Now we know the imposter is *spoiler*…

  • Now we know the imposter is LeChuck for sure, how do you think him and Flameheart will come to terms? Flameheart and the reaper’s see him as a potential Duke already, but I imagine LeChuck won’t take nicely to being considered a servant when he has his own designs for the Sea of Thieves.

    That being said, I imagine LeChuck’s motives are still in line with (his perspective of) the freedom of a pirate’s life and that he still wouldn’t throw his lot in with the Dark Brethren, unless he ends up being the actual Cap’n which I highly doubt considering the Cap’n’s previous affiliations with Captain Flameheart.

    I would also love to see some comedic recognition of how Flameheart’s character is so furiously inspired by LeChuck.

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  • I see him siding with the Drak Brethren. I dont know why but a villain wanted to take SoT for himself and was working with the Dark Brethren, it was Davy Jones. I see a potential to expand DB even more with this DLC

  • LeChuck is going to be taken care of, one way or another, by the end of the Monkey Island Tall Tales just like Davy Jones was at the end of the PotC Tall Tales.

    The future of the primary SoT storyline won't involve third party characters in any way beyond the crossovers they're a part of and their involvement will be wrapped up by the end of said crossover.

    Just consider that Season Three (the Pirate's Life season) ended two years ago and you haven't seen Jack Sparrow, Davy Jones or any other PotC characters in-game in any way, shape or form since then. There's a reason why the Tall Tale sets involving Licensed Properties are self-contained and have little influence on the game as a whole.

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