Safer Seas FAQ

  • @mopwieldinghedgehog
    Two days ago i wrote a 500 words post and they deleted it. So i don't really expect this to go through. What you're not getting is that the game has come full circle. PvP is something that fades away. And this game is built in a way that you can't have fun if a kid or a bunch of kids or a streamer decides to ruin your game experience. "It isn't a PvE only game?". Nobody wants it to be a "PvE only game". But trying to PvE on Higher Seas is the most frustrating exp. The game can easily have two modes, but you know and we know you don't like the idea. Because ppl will move to Safer Seas and Higer Seas will be the sweatiest exp with noone to gank.
    The fact is that Rare really don't like the Safer Seas idea, but the game is dying and they have to do something for the 100s of fed up gamers. Remember, ppl will buy the game paying what you paid for and from the start there is a penalty playing Safer Seas. Admiting that they want to push players back to Higher Seas is at least laughable. They will simply quit, you know there many other good games out there. You "veterans" act like you own the game and you forget that listening to the fanbase and not 30,40,50 sweatlords is the key to success.

    that's all. At least you read it before deleting it. I won't be playing the game because when i buy a game i expect an equal exp. Not treating me like a 2nd grade gamer.

  • @gloriousmustard If you stop stating odd speculation as fact, maybe your posts won't be removed. Stating that the game is dying because x amount of people are fed up is pure speculation. And I'd like to again point out that everyone who has bought the game up until now has bought a PvEvP game, where both PvE and PvP are cornerstones. Now I know you may want to glue "sweat" on me but let me tell you the reality - I play solo 95% of the time. I never engage in PvP unless I absolutely have to and sometimes not even then, I'll just give people the win. Am I a veteran? Yes. A veteran who never willingly participates in PvP and who has become quite skilled in keeping my eyes out for where other ships are and in outsailing them when need be. I would also personally be very bored playing this game without having to pay attention to my surroundings. I'd also miss the positive player encounters I have - they have been quite a few over the years.

    I'm hearing the fanbase, but the fanbase bought a PvEvP game, just like me. Safer Seas is not the core game, it's a complement to the core game.

    Now I've let your post stay up. I've replied to it and if you wish to have a further discussion on this subject, feel free to send me a direct message.

  • Haven't been around in a long time but it's wild to see all the same arguments being thrown around about the game.

    In ways this reminds me of when Arena mode was introduced, lots of Pirates celebrated the new mode, but not much was said about ruining the "core" experience of the base game.

    Now with the introduction of a PVE mode Pirates are concerned with the future of the game. Arena didn't kill the Sea of Thieves and neither will Safer Seas. The base game will be just fine.

    What will be interesting to watch is how popular Safer Seas becomes because that is a question many have wondered about for a very long time indeed.

  • @fairwayfreddy said in Safer Seas FAQ:

    Haven't been around in a long time but it's wild to see all the same arguments being thrown around about the game.

    In ways this reminds me of when Arena mode was introduced, lots of Pirates celebrated the new mode, but not much was said about ruining the "core" experience of the base game.

    The difference though is that Arena was a short match-based mode that did not change anything to the core of the game, nor encroached on adventure mode. It had it pros and cons just like safe safe seas though, you couldn't do all that the game offers in there and were limited to only very specific activities. The payout wasn't all that great either, most people played to get the associated cosmetics. It was a benefit to PVE even in a way, since it relieved a bit of pressure by providing a quick PVP outlet to people who craved only PVP encounters, leaving a bit of breathing room in adventure mode.

    Now with the introduction of a PVE mode Pirates are concerned with the future of the game. Arena didn't kill the Sea of Thieves and neither will Safer Seas. The base game will be just fine.

    What will be interesting to watch is how popular Safer Seas becomes because that is a question many have wondered about for a very long time indeed.

    Agreed Safe seas will not kill the game in the measure where restrictions are balance with the regular mode is kept. With arena, Rare wanted to make a separate outlet for people who only wanted to do a specific portion of the game, and it turned out only a very small percentage used it and they ended up axing it. It will be interesting indeed to see if Safe seas will fare better and will see more usage.

  • Not a single staff response to any of my captaincy questions on page 6 after two weeks, and Shelley hasn't posted anything at all since page 4... and we're on page 8 now.
    Safer Seas would be great for me to play on days where I'm not as well due to my disabilities, yet the "accessible gamemode" removed the accessible Sovereign Huts and accessible captain voyages, in addition to removing the ships we've grown attached to, and removing all milestone progress despite letting us progress most commendations.
    What a joke.

    @draaloff-x said in Safer Seas FAQ:

    ・Why can't we progress PvE milestones when we can progress PvE commendations?
    ・Fishing and Tall Tales were specifically called out in the Season 10 announcement, yet we cannot progress the related milestones.
    ・Not being able to sell at Sovereign Huts will make Safer Seas less viable for shorter play sessions, which it would otherwise be ideal for.
    ・The lack of Captain Voyages also makes shorter play sessions less viable.
    ・Safer Seas is ideal for children and people with disabilities (who were also called out in the Season 10 announcement), yet they cannot use their ships.
    ・Safer Seas' players will have no reason to buy Captaincy items in the Emporium, and people who have already bought some will have less usage of them.

  • @draaloff-x Short answer is that Captaincy is not available on Safer Seas.

    Longer answer would be that without the additional risk that comes with High Seas, there is no need for faster selling at Sovereigns because there is no risk when selling.

    Apart from that, High Seas is the Sea of Thieves which is more in line with the Dev vision. Captaincy is a perk that is involved with that. Quick sell, customisation etc.

    Safer Seas is not intended as a full 'PvE mode'.

    High Seas is the place if you wish to fully progress, earn Milestones, rep etc.

    Also as an aside, staff/devs are not at your beck and call 24/7. Weirdly they are working on a game. There is no guarantee that you will get a reply or acknowledgement but that doesn't mean that it hasn't been read or passed on.

  • @look-behind-you

    Some captaincy cosmetics cost money to buy.

    I don't need captaincy benefits in Safer Seas. I want my captaincy cosmetics available no matter how I'm playing.

  • @exinjeru And then you can sail on High Seas!

  • Ahoy!,

    I was wondering, because it’s only a few days from December, is there a specific date that it is going to be released, or is it just “December”

  • [Mod edit]
    I have one question that I noticed doesn't seem to be answered in this faq and is slowly growing more relevant as the release month grows closer. Do we have a release date for this feature that's a little more specific than "Sometime in December" yet? Because December is in about 7 days as of the posting of this message and I think many of us who are looking forward to this new mode would like to have a firmer grasp on when it will be playable.

  • @silverwing-525 There's no need to tag for that question. A release date for Safer Seas will be announced on all social channels in due time, just like with every other update. You just need to be patient.

  • @mopwieldinghedgehog
    Alright. Just figured I should tag the mod who made the initial post since they seemed to be in charge of explaining how it's all going to work. No need to get snippy about it.

  • @silverwing-525 Shelley is not a moderator, she's a Senior Designer at Rare. Maybe my "snippy tone" makes more sense to you now?

  • Some posts have been removed.
    As questions have been asked and answered, and things are now slowly turning into simply giving feedback or making requests, I will be dropping anchor on this thread here. Thank you all for your participation.

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