PVP curses, lore breaking or lore expanding?

  • Hi, I have a really quick question I could never ever find an answer to and that is in the Pirate Legends hideout there are ghosts, ghost curse? It seems like they have died and been rewarded for their deeds with an afterlife with other pirates. But that begs the question, is the player dead? I also cant just watch how a player with ghost curse switches from skelly curse to athenas blessing, its just so lore breaking its crazy.

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  • @gamecowcz They have the Athena blessing, and are not dead. In the lore the Athena blessing and the ghosts on the ferry are diffrent things. The blessing is (I'm pretty sure, don't quote me) the same energy the pirate lord put on the Athena treasure, but on a pirate.

    Happy Sailing!

  • @riptide3683 Its weird, I asked the bartender in the hideout and there was an option to ask her how she died, meaning aśhe must be dead. Its different stuff here and there so dont know what to believe.

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