Another crossplay discussion

  • @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @tak225 Why do you think all the pc players go mad in these threads. Opt out came to arena was a fantastic success. Now its going to come to adventure. Everything we have talked about in the past znd claimed has time and time again proven true.
    Its in their nature to be defiant amd defensive till the end. Its human nature to be embarrased and defensive when they are wrong.

    I think opt out was a horrible mistake and im on xbox. Group leader telling everyone to server hop till you get Xbox only matches proves it. When I get to play with PC the lobbies take forever. You can read your post. You said that PC ships sail faster and shoot from the front of the ship. Frame rates dont work like that. Frame rates are not why you lost. PC having higher frame rates means nothing, you having 30 means nothing.

    Why are so many Xbox players so childish? The overblown statements. The exaggerations and the disrespectful nature. I feel embarrassed for all of you.

  • @monkeyshishan said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @tak225 Why do you think all the pc players go mad in these threads. Opt out came to arena was a fantastic success. Now its going to come to adventure. Everything we have talked about in the past znd claimed has time and time again proven true.
    Its in their nature to be defiant amd defensive till the end. Its human nature to be embarrased and defensive when they are wrong.

    I think opt out was a horrible mistake and im on xbox. Group leader telling everyone to server hop till you get Xbox only matches proves it. When I get to play with PC the lobbies take forever. You can read your post. You said that PC ships sail faster and shoot from the front of the ship. Frame rates dont work like that. Frame rates are not why you lost. PC having higher frame rates means nothing, you having 30 means nothing.

    Why are so many Xbox players so childish? The overblown statements. The exaggerations and the disrespectful nature. I feel embarrassed for all of you.

    Larping as an xbox player or yours just part of the problem. Like you just said your group 'leader' wants you to quit to get xhox lobbies. You obviously put more faith in him as hes your leader and he advises you to get an xbox only lobby.
    🙄 thanks for the ammo

  • @princessasuna96 wonder why 🤔

  • @princessasuna96 yeah but I fear they have just put there fingers in there ears closed there eyes and are just lalala a they won't need to I honestly think optional cross play will bring players back to the game and as I said they should follow this up with a release on Steam to add more pc players and things will be fine

  • @princessasuna96 I play both Xbox and PC, I really do not care about playing against only pc players as I love a challenge and when I lose I think of what I did wrong and I improve. What I do not like is sailing in an empty server or waiting 44 minutes plus to play arena and that is what will happen to PC players if a hard opt-out was implemented. You might say "well your in the minority because pc players are like 30%" and based of other replies on this forum you guys can care less if PC players get shafted. So instead of seeking a way to balance the game you guys just want us gone. Super hypocritical, this is why I hate the internet sometimes it gives a voice to people who really should not have one. This game from day one was a crossplay xbox play anywhere game. The name of the game is sea of THIEVES. It is not meant to be fair, on an xbox you can tuck at the FOTD and at the end shoot a mega keg and take everything. I find that most people think they are Rambo and are supposed to be 1v4 and win all the time. Be sneaky be crafty, the dev's even said in the last update they want to promote shenanigans.

    Also no one answers this question on the forums, why don't xbox players use keyboard and mouse it is actually cheaper than a controller? If you do not prefer K&M why do the pc community have to cater to you and not them? You see the rabbit hole gets bigger with these damn posts.

  • @suffer951 why should we use keyboard and mouse why not make the game controller only and have no keyboard and mouse at all then

  • @tak225 Why? I like M&K better? Why should I have to change?

  • @suffer951 then why should we all I see is all the sacrifices expected of console players to remain in the mixed pool and a denial of choice we ain't asking for the removal of cross play but a choice to choose where we want to be in the cross play pool I think it's a very reasonable thing to want and ask for you play on both so your welcome to choose where you wanna play you might find most Xbox players remain in the mixed pool and we in turn end up the minority and still thats cool but we should have the choice and should have had it always most other games give you the choice as should this game ultimately I think when it comes the game would have very little impact the game has 24 man servers with server migration it won't be a issue unless there only 10 pc players

  • @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @monkeyshishan said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @tak225 Why do you think all the pc players go mad in these threads. Opt out came to arena was a fantastic success. Now its going to come to adventure. Everything we have talked about in the past znd claimed has time and time again proven true.
    Its in their nature to be defiant amd defensive till the end. Its human nature to be embarrased and defensive when they are wrong.

