Looking to join a high level/active guild

  • 17
  • @ssjfizzy
    We have more than enough room in our Guild, the "Skull Island Outlaws," if you're interested!

    We're Level 64! We team up to form a brigantine or galleon occasionally, but we're primarily a group of Solo Sloopers.

    If you're interested, just send me or @ZiG-ZaG-LTU a message!

  • @ssjfizzy

    I've added you as a friend and sent you an invite to our guild 'Missing the Mark'. The guild is currently level 88.

  • @iPity7heFool @Lucky11

    Hey, i m looking for a guild too, i m sick of Afk guilds who don't play at all the game, you can add me if you want, thanks

  • Im looking for a guild as well. Add me if you want. DsneylandMan

  • Looking to join active guild with active players

  • @classyginger01

    Send me a chat on here if you are still looking for a guild. We might have a few spots left as of now.

  • Yes I would love join I high level guild

  • @t3nb3rg
    Two I am here

  • @classyginger01

    See the chat in here. Upper right bell symbol. Lets talk there.

  • I have 3 guilds looking for active players. All of them have someone on daily. We also use discord for all communications. This includes a global chat where all 3 guilds can communicate with each other and fill ships with crewmates! 😁

    Please reach out to me if interested.

  • @lucky11 I’d love to join the guilds I’m with are always afk or family that doesn’t play anymore

  • Dm ( zoro1134 ) for guild info and reqruiting , guild level 230

  • @lucky11 Hi, I’d love to join your guild if there’s still room!

  • @Lucky11
    I would love to get an invite too if there's still room!

  • Xbox GT: BlnkFireMrph

    Would love to join you guys!

  • @lucky11 Hi matey! I'm a new player, mostly solo slooper as well (but open to everything), very active and looking for a high level guild to join. If you still have open spots in your guild and if you're okay to invite a very new lady pirate, I'd be happy to join :)

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