Pirate Hideout Suggestions

  • I’d like to mention some reasons why I believe a pirate hideout would be beneficial for the Sea of Thieves, I know I’m not the first to make this suggestion but would like to state some of the reasons why I believe it would be good.

    •Money Sink-
    A great way to spend money on customizing in a similar way to captaincy

    •Pet Sanctuary-
    This would be a good opportunity to allow players to have all of their pets hang out as they please, this was inspired by PithyRumble and her posts about pet’s

    •Money Display-
    A vault room to display your pirates accumulated wealth in physical form, similar to fable

    •Weapons & Outfit Display-
    A great place to allow armor display as well as weapon cases, also fable inspired

    •Swapping Ship Size-
    This area would be a good opportunity to swap ship sizes to allow for a bigger crew

    •Custom Paintings-
    Similarly to Red Dead Redemption 2 you can get self portrait with or without crew, but in a painting style

    •Training Grounds-
    This would allow for consenting pirates to practice CQC without any interference, but should allow for either of the consenting pirates to exit at anytime to avoid spawn killing or toxic behavior

    •Display Ships-
    Being able to display a few select ships on the dock, and to have ships to sail out of the hideout

    •NPC Musicians-
    A band of musicians that can play music for entertainment, I’ve felt that an NPC Musician would also be good for adventure mode as well but should be limited to one musician so it’s not crowded. It would be funny to be able to move them the same way you move pets but probably doesn’t make much sense

    •Customization without interference-
    Hideout’s would be optimal to allow for players to customize their ship or outfit without getting killed by pirate’s, on multiple occasions I’ve been attacked while I’m customizing at an outpost after spawning in. This could also be implemented as an option at the start menu so people can customize before getting onto the sea’s

    •Faction inspired Hideouts-
    This would allow for different variations of hideouts with altered location/customization. For example the servants could be allowed to purchase a hideout that has a devil’s roar type of island or in a similar style to Reaper’s Hideout, and Guardians could have a sea of the damned type of location. This could also allow for NPC customization for store’s, shipwrights. I think this would be a great reward for accomplished hourglass players and more incentive to play it.

  • 34
    feedbackjust for fun
  • Yeah it is a good idea. Almost all objections to it can be overcome without having to do any critical thinking. This has been requested a lot. Maybe one day we'll get it.

  • I like all of these things, and I can even think of how to do it.

    • You could sail into your personal hideout using any of the portal rocks that already exist in the world to take you to "instances."
    • To sail out of your hideout you simply sail out of the entrance and anyone on the ship gets put on a crew and you surface on a server somewhere.
    • Pork Merrick already has examples of spaces where we pirates can put trinkets, that proves that decorating scenery is possible.

    The biggest problem has always been and will always be server resources. I don't know where Melee Island or Monkey Island are on the "map," like how the Legendary Tavern is technically below the Seadogs Tavern (IIRC). The entire engine is built around four players max per crew, so I couldn't imagine being able to invite more than three other pirates to your hideout. But what I'm getting at is they have to exist somewhere, and that somewhere takes up server resources. I don't think the Monkey Island tall tales and the Pirate's Life tall tales that exist outside of adventure mode are separate servers (separate servers being one of the big reasons they shut down Arena), but it would make the most sense. So maybe just a bunch of servers that do nothing but host hideouts? Possible...

    No one is going to disagree with you. Hideouts would be great. But for Rare, 'how' has always been more difficult than 'what'...

  • @lordqulex I think the diving system would work well to get from and to a pirate hideout, but something like a portal would be good

  • @lordqulex said in Pirate Hideout Suggestions:

    I don't know where Melee Island or Monkey Island are on the "map," like how the Legendary Tavern is technically below the Seadogs Tavern (IIRC).

    They aren't on the map. It's a separate map that is loaded by those server instances on demand.

  • pirate hideout would be beneficial for the Sea of Thieves,

    So a Ship?

    A great way to spend money on customizing in a similar way to captaincy

    Like the ship...

    allow players to have all of their pets hang out as they please

    Encouraging people to purchase more pets just for the sole reason to have them run around at your safe haven. Im sure Rare will jump on this now ^-^

    A vault room to display your pirates accumulated wealth

    Watch it increase, decrease, disappear, reappear, As you Spend or Earn. Who are we even showing this off too?

    A great place to allow armor display

    mmmmm...No, I dont think pirates care

    This area would be a good opportunity to swap ship sizes to allow for a bigger crew

    So as long it takes you out of the current Server and places you in a new one.

    get self portrait with or without crew

    "Picture" all the very nsfw images being made.

    Being able to display a few select ships on the dock

    We gone from a Hideout to a Fortress.

    Hideout’s would be optimal to allow for players to customize their ship or outfit without getting killed by pirate’s, on multiple occasions I’ve been attacked while I’m customizing at an outpost after spawning in.

    Very rare thing to happen but nothing to shake a fist at.

  • great Idea, love it.

    I love how it is catching - at least some - wind.

    I remember when I suggested this Idea 2 years ago, noone seemed interested too much. The only answers where the kind of burnbacon xd

    Would still love my own hideout, or my own little island even

  • I guess the question I want to pose to everybody is: why?