    I think opt out was a horrible mistake and im on xbox. Group leader telling everyone to server hop till you get Xbox only matches proves it. When I get to play with PC the lobbies take forever. You can read your post. You said that PC ships sail faster and shoot from the front of the ship. Frame rates dont work like that. Frame rates are not why you lost. PC having higher frame rates means nothing, you having 30 means nothing.

    Why are so many Xbox players so childish? The overblown statements. The exaggerations and the disrespectful nature. I feel embarrassed for all of you.

    Larping as an xbox player or yours just part of the problem. Like you just said your group 'leader' wants you to quit to get xhox lobbies. You obviously put more faith in him as hes your leader and he advises you to get an xbox only lobby.
    🙄 thanks for the ammo

    What ammo? I dont want to play in PC lobbies because of how long the queues take. My friends on PC dont want to either for the same exact reason. I would rather play the game then do all this nonsense, but because of childish players whining and complaining about completely nothing the game is in its current state.

    Anyone who server hops for Xbox only lobbies is a straight up baby. Learn to play the game, yes this is a xbox player telling the Xbox community to git gud. Thanks for not addressing what you said even though you told another poster you never made those claims.

    Thanks for the ammo

  • @tak225 Look I am not trying to tell anyone to sacrifice I am showing you how crazy the rabbit hole goes down on this subject.

    My point is why can't these forum posts be about ways we can balance the advantages of both controller and m&k instead of just separating the player base.

    Think of this, a new xbox player tries SoT for the first time and gets the option of crossplay or not. With human nature what do you think they will choose? In those servers the new player will just hear all these stories of how PC is unfair etc..... and 95% will stay opted out.

    I am just concerned because this is my favorite game to play, I am passionate about this game and I have met so many awesome people, most of them on xbox. I understand that they can stay opted in but will they? I already get screwed over now for arena, people literally will ghost me when they find out I'm PC and now I really.cant even play arena which sucks I enjoy it alot.

    You seem like a cool pirate and honestly would love to play with you and maybe we can teach each other something about the seas. But all I ask people is to think of the ramifications in the future instead of replying "nah I want hard opt-out" without trying g to work together and give alternative ideas other than splitting the players.

  • @suffer951 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @tak225 Why? I like M&K better? Why should I have to change?

    Have you honestly just asked that after saying why should xbox players not use m&k?

  • @inboundbomb said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @suffer951 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @tak225 The PC community is real small but, it is the community that saved this game by way of streamers when it was getting shamed on hard by everyone else. Rare will cater to these streamers which is why there will be no adventure opt out. The streamers will publicly shame this game.

    This is so true...... it’s sad that streamers ( not all of them ) bash this game constantly but yet still play it.

    Tbh if some streamers weren't actively promoting double gunning on their streams, combat probably wouldn't be in the state it is now.

  • @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx nice to see with all the responses this is near 300 replies compared to everything else having much much lower.
    A testiment of how this is an issue and keeping it fresh for the devs eyes.
    Good job!

    I really wish they would just confirm one way or another. Either tell us its not happening or give us a proper update. Watching the streams with Joe Neate joking about it just angered me. It's clearly not a joke to the community.

  • @suffer951 I think there are too much of a difference between input methods to ever really get it workable for both but I think they should implement bthe opt out while working on the balancing if it's truly possible I will move between cross play and opt out to see and hopefully they get it right but.i don't see it but hopefully they can crack thanks for your opinion not sure it's possible but in a ideal worl would be but there is a reason most other cross play games are optional as should this game ,👍

  • @suffer951 The rabbit hole can go deep and all the way to China if permitted. Lol. The problem is that you cannot balance k&m to a controller. Totally different inputs with different styles of sensitivity, button mapping and hot keys. You can't make it equal.

