Cheaters on Sea of Thieves

  • Hey there! I'm very mad, so many hackers, 3 games in a row with hackers... Please Rare help us!

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  • Surely you collected evidence and reported them....right? RIGHT!?

  • While there are a few instances of actual hacking in the game, many of the supposed "hacking" scenarios end up being nothing more than: player skill issues (of lack thereof), bad internet, or most likely, server-side issues.

  • I go from standing on the deck of my sloop to being teleported to the bottom of the ocean while taking fall damage a solid 6 times a day.

    I take damage from invisible obstacles in the ocean a couple of times a day

    good luck accurately accusing someone of cheating on the servers we play on

  • What happens when there is no clear evidence of someone cheating but they still do?

    Just the other day I had a guy say there are "ways to get rid of hit reg issues now but you can get banned ;)" clearly implying they were using some sort of external programs to cheat in the game.

    After reporting him with evidence of the above, it of course is not enough for Rare.

  • Over 20 years of gaming i grew very skeptical of people who claim cheats, would you mind sharing how long have you played the game and why do you think they were cheating? The only thing in sot that i ever encountered "cheating" were skelly galleons shooting 5x balls in my face. Cant recall players being suspicious, only very good. Im playing from UK so probably get put in the servers in a nearby geographical location, can imagine meetint real cheaters in Chineese/ruzzian servers as those communities seem to be more prone to it

  • Proof? Maybe they are just better shot than you?
    Video and screenshots.

  • @wolfmanbush I have that happen to me periodically. Or my ship starts flying hahaha

    Yesterday I was standing at my wheel of the galleon, next thing I know I'm in the cargo hold and i hadn't moved.

  • @i-jusa-i said in Cheaters on Sea of Thieves:

    What happens when there is no clear evidence of someone cheating but they still do?

    Just the other day I had a guy say there are "ways to get rid of hit reg issues now but you can get banned ;)" clearly implying they were using some sort of external programs to cheat in the game.

    Or they were just pulling your leg, because that statement makes zero sense. Hit reg is a server issue and can't be modified by clients. You could make it worse by severely lagging maybe, but you can't magically make it better.

  • @valor-omega said in Cheaters on Sea of Thieves:

    player skill issues (of lack thereof)

    Hey! I resemble that remark!

  • @burnbacon I have heard of alot of players using aimbots and such.

    Prime example, I was just in a server, my buddy and I on my galleon. We were in a battle with a sloop. This player was able to accurately snipe me during high waves, when his sloop was BELOW the level of our deck, I could not see his ship at all from where I was standing.

    Then whenever he was firing his cannon, even at long distance, he still bit my buddy with pinpoint accuracy with cannonballs. Chain shots at long range were 100% accurate on the mast.

    He was soloing a sloop, turning and quick firing with pinpoint accuracy.

    I dont care how good a player is, everyone has limitations. Especially with how the aim is with cannons on moving objects.

  • Hacking/cheating is very, very rare in SoT.

    Usually it is server lag or client lag and similar issues that causes the problems, not actual cheating.

  • @restlessboredom Question: Can you even aimbot a cannon? It's not hitscan, it's got an arc and all that. Would an aimbot be able to accurately target the masts of a ship and put the appropriate arc on them to account for distance, waves, etc to hit with chain shot? Chainshot has a much shorter arc than cannons, so would the aimbot know which ammo you are using to differentiate?

    I'm not arguing, I've just never used an aimbot or anything. In any of the videos I've seen they have always been COD or something similar. In SOT I can see aimbot for flintlock at short range, even EOR, but cannons?

    Also, if they could snipe you while you weren't even in line of sight, does that mean their hax could make the projectile go through the ship? I thought all projectile physics were regulated server side, not client side, so how would they be able to hack it to go through objects?

    Again, I don't really know much about it, I'm just asking are these things that "aimbot" or "hax" can do in SOT?

  • @maximusarael020 Cannonballs are server side, so the best a cheat could do for cannonballs would be to draw an on screen arc guide I think.