    I understand the how, but to my crew and I it will always be about sailing and adventure. Would we spend a little time in a guild hideout (which is what it's going to be if it gets implemented, pirates have ships guilds get hideouts) drinking and carousing, but not too much time. If we're waiting for another member to join, we'll spin up the ship and start gathering supplies. If we're merely kibbitzing at the end of a session, we'll log of and chit-chat in Discord.

    I understand the how of this ask, but do people really spent that much time just jumping around, talking, and drinking in game with friends?

  • Yes these are great ideas. I would love to add to this as a suggestion:

    So what Im suggesting is to have guilds purchase islands. A guild can choose between lets say 20 types of islands which prices vary due to location and size. The bare islands will always be on the map regardless if it was purchased. If you are in the session with the guild that purchased the island it would simply display the guild name, as it does with ships.

    I suggest that the Island should not be cheap and can be purchased by all members of the guild. Meaning that each member of the guild has the opportunity to pledge some or all of their earnings to a form of wallet that the guild master can use to purchase an Island and then name it. The developers clearly does not want a building / survival game so when it comes to customization of the Island I would suggest the following.

    Each member of the guild can customize the island with their own coin (or real world money). There should be categories of structures (dock, tavern, gold hoarders and all other factions) which is selected by the player. Each category has 5 or 6 predefined styles which the player can choose from which varies in price. The player can then select from predetermined positions where to place the structure. The island will then be customized and other players should be able to visit this location and buy and sell at the various shops only if they are in the same server as the guild - if the guild is not online, the island reverts back as a bare island.

    Selling and buying from the guilds own island should provide a small bonus and the guild will always start its session at the island regardless of the shops on the island. The island would allow the developers to add houses which is only accessible by the player that bought them, and his current online guild members. Once the player enters the house the interior can be modified, very similar to GTA5 - this should cater for all your suggestions.

    Buying an island is a strategic option as the guild will always start at that island. Buying an island in a busy section will make it challenging to dock and sell loot, and purchasing in a quiet area will mean more sailing. The tavern in particular should display statistics of the guild. Maybe a picture of all the guild members or ships. Shops that were purchased should have a customizable name.

    A lot of new quests can be added on top of this which would make sailing in a guild a lot more fun.
    Would love to have your feedback on this

  • Не о том думаете и говорите, весь смысл в том что игроку не куда тратить игровую валюту, разработчикам пора ввести в игру магазин или функционал для траты дублонов и игровой валюты, нет смысла быть миллиардером когда ты не можешь потратить свои деньги...

  • @storm-pirate

    This is true.
    Having money doesnt really help the game at all - its mostly cosmetic. But being able to give your billions to a guild would make you more attractive to guilds meaning that guilds will try and recruit wealthy pirates. These wealthy pirates will buy / build better looking islands using the players coin. Being able to customize a house or buying a larger tavern gives meaning to coin in the game.

  • @lordqulex said in Pirate Hideout Suggestions:

    I guess the question I want to pose to everybody is: why?

    I understand the how, but to my crew and I it will always be about sailing and adventure. Would we spend a little time in a guild hideout (which is what it's going to be if it gets implemented, pirates have ships guilds get hideouts) drinking and carousing, but not too much time. If we're waiting for another member to join, we'll spin up the ship and start gathering supplies. If we're merely kibbitzing at the end of a session, we'll log of and chit-chat in Discord.

    I understand the how of this ask, but do people really spent that much time just jumping around, talking, and drinking in game with friends?

    The only way it sort of makes sense is if it's a guild feature that is shared by all guild members. It would act like a meetup space instead of using discord/xbox/steam friend lists. You load into the hideout and "Bob" is sitting in there; oh hey Bob, want to go do something? Sure. launch guild ship together. A feature like that is at least sort of useful. I'd probably also have "Leave Game" take you back to the hideout of the guild you are currently sailing for instead of the menu as well just to increase it's use.

    As a feature for only your pirate, it doesn't seem like it's worth the dev time to have a dress up house or private museum that you see when you're not doing anything else and the system to invite other pirates into that without using the existing guild system might be more trouble than it's worth.

  • @oomfrikkie1967
    Не все хотят поднимать гильдию, игрок хочет быть уникальным и готов за это платить!

  • @oomfrikkie1967 I like the idea of it being a guild hideout, but I don’t think implementing a selling point at hideout’s is a great idea because it would open up to many options of selling. I feel like selling should be risky not something that’s “safe”. In my opinion it would be best implemented as a space that is best used before a session starts while getting the crew together, planning or plotting the adventure, or supplying the ship.

  • I can see this being utilized most effectively as a guild hideout rather than a personal one. There is already a 24 man cap on guild size so resources and spaces for individuals to decorate and flex their cosmetics don't have to be on a ludicrous scale. Having a place to hang your hat was a welcome concept in Black Flag, if poorly executed behind the only customization being adding the ten optional things with ever larger piles of coin.