  • @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @inboundbomb said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @suffer951 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @tak225 The PC community is real small but, it is the community that saved this game by way of streamers when it was getting shamed on hard by everyone else. Rare will cater to these streamers which is why there will be no adventure opt out. The streamers will publicly shame this game.

    This is so true...... it’s sad that streamers ( not all of them ) bash this game constantly but yet still play it.

    Tbh if some streamers weren't actively promoting double gunning on their streams, combat probably wouldn't be in the state it is now.

    Double gunning never had any relevance on how me and my crew play and we actually pity those that use it. No offense to those that do but it only works against those that aren't prepared and uncoordinated in a crew.

  • @monkeyshishan said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @monkeyshishan said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @tak225 Why do you think all the pc players go mad in these threads. Opt out came to arena was a fantastic success. Now its going to come to adventure. Everything we have talked about in the past znd claimed has time and time again proven true.
    Its in their nature to be defiant amd defensive till the end. Its human nature to be embarrased and defensive when they are wrong.

    I think opt out was a horrible mistake and im on xbox. Group leader telling everyone to server hop till you get Xbox only matches proves it. When I get to play with PC the lobbies take forever. You can read your post. You said that PC ships sail faster and shoot from the front of the ship. Frame rates dont work like that. Frame rates are not why you lost. PC having higher frame rates means nothing, you having 30 means nothing.

    Why are so many Xbox players so childish? The overblown statements. The exaggerations and the disrespectful nature. I feel embarrassed for all of you.

    Larping as an xbox player or yours just part of the problem. Like you just said your group 'leader' wants you to quit to get xhox lobbies. You obviously put more faith in him as hes your leader and he advises you to get an xbox only lobby.
    🙄 thanks for the ammo

    What ammo? I dont want to play in PC lobbies because of how long the queues take. My friends on PC dont want to either for the same exact reason. I would rather play the game then do all this nonsense, but because of childish players whining and complaining about completely nothing the game is in its current state.

    Anyone who server hops for Xbox only lobbies is a straight up baby. Learn to play the game, yes this is a xbox player telling the Xbox community to git gud. Thanks for not addressing what you said even though you told another poster you never made those claims.

    Thanks for the ammo

    Im sorry I have no idea what you are on about tbh. I'm confused but I have made you salty for some reason though. Thanks for the personal attack calling us childish though. I dont think its childish to play in an unfair and proven unfair environment. There are even pc players talking about how they cheat on the latest dev stream.
    🙄 but its ok it must just be all in our minds.
    Either way the delusion and outright moronic posts have gone too far now.
    More of my braincells have died in this thread than the amount of pc players that have died on sot.
    We shall return until we have answers, the question is.....

  • @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx nice to see with all the responses this is near 300 replies compared to everything else having much much lower.
    A testiment of how this is an issue and keeping it fresh for the devs eyes.
    Good job!

    I really wish they would just confirm one way or another. Either tell us its not happening or give us a proper update. Watching the streams with Joe Neate joking about it just angered me. It's clearly not a joke to the community.

    Real question: Would you guys accept Rare's decision either way?

    As I've said before, I personally believe Rare when they said they were planning on adding it to adventure. Not particularly crazy about it, but as long as server population is spread properly, and the latency is acceptable, I can live with it.

    Can you honestly say you would make your peace with Rare should they say they changed their mind or encountered an issue that made it impossible or that would affect server balance too much?

    Our friend @TAK225 clearly stated that no matter what, he will nag and nag until he gets his way, and if not, he will keep going as long as he didn't.

    Can you live with their final decision?

  • @inboundbomb said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @inboundbomb said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @suffer951 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @tak225 The PC community is real small but, it is the community that saved this game by way of streamers when it was getting shamed on hard by everyone else. Rare will cater to these streamers which is why there will be no adventure opt out. The streamers will publicly shame this game.