  • Rare needs to roll out an anticheat. Hackers are making the game unplayable.

  • @maximusarael020 I was curious myself prior to solidifying my accusation. So I Google aimbot cheats for sea of thieves. I was amazed at how many there are.

    The aimbot for cannonballs must use an algorithm to determine the trajectory based on your intended target. But when I read through the cheats, most are aimbot toward players. So it must be able to differentiate players from the ship somehow. I'm not 100% since I don't use cheats lol.

    This player just literally had 100% accuracy. Not a single shot missed.

  • @d3adst1ck

    I'm fairly certain they werent and were referring to some sort of new external program they used to help with any hitreg issues. Possibly aimbotting or something.

    They also ended the conversation with "you think I would say it in gamechat?" when I asked what they were using.

    But then again, who knows. The point still stands not all cheaters are blatant and getting "video evidence" of a non blatant cheater is impossible.

  • @i-jusa-i There is nothing that will help with hitreg issues. Hit registration is processed on the server; you can't make it better from your end.

    If he was talking about aimbot, that is different but even aimbot is susceptible to hit registration problems.

  • @d3adst1ck

    Sure thing, Not sure why I epuld trust your word any more than some other random strangers. Who knows what the cheaters have came up with.

  • There are also many cheats that allow the cheater to see anyone on the server and what loot they have etc.

    How on earth would you video proof that?

    I've gotten a few banned after they admitted to using them in game chat on my open crews. But without them admitting is there really sny way for us to report them? No.

  • people have improved at shooting, the game is over 4 years old and pvpers shoot things all day, that not only naturally happens, that is supposed to happen.

    Strong naval is rare and when it is strong it's typically a known crew or they run with a known crew and they are just skilled players

    "cheating is everywhere" is narrative that comes out of social bubbles in discords and twitch chats

    People crack me all the time, why wouldn't they? It's what they practice.

    Their weakness is often naval and if it isn't it's because they earned it.

    The skill gap is also not only massive it has been steadily widening the last couple of years so that plays a big part of these random hostile interactions, as well as people are simply playing on different difficulty modes and have random interests at random times which also factors in.

  • Just because some players are really good at the game does not mean some players should get away with cheating tho does it?

    Even with a quick google search you can read cheater forums where they talk about how using some cheats on SoT is safe, as there is only a form of serverside anticheat.

    There really is no way for you to even know if someones using a cheat but hiding it from you.

    Do cheaters really affect my experience on the game? Not really. Do i think its still not cool for cheaters to get away with using cheats? Absolutely.

    Have I seen a couple of blatan cheaters? Yes and they were banned after a report.

    Have I seen any unblatant ones? No way to know, no way to report. Thats the core issue.

  • @i-jusa-i said in Cheaters on Sea of Thieves:

    Just because some players are really good at the game does not mean some players should get away with cheating tho does it?

    Even with a quick google search you can read cheater forums where they talk about how using some cheats on SoT is safe, as there is only a form of serverside anticheat.

    There really is no way for you to even know if someones using a cheat but hiding it from you.

    Do cheaters really affect my experience on the game? Not really. Do i think its still not cool for cheaters to get away with using cheats? Absolutely.

    Have I seen a couple of blatan cheaters? Yes and they were banned after a report.

    Have I seen any unblatant ones? No way to know, no way to report. Thats the core issue.

    just like non streamers have no accountability for their accusations, they can just claim what they want.

    I'd be interested in seeing people running into obvious cheating on a regular basis because what I do know is it is massively exaggerated in the communities that currently record their play all day and they are the ones that are most likely to see it due to them being public personalities.

  • @rayokiller4833 sometimes it’s players using keyboard and mouse even though they’re on x box.

  • If you believe a player has been toxic in the game or suspect foul play, you can report them to Xbox Live here. You can also submit a support ticket via Rare Player Support.

    Dropping anchor here as it is a matter for Support, not the Forums.

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