with a 5 hour break in between. Ships galore and not that many gems to be found.

  • We played for the last 4 days.
    Since yesterday (Weekend) it's more crowded.
    Sunk 3 Sloops and 3 Brigs until whule beeing in a Brig by ourselves.
    It's not that crowded than earlier events, but like the last Mercenary Events before Anni.

    What Region @SwimPlatypus7???

  • @bugaboo-bill

    Pacific US..

    What I don't understand is how I can server transfer that many times and almost find no one on a server.

    Bugged server, sure one is just bad luck, but several in a row isn't even imaginable.

  • @swimplatypus7 Maybe they don't want to be found? There's been pletly of times iv'e gone out of my way to keep as much distanace as possible between other ships and myself.

  • @kiniko

    Sure, I can see 2 or 3 crews per server playing that way, but not every single crew minus two in 6 hours on several servers.

    Keep in mind we server hopped several times because when a server is dead and you lower the anchor you switch servers.

  • @swimplatypus7 I saw like 3 or 4 ships in my server when I loaded up on a sloop yesterday, they were chasing me everywhere lol I couldn't even cash 1 GP barrel 😂

  • @swimplatypus7 Just bad luck i guess, they have just dropped an update so there may be several bugs cropping up.

  • @kiniko

    True, and I know there were people playing.

    I had 3 crews worth of friends on line on different servers, and everyone told us their servers were good, but we didn't see much action at all.

    Thats why I posted this up as a potential bug along with another “for sure” bug regarding row boats that float and partly work, but that no one on my crew could row.

    Very strange stuff.

    I had numerous mermaid gems last night too, the whole experience was just odd.

    I think I turned in 12 to 15 gems, and we killed maybe 3 or 4 actual statues.

  • Logged on to try and find some reaper ships... we found about 5 in 30 different servers. It's definitely a problem.

  • @the-human-dan

    Ok, so it's not just my crew and I having this issue.

    As the story goes the "Game" is buzzing with life, but I don't see any of it.

  • I know of the rowboat issue. That's definitely a bug.

    As for empty servers, they're not, but I am wondering if the matchmaking is forcing you into emptier servers due to your constant server hopping - it might be assuming that you're trying to get away from other players and be acting accordingly.

  • @galactic-geek

    I have not manually server hopped, but a Merger due to the server being dead.

    The only manual mode thing I have done was lower my anchor.

  • @swimplatypus7 Oh, I see. Well, my apologies for the assumption then - just trying to help you find a rational explanation. 😅

  • @galactic-geek

    No problem, I just find the whole thing very odd is all.

    Hope that Rare looks into the issue and resolves it because a big portion of the game is the other players you encounter on the sea.

  • @SwimPlatypus7

    EU seems also not that full at the time. But it's holiday time here, many are away on vacation.

  • @bugaboo-bill

    True, people are likely out and about and simply not playing as usual in my time zone..

    I sure hope that we can get some better action soon, because Sea of Thieves with out other pirates is kinda bland.

  • @swimplatypus7

    got sunk with some loot an hour ago :)

    they were good and we did make some mistakes plus bad luck with some sharks.


    was a litle more... but had only this pic from mid voyage (did just sail around and picked all from beaches, wrecks...)
    would have been my last 9 gems i nee to deliver to complete the event, so i have to go again, but now i have to do some RL things ;)

  • @bugaboo-bill

    Thats a good haul you had there.

    Complacency is what gets the best of me almost every time.

  • @swimplatypus7

    jep, but no matter i'm done ;)

  • @swimplatypus7

    So from what I gathered from how the servers work there are few things that will help you understand how things work and why they work that way.

    First lets address everyones concerns that there are no players in adventure mode. We all know this isn't true, the issue is server mitigation.

    A server will populate to only about maybe 3 to 4 ships before opening up another server and filling up that server and so on and so forth. Its first come first serve basically. It can go upto 6 but normally doesn't.

    Why doesn't Rare just make sure that servers are always migrated and full?? - This is how it used to be in the beginning. Honestly it also seemed like the ship count was higher than 1 per outpost. I could have sworn at some points I counted 10 ships on a single server. Those were fun times.

    Why did it change? - Cry babies. I say that but honestly its not their fault. PvP was pretty blood thirsty in the beginning. PvE players really couldn't do anything. Ships were attacked on SIGHT. Every quest island you went to you either had to fight a ship already there, or you had to fight a ship while you were there.

    "That sounds awesome, why can't we go back to that?" - Balance. The game needs a healthy balance of both PvP and PvE. In the beginning I would have been right there with you arguing that PvP needed to be the fore front of the game. After LOTS of game time I've realized that there needs to be a healthy balance of the 2. PvE players should expect to defend themselves, but they should get chances to actually DO SOMETHING. The game was leaning to far into PvP.

    "How did they fix this?" - Easy, they lowered the ship per server count to a degree. You will at times run into servers that have 5 to 6 ships in them but its uncommon for this to happen. The max count is indeed 1 ship per outpost, not counting Devil's Roar. So 6 ships max. Servers fill up to 3 to 4 ships before opening up another server. 4 ships per server isn't that high especially with how big the map is.

    "But the servers look dead" - They really do. This is also because of the way Rare tries to force players out of a server. After a while the algorithm will leave a server alone and just start populating other servers. If you stay in a server long enough, you'll be the only one in that server and the game will stop trying to populate it. I think there is a Reset algorithm to when a server is open for a set amount of time its stops populating it and instead works towards getting everyone migrated so that it can reset the server. Its probably to make sure the server doesn't get any random bugs after so long.

    The player base is there. Its not a question of trying to get more players to play. We have the players. They did this on purpose to mitigate PvP.

    Maybe with how lucrative PvE is now, they will rethink their algorithm.

    SIDE NOTE Forgot to mention the "Closed Crews" also helped kill server population. Before you would join an open crew which wasn't that bad back in the day, it actually worked because it had to. Players would be placed in servers all over the world. If there was a spot that needed filled for a crew in the UK but you were in the USA, guess what? You were moved to a UK server. So players werent really seperated by regions.

    We are now though. You make a Closed Crew and you live in the East Coast, it will put you in an East Coast server. It was easier to keep ships filled and servers filled with open crews because ships wouldn't stay empty for very long. Wait 5 mins and that spot you had on your galleon is filled. So players played all over. Not anymore and open crew is troll central.

  • @xultanis-dragon

    Also the Arena removed players from adventure mode; yes read your entire post.

    Good observations

  • @swimplatypus7 well the mermaid gems being around is on purpose but the rest is definitely bug

  • @swimplatypus7

    A couple of us had exactly the same issue last night. We sailed for hours without seeing a ship, kraken, or meg. Was an awesome night for collecting mermaid gems, I think we ended up with around 20.

    We dropped the anchor and got server merged three times, the first two were both onto servers that seemed empty, the last one we managed to find a ship to sink.

  • Had at least 5 ships on a server last night, including me. How do I know for sure? I was in an alliance with 2 of them, another was flying the Reaper Mark, and I could see another one on the horizon.

  • @bugaboo-bill I guess you are the reason I could barely find a gem!

  • @xultanis-dragon There never were more than 6 ship per server since release. Don't know for sure prior to that.

    How do you know they populate only to about 3 or 4 ships? Is there some statement to back that up?

  • @crimsonraziel

    Great question, maybe he's got a good source on that.

  • @stone0898

    I am beginning to think that there is some kind of bug with the servers and how they're populated.. Just does not seem right that one guy can have a full server and other players are practically alone at sea with no sign of life.

  • @crimsonraziel
    Had about 12 yesterday ;-)

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