    This is so true...... it’s sad that streamers ( not all of them ) bash this game constantly but yet still play it.

    Tbh if some streamers weren't actively promoting double gunning on their streams, combat probably wouldn't be in the state it is now.

    Double gunning never had any relevance on how me and my crew play and we actually pity those that use it. No offense to those that do but it only works against those that aren't prepared and uncoordinated in a crew.

    I was never a fan but they reworked combat so much because of it. I was happy how combat was at launch

  • @inboundbomb said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @suffer951 The rabbit hole can go deep and all the way to China if permitted. Lol. The problem is that you cannot balance k&m to a controller. Totally different inputs with different styles of sensitivity, button mapping and hot keys. You can't make it equal.

    It was pretty equal at the start of the game before double gunning became popular. Melee and sword combat worked really well for both inputs.

  • @bloodybil said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx nice to see with all the responses this is near 300 replies compared to everything else having much much lower.
    A testiment of how this is an issue and keeping it fresh for the devs eyes.
    Good job!

    I really wish they would just confirm one way or another. Either tell us its not happening or give us a proper update. Watching the streams with Joe Neate joking about it just angered me. It's clearly not a joke to the community.

    Real question: Would you guys accept Rare's decision either way?

    As I've said before, I personally believe Rare when they said they were planning on adding it to adventure. Not particularly crazy about it, but as long as server population is spread properly, and the latency is acceptable, I can live with it.

    Can you honestly say you would make your peace with Rare should they say they changed their mind or encountered an issue that made it impossible or that would affect server balance too much?

    Our friend @TAK225 clearly stated that no matter what, he will nag and nag until he gets his way, and if not, he will keep going as long as he didn't.

    Can you live with their final decision?

    Honestly I would accept it. I've accepted the game for the last two years even though for most part it's been completely broken.

    I would hope if they decided against it they would test other ways to make it balanced instead. But please god no PvE servers 😂😂

  • @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @monkeyshishan said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @monkeyshishan said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @tak225 Why do you think all the pc players go mad in these threads. Opt out came to arena was a fantastic success. Now its going to come to adventure. Everything we have talked about in the past znd claimed has time and time again proven true.
    Its in their nature to be defiant amd defensive till the end. Its human nature to be embarrased and defensive when they are wrong.

    I think opt out was a horrible mistake and im on xbox. Group leader telling everyone to server hop till you get Xbox only matches proves it. When I get to play with PC the lobbies take forever. You can read your post. You said that PC ships sail faster and shoot from the front of the ship. Frame rates dont work like that. Frame rates are not why you lost. PC having higher frame rates means nothing, you having 30 means nothing.

    Why are so many Xbox players so childish? The overblown statements. The exaggerations and the disrespectful nature. I feel embarrassed for all of you.

    Larping as an xbox player or yours just part of the problem. Like you just said your group 'leader' wants you to quit to get xhox lobbies. You obviously put more faith in him as hes your leader and he advises you to get an xbox only lobby.
    🙄 thanks for the ammo

    What ammo? I dont want to play in PC lobbies because of how long the queues take. My friends on PC dont want to either for the same exact reason. I would rather play the game then do all this nonsense, but because of childish players whining and complaining about completely nothing the game is in its current state.

    Anyone who server hops for Xbox only lobbies is a straight up baby. Learn to play the game, yes this is a xbox player telling the Xbox community to git gud. Thanks for not addressing what you said even though you told another poster you never made those claims.

    Thanks for the ammo

    Im sorry I have no idea what you are on about tbh. I'm confused but I have made you salty for some reason though. Thanks for the personal attack calling us childish though. I dont think its childish to play in an unfair and proven unfair environment. There are even pc players talking about how they cheat on the latest dev stream.
    🙄 but its ok it must just be all in our minds.
    Either way the delusion and outright moronic posts have gone too far now.
    More of my braincells have died in this thread than the amount of pc players that have died on sot.
    We shall return until we have answers, the question is.....

