Monkey Island Tall Tale.


    I have recently been playing through the monkey island series and my oh my is that game a banger. It just shows how much great story telling can do. Which is why I have come to you today...

    We have already gotten some juicy lore with the monkey island Easter egg in pirates life, I'm not sure whether or not that was meant to be taken seriously but gosh dangit I'm taking it seriously.


    Obviously someone new emerges mostlikely from the sea of the damned, the tall tale could go in several different directions so I might have a couple threads for this idea, nevertheless...

    Kate Capzise escapes the sea of the damned no thanks to her crew and is in search for new purpose. A terrible threat continues to threaten the sea of thieves whether it be flameheart or the brethren court. (This tall tale needs to be part of the main story of sot not some side story.) Kate capsize realizes the sea of thieves needs help so she sends the players to search for GuyBrushThreepWood (because according to the journals he is already in the sea of thieves) and stuff happens from there

    GuyBrushThreepWood has come to the sea of thieves to gather a new name for himself and create a new story to tell! He is in search of a new buried treasure that none of us have a clue about and needs the help of us pirates to recover it. He sends us off to various islands and on each island we find some random tool or just piece of garbage (nostalgic garbage from MonkeyIsland) we then use this garbage to solve a bunch of puzzles on the final island. These puzzles lead us to the treasure in a cave. Its CaptainDreads' Lucky Eye necklace (or somethn else I'm just spitballing) but Kate Capsize has reached the treasure before you and blah blah blah etc...

    Idk what happens next I just think that having GuyBrushThreepWood in the sea of thieves would be epic. What are other ideas yall have for a monkeyisland themed tall tale??

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    generalcommunityjust for funstory & loreevents
  • Uncle! Uncle!

  • im a massive monkey island fan but a monkey island tall tale just doesn't fit in SoT.

  • @greatfailure82 said in Monkey Island Tall Tale.:

    im a massive monkey island fan but a monkey island tall tale just doesn't fit in SoT.

    There's literally an Easter egg for it.

    I think it fits quite well as SoT is very much inspired by Monkey Island and they are already partnering with Disney who owns the rights to said, Monkey Island and Lucas Arts.

  • PotC is something a huge chunk of the players of this game thought of when diving in and a huge attraction for those that would potentially make the dive.

    I dunno how big of a needle mover Monkey Island is even though there are people in the game that adore it. I also don't know how big of a needle mover it would need to be for them to consider the resource usage justified.

    I'm not against it, I would undoubtedly enjoy it, I'm more just genuinely curious about the overall appeal of it and hunger for it with the players of the game outside of online fan posting which leans a clear direction.

  • @wolfmanbush I think it should be part of the main story, because if you think about it Belle isn't gonna be a big needlemover either, I think that if a monkey island tall tale were added it would only improve the game and the story line. But it rlly just depends upon what rare has in mind for the game

  • @avacadobeard244 I only read the title of your post. BUT YES PLEASE!

  • @qu1etone Guess I made it too long then xD

  • I got my rubber chicken! 😆

  • @galactic-geek with a pully on it 🤣

  • @avacadobeard244 no mate it wasn't toooooooo long. You had me with the title. 👍🤣

  • @personalc0ffee a easter egg is far different from a tall tale

  • @greatfailure82 said in Monkey Island Tall Tale.:

    @personalc0ffee a easter egg is far different from a tall tale

    Yes but it shows, they are willing to work together.

  • Honestly, rather than a tall tale which is a 1 time experience, i would prefer if they add small bits and pieces to the open world.

    Like a rare 3 headedmonkey roaming the islands and dropping some nice sacks of gold.

    And perhaps some cannibal villages on a couple of large islands, ready to spear you from the bushes.

    Maybe a world event, a huge boss ship including LeChuck and his crew (i really hoped Davy Jones would be a world event in s3)

    How about adding Stan to one of the shipwright shops and giving him wacky lines?

    Or, this is a stretch, adding the entire Melee(TM) island to the seas and making various activities on it, or just for the purpose of a tall tale itself while keeping the island as a huge outpost.

    Im just brainstorming here but i think the potential is amazing and so much bigger than a simple portal-hop tall tale that will have no replayability.

  • @alienmagi I don't think the three headed monkey idea fits sea of thieves but I LOVE the other ideas, I definently think some kind of world event would be better though, that's what they should have done with Davy Jones. But just a simple nice nod to monkey island with Stan being a shipwright or something would be gr8

  • @greatfailure82 said in Monkey Island Tall Tale.:

    @personalc0ffee a easter egg is far different from a tall tale

    alt text

  • @avacadobeard244 said in Monkey Island Tall Tale.:

    @alienmagi I don't think the three headed monkey idea fits sea of thieves

    I bet @triheadedmonkey will disagree with you!

    but I LOVE the other ideas I definently think some kind of world event would be better though, that's what they should have done with Davy Jones.

    I also though The Flying Dutchman will be a world event in S3. Was very disappointed when I found out the giant Davy Jones cloud was only for the tall tale.

  • @avacadobeard244 👀

  • @triheadedmonkey let me rephrase that...

  • @triheadedmonkey it's a remarkable idea that would greatly improve the sea of thieves

  • I love this idea; Monkey Island tall tale would add so much fun humor to this game. Imagine Captain LeChuck making a mockery of FlameHeart or other legendary sea pirates. They could make something great happen with this lore, I loved monkey island even the songs would make this game funny and cool moments where GuyBrush says sword fighting isn't just about the sharp blade but a sharp tongue.

  • Ahoy @xdogglegacy !

    Bumping old threads goes against the Forum rules. I will be dropping anchor here.


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