More variations for ship customization

  • I didn't how to search in the forums to find any thread on that, so I made one myself.

    I love the sails of a Dhow.
    That's why I'm asking if it's possible to get more variations for the ship customization.
    Style of a Junk, Dhow or Caravel and maybe a polynesian ship for a more Ancients looking style. Ups wait or did the Ancients had no ships in the past or lore?

  • 14
  • @crancobila

    Making more ships of similar sizes, or even more ships at all, would take a lot of time for both the creation of the ship and the balancing of it. As for the Ancients, they seemed to have ships which moved utilizing large oars, rather than sails. They could go from island to island, but not far beyond, especially once the Devil's Shroud became a factor. It is likely any ships they once had have long since rotted away completely.

  • @UltmateRagnarok
    I thought more about different looks of same sized ships.
    And I know that this will take time.
    But I really hope they do it one day, hopefully earlier than late.

    But about the Ancient's idk that they had ships maybe they were canoes.
    Thanks for your info about them.

  • I would love it if they added different interior/exterior designs for certain ships like it's not like there's only one model of a sloop in existence, real-life sloops come in all different shapes and sizes, you know what I mean.

  • @d4m0r3d yeah I know

  • @crancobila I don't know how much they can change the sails without affecting sailing...not sure how the in game physics work. I would love to see more styles of ships introduced though. I would think the junk would be pretty easy to do...the sails are basically still square just kinda scued, and you could just tweak the skins of the three ships we already have to get a new look that would perform the same.

  • @william-flint it is a game, i mean how do the boats turn while they arent moving, they arent moterised.

  • @d4m0r3d I know it's a game and I am all for games not being 100% realistic because they have to be fun.

    What I ment is that there are game physics...water and wind push your ship even with sails up, wind hitting your sails different ways changes how fast you sail, etc. I don't know how they programmed the sails. If in the programing sails are just a square area on your masts that dosen't neccessary match up with what we see on screen (like how everyone has the same sized hitbox no matter how thin or big their pirate is) than it should be easy to add different shaped sails and have them behave the same way. If the programed "sailbox" actually conforms to the square sails than changing the shape of the sails will probably change how the ships handle, which would require much more balancing and testing.

    I would be happy with either new surface cosmetics that just made our ships look like different styles of ship or with whole new ships that had the same crew and weapon sizes, but had new advantages drawbacks with how they handled. I was just pointing out that doing so may be more complicated than it actually seems.

  • @crancobila i think it would be cool to have one variant of each of the three ships. maybe it doesnt even do anything but change look of ship, tho more options on speed and turning could be nice, just change of designs of ships on the sea would be nice.

  • I didn't wanted that the other ships I mentioned change the overall of the ships.
    That was my idea in the first place but now I'm thinking more about that we get more sailing experience in the game.
    My keynote was that I'm a bit bored of the looks of the ships overall.
    Yeah I like the new skin the bringing in the game but still ship feel generic

  • @william-flint with the junk I had the same thoughts as you had.

    But what I'm thinking is maybe hard to do is that most or wait every other (I think even the junk) are moved to the side. I mean not centred like the square rigs the ship in SoT have right now.
    The sails of Dhows/Caravels and Junks are indeed in front of the mast but more on one side of the ship. And all other sails in the world used are also not in front of the mast.
    Hope you can follow me on my not knowing much about sailing writings. xD

    And thats why if we got differents sails we also need probably change the way to sail in SoT but I don't know for sure.
    Because the common way to sail with those sail that are on one side is that you sail in a zigzag course type of way. And you using that technic for going "straight" to a place.

  • @crancobila its true that junks are rigged with their sails fore and aft. But so are sloops. And the mainsails of brigintines also are fore and aft rather than square to the mast. So I kind of assumed they would try to keep the look of the sails but change them to be square to the mast (or in front of as you were putting it).

    Actually releasing ships that were fire and aft rigged would be a cool way to introduce more ships that used the same crew sizes but behaved differently. But I'm pretty sure that there are significant advantages to the square rigging, so not sure how it would be balanced.

  • @william-flint i agree with you, i like the idea of being able to change the locations of things on your ship, and maybe having different sloops, but yea sails should stay the same, unless they make a whole new boat out of it

  • you know what bro, the search thing is so wierd. i been on these forums for a long while now, and i still dont know how to search, i learned at one point but forgot. i mean why isnt it just at the top where EVERY other thing ever has a search bar. idk its really wierd, i literally have nooo idea how to do it anymore

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