    What about me and other Xbox players that have no issue with the opt out? You chime in saying its what Xbox players want but it's not. You said in one of your posts claiming things work faster on PC. Someone called you out on it, you denied it, I proved it. Sorry you don't like getting caught in your **********.

    And yes you are all being childish.

  • @monkeyshishan said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @monkeyshishan said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @monkeyshishan said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @tak225 Why do you think all the pc players go mad in these threads. Opt out came to arena was a fantastic success. Now its going to come to adventure. Everything we have talked about in the past znd claimed has time and time again proven true.
    Its in their nature to be defiant amd defensive till the end. Its human nature to be embarrased and defensive when they are wrong.

    I think opt out was a horrible mistake and im on xbox. Group leader telling everyone to server hop till you get Xbox only matches proves it. When I get to play with PC the lobbies take forever. You can read your post. You said that PC ships sail faster and shoot from the front of the ship. Frame rates dont work like that. Frame rates are not why you lost. PC having higher frame rates means nothing, you having 30 means nothing.

    Why are so many Xbox players so childish? The overblown statements. The exaggerations and the disrespectful nature. I feel embarrassed for all of you.

    Larping as an xbox player or yours just part of the problem. Like you just said your group 'leader' wants you to quit to get xhox lobbies. You obviously put more faith in him as hes your leader and he advises you to get an xbox only lobby.
    🙄 thanks for the ammo

    What ammo? I dont want to play in PC lobbies because of how long the queues take. My friends on PC dont want to either for the same exact reason. I would rather play the game then do all this nonsense, but because of childish players whining and complaining about completely nothing the game is in its current state.

    Anyone who server hops for Xbox only lobbies is a straight up baby. Learn to play the game, yes this is a xbox player telling the Xbox community to git gud. Thanks for not addressing what you said even though you told another poster you never made those claims.

    Thanks for the ammo

    Im sorry I have no idea what you are on about tbh. I'm confused but I have made you salty for some reason though. Thanks for the personal attack calling us childish though. I dont think its childish to play in an unfair and proven unfair environment. There are even pc players talking about how they cheat on the latest dev stream.
    🙄 but its ok it must just be all in our minds.
    Either way the delusion and outright moronic posts have gone too far now.
    More of my braincells have died in this thread than the amount of pc players that have died on sot.
    We shall return until we have answers, the question is.....

    What about me and other Xbox players that have no issue with the opt out? You chime in saying its what Xbox players want but it's not. You said in one of your posts claiming things work faster on PC. Someone called you out on it, you denied it, I proved it. Sorry you don't like getting caught in your **********.

    And yes you are all being childish.

    If you have no issue then you don't opt out? Only person I see being childish here is you.. We are having a civilised conversation like proper grown ups😂

  • @staceyxsx

    Anything but civilized. It's been discussed why this is a bad idea and how it will effect the game in the long run. It's also been discussed how some of the made up advantages are really just excuses players are taking up. Players have talked about how PC doesnt want to lose its easy targets and making up stuff about how PC galleons sail faster and shoot cannonballs from the front of the ship?? All these accusations and blame at PC players when there are tons of different types of Pc players. They are all treated like they are have super rigs, all play eith super keyboards and mouse, and are called hackers and cheaters.

    What about more than half playing on potatoes? Or the ones who play on controller? What about the ones who play on m&k but are just really bad due to whatever complications? PC has the greatest player difference but all treated like they are a disease. When asked if PC players can play on the opt out server with controllers the outrage is insane and the excuses are worse "no because PC will just cheat".

    How has anyone on xbox been civilized?

  • @monkeyshishan yeah your proof is compelling. So much proof. Evidence all backed up by some guy saying something on here. Yet if we say anything its always nope cant cheat, prove it. Prove that pc is better.
    So no, your point is void. And like I said the reason I have given up on this forum for now. Its like hitting your head agaisnt a brick wall.
    Opt out iscoming like it came to arena and hopefully sometime before 2035.

