Flame of Fate expanded

  • I think it would be cool to see campfire flames change color when lit with a Flame of Fate, similar to how the beacons change color. Could be used for smoke signals, by color, as a new means of communication.

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  • @galactic-geek
    Well, as communication there would have to be a standard meaning created (or implied)
    Red: Your supplies must be dwindling by now
    Green: I desperately need the commendation for defeating skelly ships in an alliance
    White: Help me get off this island I'm stranded
    Purple: I want to fight but I don't have the pink flame
    Pink: Bring it on
    Blue: FIYSH

  • I like to also see, use certain flames and light one of the island lanterns. To activate something or summon something.

    Maybe as example: Use the Red flame. Ashen skeletons spawn more often or those shadow skeletons which requires the flame itself.

    Kind of a hidden quest thing.

  • @burnbacon said in Flame of Fate expanded:

    I like to also see, use certain flames and light one of the island lanterns. To activate something or summon something.

    Maybe as example: Use the Red flame. Ashen skeletons spawn more often or those shadow skeletons which requires the flame itself.

    Kind of a hidden quest thing.

    I would like to see more interactivity with light sources around the Sea in general - being able to turn island lanterns on or off, or snuffing out/relighting torches, etc. Even going as far as putting out the tavern fireplace (and watching the tavernkeeper angrily relight it with a thrown firebomb that was hidden behind the counter).

    Can you imagine approaching an outpost at night grateful to finally reach a safe haven to turn in only to watch in dread as all of the lights go out? 😅

  • Can we use those big stone bowls for fire please.

  • @pithyrumble said in Flame of Fate expanded:

    Can we use those big stone bowls for fire please.

    IKR!? 😅

    Imagine if we could light/douse the light sources on islands AND add the Flame of Fate colors too - we could set up an Outpost to celebrate various holidays or even look like Party Island. 🥳

    I can even imagine only certain lights being lit to create a hidden trail more visible at night that leads to hidden loot. 😉

  • I'd love to see additional uses for the flames of fate.

    I'd love to see more PvE benefits beyond just the fated flame skeletons....make different colors have effects on crawlers and phantoms too.

    There could also be "territory" based activities using the beacons within regions...maybe lighting all the beacons within a region in a certain pattern triggers some sort of world event...or triggers a high value loot item to spawn somewhere in the world that has a beacon on it like the Reaper Chest/Bounty.

    All sorts of cool stuff they could do with the flames of fate...but we only see them used for the FoTD and Thieves Haven Runs...(and some boring events here and there) yawn.

  • New and interesting way to cook food!

  • @butterfinger750 said in Flame of Fate expanded:

    New and interesting way to cook food!

    Regardless of color, a flame is still a flame - it's going to be hot no matter what. Unless, it's magical, of course (being FoFs, they probably are) - but then again, that is a whole other can of worms I don't think I want opened here...

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