Pirate Lord's Journal #4 - They Gave It A Name

  • ‘The Sea of Thieves’. That’s what they’re calling it nowadays. The genie is out of the bottle, and more pirates are finding their way there every day.

    Some are looking to hide – from their enemies, from their pasts, from the Grand Maritime Union – while others have heard the call to adventure.

    It’s only a matter of time before they reach this island, too. Maybe they’ll be dreaming about all the Sea of Thieves has to offer, just as I was.

    If that’s the shape of things to come, I’d be a fool to complain. Instead I’ll stow a few supplies around the place for those who need them.

    Things work differently beyond the Shroud. Better, for the most part, but newcomers will have to think on their feet if they’re to survive.

    This is one of the Pirate Lord's journals you can find in the new tutorial (Maiden Voyage). You can find this journal next to the wheel of the Magpie's Fortune.

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