  • @monkeyshishan Spot on dude. I am down with an input based opt out I just would rather use my pc as it makes the game look and sound way better. But no they just want to be bigots and bash the PC community and not give any meaningful ideas other than PC bad Console good.

  • @monkeyshishan said in Another crossplay discussion:


    Anything but civilized. It's been discussed why this is a bad idea and how it will effect the game in the long run. It's also been discussed how some of the made up advantages are really just excuses players are taking up. Players have talked about how PC doesnt want to lose its easy targets and making up stuff about how PC galleons sail faster and shoot cannonballs from the front of the ship?? All these accusations and blame at PC players when there are tons of different types of Pc players. They are all treated like they are have super rigs, all play eith super keyboards and mouse, and are called hackers and cheaters.

    What about more than half playing on potatoes? Or the ones who play on controller? What about the ones who play on m&k but are just really bad due to whatever complications? PC has the greatest player difference but all treated like they are a disease. When asked if PC players can play on the opt out server with controllers the outrage is insane and the excuses are worse "no because PC will just cheat".

    How has anyone on xbox been civilized?

    Well as you just said the xbox community doesn't want opt out so surely they will stay with PC?

    You can't in one post point out how it's not wanted and in the next say how it's going to affect PC so much, we have been discussing other ideas to keep everyone together, discussing combat etc

    Truth is no one knows how it'll affect the game in the long run so test it first! Other games seem to get on just fine with optional cross play why is this game any different.

    And its just fact that where there is PC there is always going to be cheats, that's not saying every PC player cheats but Sea did have a major problem with it and its still evident in the game today.

  • @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @monkeyshishan yeah your proof is compelling. So much proof. Evidence all backed up by some guy saying something on here. Yet if we say anything its always nope cant cheat, prove it. Prove that pc is better.
    So no, your point is void. And like I said the reason I have given up on this forum for now. Its like hitting your head agaisnt a brick wall.
    Opt out iscoming like it came to arena and hopefully sometime before 2035.

    No one is saying pc players cant cheat. We are telling you the cheats you mentoned, ship speed and forward cannons, DONT exist. I know cause i looked up all the hacks to see what i was up against. Making up imaginary stories isnt gonna help the crossplay issue at all

  • @princessasuna96 Yes you can cheat and hack on a pc but the population that does that is like less than 1 percent. So do all PC players get punished for the actions of like 10 people? You know people can use a XIM on console to trick the console into thinking it is using a controller, but no one wants to talk about that. With anything In the world there can be an exploitation for it so the pc hacking argument is invalid. Just admit you want it easy for you which is funny because if the opt out is implemented I bet you will still be losing and thinking a hacker beat you.

  • @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @inboundbomb said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @inboundbomb said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @suffer951 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @tak225 The PC community is real small but, it is the community that saved this game by way of streamers when it was getting shamed on hard by everyone else. Rare will cater to these streamers which is why there will be no adventure opt out. The streamers will publicly shame this game.

    This is so true...... it’s sad that streamers ( not all of them ) bash this game constantly but yet still play it.

    Tbh if some streamers weren't actively promoting double gunning on their streams, combat probably wouldn't be in the state it is now.

    Double gunning never had any relevance on how me and my crew play and we actually pity those that use it. No offense to those that do but it only works against those that aren't prepared and uncoordinated in a crew.

    I was never a fan but they reworked combat so much because of it. I was happy how combat was at launch
    We all were but we’ve adapted and will continue to do so.

  • @monkeyshishan said in Another crossplay discussion:


    Anything but civilized. It's been discussed why this is a bad idea and how it will effect the game in the long run. It's also been discussed how some of the made up advantages are really just excuses players are taking up. Players have talked about how PC doesnt want to lose its easy targets and making up stuff about how PC galleons sail faster and shoot cannonballs from the front of the ship?? All these accusations and blame at PC players when there are tons of different types of Pc players. They are all treated like they are have super rigs, all play eith super keyboards and mouse, and are called hackers and cheaters.

