My Problem with Maintaining a Guild

  • Hi folks I hope this sees you all well. As the title suggests, I (and I'm sure many other guild owners) am having issues with the current state of the guild system. My problem is keeping the activity and momentum of the guild. What I mean is that I believe the member limit is much too small. I was able to fill the guild up to max capacity in just a few days and now I have a handful of people that also want to join the guild but can't because of said limit. It doesn't make it any better that there's no way to check an individual member's stats to determine how active they are on the guild and how much they contribute to it. The ship chronicles are a start, but they only show the ship's stats and who started the instance. Everyone else is excluded from this.
    In short, I want Rare to add more ways for the leaders to gauge how much a member brings to the table by showing when they last sailed on a guild ship, how much they earned, or just when they were last on the game altogether. It's quality of life changes that could work as a stepping stone towards the longevity of the guild system. PLEASE take this into account, Rare!

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  • @commander-qball I think the lack of what you’re asking for is solely for the reason above, you mention about people being kicked from the guild because of low activity. It’s not gamer’s fault if they can’t commit to playing every day, the guild leader should also remember that this guild system is supposed to be more relaxed than most, as is the nature of the game. I understand if you have people wanting to join but that’s the tough choice you need to make, or put them on a waiting list and hope some people leave naturally because of low activity etc.

  • I think we should do away with the guild leaderboards entirely. People are getting way too sweaty about a system for joining your friends' ship from in-game menu.

  • leaders to gauge how much a member brings to the table by showing when they last sailed on a guild ship, how much they earned, or just when they were last on the game altogether.

    A lot of judging players of what they do and not do.

    This why guilds should just be among friends who trust each other and not strangers.

    Less issue

  • @burnbacon I agree in fact my guild is solely made of my buddies that I hang with irl

  • @crowedhunter This has nothing to do with stats or guild leaderboards. This is for the people that haven been waiting for a spot to open up for a while. Think about down the line if there's still several other people that want to join, when meanwhile there's a member that hasn't played for several months or dropped the game and you wouldn't even know because there's no way to see how long it's been since they sailed. It's not fair to them no matter how you look at it.

  • @burnbacon You're completely misinterpreting this part. I have no interest in "judging" or controlling people or any of the sort. I simply want a feature to make it so that the leaders can be aware of players that no longer play the game in the event that there's a long waiting list. It's not fair for someone that wants to join a guild to be unable to get invited because of a member that has been AWOL for 5 or so months without the knowledge of anyone. This can be fixed by adding a "Last seen" timer or simply increasing the member limit altogether.

  • @commander-qball Make a clone guild.

  • Agreed, in most games established guilds have some people online, but at different times, some long term MIA, some on vacation.

    If a guild has 25% online at any time the is a lot. I can see the ship limits, but the member limits should be much higher, I would say 100.

  • Set an expectation with your Guild members of how much participation you are looking for such as a specific amount of Gold or Guild Emissary value earned on a monthly basis. Have them understand that if they cannot meet that expectation that they will be removed from the Guild.

    The features you are looking for may not be directly integrated into Guilds but they are otherwise available.

    How to track if people are playing Sea of Thieves:

    There are game stats found within every player's profile in the Official Club of the game. You can setup a database, spreadsheet or notepad documenting these stats for each member if you are so willing. The only requirement to view this information is that the player's game progress is set to Public or Friends Only with you as a Friend.
    You may also need to inquire or assume that people may be a member of more than one Guild.

    If someone is on your Friend's list you can follow their individual Emissary Ledger value for the month. There is no option to do so for Guilds. If added, it likely wouldn't be able to track whether or not multiple members were in the same session on the same crew.


    How to track Guild progress (in game and online)

    If you go to the Guild tab and view member ships you can see which ones are out at sea and who is on the crew.

    The main Guild page will display Chronicles (session stats) for the past 24 hours. If you click on an individual ship you can see Ship Chronicles going back 8 days.
    Those Chronicles tell you who started that ship and how much Gold, Guild Emissary Value (requires min 15 and the flag) and Milestones earned during the session. There is a currently a bug where the Gold value can be heavily inflated and should not be considered valid. For whatever reason it does not tell you who else was on the crew after a session has ended.



    How to keep in touch with Guild members:

    Setup an Xbox Group message to remain in contact with members of your Guild without having to send individual messages. You have to first send a message to someone and then there will be an option to start a Group Chat. Invite the rest of the Guild and rename the group so people know it's for the Guild. This can be done on Xbox, PC or on the Mobile app.
    Everyone in the Guild will effectively be in an Xbox equivalent of a Slack or Line chat discussion to keep each other updated on queuing for sessions, needing help, news, etc.


    You might want to consider taking up the advice of having a secondary Guild for less active players and/or for the overflow.

    The last SoT news videos briefly referenced how larger communities were dealing with the player cap. Specifically, they have mulitple Guilds running while leaders meet together to organize what they'll be doing from week to week.

    Another possibility is using the add/remove system as players Queue for spots in a session. Theoretically you have the maximum amount of effort at any given time while not having inactive members. You basically get kicked when you log off and someone else takes your place. Re-queue the next time you are available to play while waiting for a spot to be reinvited. Have backup Guilds in place for when the primary Guild(s) are already full. This would require significant effort.

    Pirate Council:

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