Another post about sail mechanics (with graphs)

  • Hello everyone!

    I want to show off an idea I had about how the sailing mechanics of the game could be improved by making them more realistic and intuitive, while also not turning the game into a sailing sim.

    The way it works is this: Essentially I have 3 components to determine a ship's speed:

    Base speed:
    similar to last time

    Sail alignment bonus:
    The better the sail is angled in respect to the wind, the more speed you will gain. This is determined by a cosine function. The best angle for the sail would be such that the normal axis of the sail is pointed directly in between the ship's axis and the wind's axis. So for instance, when the wind is coming from 90° to the right, the optimal sail angle would be 45°. Not only is this closer to reality, but it also means that partial head wind gains more significance gameplaywise, because there is an optimal angle for every wind direction, not just ones coming from behind. I hope you get what I'm saying.

    Wind direction bonus:
    The more a ship is aligned with its preferred wind direction, the more speed it will gain. This is also determined by a cosine function. The sloop as an optimal angle of 180°, the galleon has 0° and the brigantine technically has two, 90° and -90°

    I've made it so that the three ship types vary from one another in all aspects, but base speed. This makes the ships perfectly balanced, because if you integrate the top speed of each ship type over 360° wind angle, you get the same values for all of them.

    Let's have a look. The plot on the right shows the achievable top speed as a function of the sail angle, the left plot shows the wind direction as indicated by the orange arrow/line as well as another way of showing the top speed. Draw a line from the origin at the angle of the sail and intersect the ship's curve, the distance from this intersection to the origin is the top speed.

    Galleon: red
    Brig: blue
    Sloop: green

    The galleon has a speed advantage of 0.5 m/s, the sloop and brig are equally fast.

    This is the wind angle at which the galleon and the brig perform equally well, with the sloop being 0.25 m/s slower.

    The optimal wind direction for the brig, in which it has a 0.25 m/s advantage.

    Here, the galleon is 0.25 m/s slower, while the sloop and the brig share the number one spot.

    In direct head wind the sloop outperforms the other ships by 0.5 m/s.

    Here's a GIF of the whole spectrum.

    Note that the optimal sail angle as well as the general shape of the speed function is the same for all ships, while the performance can still vary quite significantly. Also note that the performance on the sloop varies the least, while the brig and the galleon can vary much more. This means that in order to achieve better results on bigger ship types, the crew on a galleon has to work harder than the crew of a brig. Slooping is made easier in comparison and so this system also serves an important balancing issue. I also set it up so that the travel/wind direction is never the definitive factor, as a well managed ship will always be quicker than a poorly managed one.

    Now you might be thinking: "Why does the brig only get a 0.25 m/s advantage? That's not fair!" but remember that the seas have essentially twice as much cross wind as they have head or tail wind, since you can have it coming from the left or the right side.

    I want to also mention that there is not a single situation, in which you are unable to sail. Even if you take the worst ship for headwind and put the sails in the worst orientation possible, you will still be able to go at a whopping 0.75 m/s. Obviously these values can be adjusted quite easily, this is after all just a concept.

    I hope you enjoy this idea, let me know what you think!

    Greetings from Germany!!

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  • @capt-gorgonzola Have you posted this before? It looks familiar...

  • @capt-gorgonzola

    I agree with @Galactic-Geek here. This looks like a previous post. All the same, the sail mechanics are fine as of now, excluding the weird thing with pointing the sails directly into the wind.

  • @galactic-geek, @UltmateRagnarok I have posted something similar before, yes. This time it's a lot less realistic, more forgiving and generally closer to what's already in the game with a few key differences. Mainly making it so that the sails have to be put half way towards the wind as opposed to all the way, which makes partial head wind a lot more gameplay rich and generally moving the system closer to what a completely new player with no prior knowledge would instinctively do. In fact I played with a pirate legend yesterday who had his sails facing the side while going upwind, because he did not know that this was slower than putting them straight. I think this speaks volumes and should be addressed.

  • @capt-gorgonzola

    It's intended that putting the sails to the side makes them the most effective into the wind, however the glitch that makes them faster directly into it has not yet been fixed. It wasn't originally like that, which is why a lot of experienced players don't use it.

  • @ultmateragnarok Seriously? I'm fairly new to the game, so I didn't know it used to be different. Do you have source that it's a known bug?

  • @capt-gorgonzola

    It's not always been used, and mostly it still isn't by most. Not sure if it's always been there, but it's widely regarded as a bug by the community.

  • it’s a pity that in the game there are no slanting sails on the mizzen mast, and on the bowsprit which serves as a bridge or observation post

  • It may be a bug, but Rare has yet to fix it so in as far as I know, so I think they've intentionally chosen to leave it in because it provides better balance for the game overall. With all of that said, this is of course assuming it wasn't put in by design - in which case they have yet to admit to it.

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