    What about more than half playing on potatoes? Or the ones who play on controller? What about the ones who play on m&k but are just really bad due to whatever complications? PC has the greatest player difference but all treated like they are a disease. When asked if PC players can play on the opt out server with controllers the outrage is insane and the excuses are worse "no because PC will just cheat".

    How has anyone on xbox been civilized?

    I’ve been civilized. Just saying....... Xbox player here.

  • There was an entire mega thread discussion on crossplay and opting out ever since the original Inside Xbox episode at the start of the year when it was announced.

    It was a thread largely derailed by infighting between the PC crowd who hated the idea from the start and the Xbox community who kept asking for months why the promise had yet to be kept and in the end, the moderators killed and locked the thread because the same arguing stopped any sensible discussion.

    The we finally had opt out for Arena, which at the time was the "stage 1" of opting out of crossplay with the feelings that it would come to Adventure soon after.....

    Well its not even in the insider program....there is no talk of it on any developer update, nothing has been commented on the forums or social media by anyone at RARE or SoT Dev now its almost November and no sign of the promise of FULL crossplay opt out happening, kinda given up if honest on it and this game.

    RARE bury unpopular ideas and promises if the PC side get too shouty about it, this is a game treading water and not growing outside the small community it has so they probably don't see the need to make anymore more waves.

    I wouldn't hold your breath on Opting out being extended to Adventure, which is where it was needed and originally promised to be for.

    Sad and a shame. It was announced and promised and yet has not fully been delivered. People on either side of the argument can carry on shouting down the other to show they are right and "you" are wrong. But the bottom line is, Full Crossplay opt out was promised for the Xbox community should they want it, those who didn't could carry on just fine by not ticking the box and those on PC would carry on regardless....we dont know what would really happen because it simply hasnt happened so no one knows.

    It was promised, it should be delivered or RARE need to confirm once and for all that opt out will only ever be for Arena so people can decide to either continue or bin this game.

  • Reading these forums make me not want to play anymore the toxicity on here is crazy!
    If it wasnt an issue Rare wouldnt have put opt out in the arena!!
    Console for life!!

  • @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @troubled-cells said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @badassfro said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 Well done you know how to edit your post.

    Ouch, embarrasing. Learn to read and you wont have to go through making up an excuse.

    I have never claimed fps makes you faster it just does not work with the compatability of the game. Different framerates dont work if the game isnt optimised.

    So you agree that rare should instead tweak the performance settings for console to get you better stability and more importantly frames.

    Well its worth a shot. I cant see it making it worse.

    Lower the graphics settings for console, it really doesn't make a huge visual difference but the performance boost to 60fps and loading times would be beneficial, change the resolution to 900p or make it variable on the horizontal axis to ease that pressure a little more.

    I've been saying this for months now.

    The problem isn't PC's being "overpowered", the problem is console being underpowered for the graphics settings it is currently using. It's not necessarily underpowered for the game but just the settings that it is tying to punch up for.

    It's a well known fact that the jaguar processors in base xbox's are anemic, and that was the consensus on the consoles release, let alone in 2019.

  • @staceyxsx said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @troubled-cells said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @badassfro said in Another crossplay discussion:

    @princessasuna96 Well done you know how to edit your post.

    Ouch, embarrasing. Learn to read and you wont have to go through making up an excuse.

    I have never claimed fps makes you faster it just does not work with the compatability of the game. Different framerates dont work if the game isnt optimised.

    So you agree that rare should instead tweak the performance settings for console to get you better stability and more importantly frames.

    Honestly if they could do something to even the playing field without the need for opt out I'd be all for it as I said I love playing with PC but the ones who use advantages to troll etc ruin it for everyone else.

    A bit of a moot point , trolls exist on both platforms, they will always be a problem in any capacity.

    Anything else is either optional or exists on both platforms.

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