Cross play was what ruined this game for what it is and what it was. I've met many players on pc that have an unfair advantage thanks to cross play. I continue to meet unfair advantaged players on PC while playing cross play. Majority of the players that I've met have all been on xbox. PC players are a minority of the community but have caused many xbox players to leave the game.
Cross play is punishing Xbox players and removing us from the community.
If Rare decides not to have an opt-out of cross play, switch it either input opt out or just re-balance the game. The games cross play will die after so long once cross play opt out is implemented. If it does it proves the point xbox players were trying to make for over a year now.
If you want proof then look at Arena right now. PC players can't find any lobbies worth playing and any xbox player that joins immediately server hops to another server. This is what you have going on at this moment to avoid PC advantages.
You have many problems in this game due to Crossplay.
Leaving cross play in the game will be the worst choice for everyone.
Since PC community keeps flooding the forum with pro cross play posts, thought this would help break up the monotony. 😉