XBOX Series X - 1440p 120FPS mode please.

  • Why is the game capped at 60fps when you run the game in 1440p mode on series x ?? It should go as high as possible in my opinion. The hardware of xbox series x, wouldn't have that much problems in running SOT in 120fps, while in 1440p

    Please make this a thing

    Was really excited to switch my Xbox over to 1440p, as i was assuming that the FPS would be considerably higher than 60fps .
    But when I asked customer service they said it's capped at 60fps in 1440p as well. And i can't see any reason why this has been done. None.

    This is something developers can look into.

    Ps: i feel as if the game runs at a higher fps count than 60, when in 1440p. But since customer support for sea of thieves denied this, i am confused. Would be nice if somebody with propper knowledge on this, could reply.. thank you

  • 7
  • @the-imp1899
    i only have one question on this , and certainly not to mock you but more from the point that i just don't know... Can the human eye still see the difference between 60 and 120 frames per hour ? Just a sincere question , and i'm not being rediculous...

  • @clumsy-george
    Small grammar fix its frames per second not per hour :)

    That is weird question. With quick google search first think to pop us is "human eye can see 1000 frames per second" and other older sources state 30-60frames.

    I own an 240hz monitor and have used it in overwatch with 240frames. and yes you can tell difference between 60-120 frames. Its not as noticeable as 30 to 60 but still change. higher frames you go the less change you see between smoothness.

    TL:DR it does look smoother but change isn't as massive as 30 to 60.

  • @limend
    Thanks for the answer , sorry for the hour/ second mistake.

  • @clumsy-george it's like the other replied here 😉 you can notice it, and it just makes the game feel much smoother, and a tiny bit more responsive. At least that's my experience 😊

  • @clumsy-george wait what? You cant feel the difference? I played 60, then 120 and it feels night and day — the responsiveness and smoothness

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