    To address concerns that cropped up in the thread:
    -A ship isn't a hideout because there is never a time you can let your hair down and just be at ease, hence the term hideout.
    -Having more than two dozen places to put the MANY painting trophies and various mantle sized ones would be immensely rewarding and motivate people to not only buy them as they earn them but be able to show their achievements in their totality instead of a small curated selection.
    -Seeing accumulated wealth is part of the pirate vibe. Opening a vault door and seeing a mountain of jewels, coins, and chests overflowing with your quantified success is FAR more gratifying than just seeing the numbers in the corner of the screen get bigger. Why gather over twenty million gold? To see the pile maxed out and feel like Black Sam friggin Bellamy, that's why.
    -Armor displays. Yeah, we do want that, we always want that. It just sits in storage otherwise.
    -Ship size swapping would either have to require a swapped server OR an alert that there isn't room for the size of ship you want to swap to on your current server.
    -Portraits. Nothing stops people from taking emote screenshots in questionable situations now. Do so at your own risk has always been the warning for putting non-family friendly content into the ether.
    -If your guild has many ships maybe they GET a fortress, why not? you would need the space anyway.
    -Doing customization work without risk of getting ganked. true that its rare and you have nothing to lose anyway so whatever when it does happen. BUT if these hideouts were not ON a server but separate from the high seas servers it would actually free up a lot of slots on high seas servers that are being taken up by people why aren't going to play but sit on the outpost for an hour picking out shoes and sails. You can shop on safer seas but i get it for captained ship customization and whatnot.
    -Why? Because the risk of getting blasted to hell and back means there's no place to just congregate and be a bunch of goons together. There is no place to display your many MANY trophies or rare cosmetics you just don't wear anymore. Because there's more to being a pirate than being constantly on the grind or being the target of someone on their grind. If you want to be at your hideout, you're not hurting anyone. If you want to fancy it up, you have to venture out eventually. If you want to have the option to attack/sink the people who only want to drink and dance and have tavern brawls then you're just a spoilsport who hates other people's harmless fun.
    -Selling point at the hideout. BAD IDEA. Sellable loot should never be able to be brought into this outside instance much like diving. It shouldn't be an escape the pursuer tool, but a harmless base of operations for your chosen assembly of sea dogs and degenerates.

  • So I was asking about simillar hideouts a long time before lunch.

    After 6 years i realised that there is no real need for it and it dosen't fit seasion based adveture game.

    As it would cost tons of development time and add nothing into existing game loop in adventure serving no "real" purpose.

    I would rather see this time ans resource put into developing new tools, weapons, voyages and events.

  • The guild hideouts would have to be instanced based, so it wouldn't be on the map of the server your on. Meaning having the different faction representives on your hideout would be useless as no one could sell to them. This would also stop people from coming back with bigger crews when you're fighting over world events and other things.
    @OomFrikkie1967 I said this in response to your post

  • @rotten-rocko i never suggested having the option of selling at the hideout. In my opinion it would be best used as a form of gathering place to plot out adventures, gather supplies, and to customize using gold

  • @equasi sorry meant to tag the guy that did say that but forgot

  • @lordqulex Why is a good question.
    I can only speak for myself. I have plenty of reasons.

    • it is fun to have my own little space to start from and to return to when I am done. The taverns are so non-personal, and the ship is always "on the voyage". I miss some tiny place that I can call "home".
    • It would be a nice incentive for me to grind gold as some kind of late game possibility.
    • It could be a nice place for me to hang out before or after a session. You know, chat in skype, TS, or DIscord, while also hanging out on the beach or the cave, drinking, goofing around. Ofc I can do this now also, but on the island the mobs are an annoyance for chatting, on the sea or the tavern other players are annoying. So rather then stick in the game for chatting, I logg off right now. But at the same time: The game is very aestetically pleasing. I love sitting in the sand while chatting with my brother or sister.
    • As a Guild feature, or a feature to conveniently change ship or customization, this would be a QoL upgrade.
    • it would kinda close the circle that has been started with Captaincy, and continued with guilds.
      Thats my reasons. Well, some of them. So, is a hideout necessary? Well, no. But would it be fun? Yeah.
  • @lordqulex hideouts would serve as a good starting off point for the start of an adventure, especially when waiting for one or more crew members. Also it would be great as an incentive to grind gold to customize and upgrade for late game player’s who have nothing else to spend it on.

  • @equasi I could be wrong but i remember rare a while back mentioning the custom pictures from screenshots taken in game. This is something I'd love to see. the pictures being taken in game would turn into ship trinkets, and nobody needs to worry about anything inappropriate since its just going to be able to take pics in game.

  • @ghutar
    When you say real purpose you might be thinking a bit too narrow minded.

    Displaying achievements is a real purpose. having something late game to dump your accumulated wealth into is a real motivation. having a staging area separate from the play servers so people are always active and not just waiting around at an outpost for everyone to log in is beneficial to the state of play for everyone. Having a place to just RP and hang out that isn't under CONSTANT threat from attack is a largely desired feature.

    Just because the concept doesn't serve the gameplay loop of "loot, sell, repeat" doesn't mean it shouldn't have a place in this game. Decorating ships doesn't serve the loop, pets don't serve the loop, music playing and emotes don't serve the loop, but people like them and utilize them anyway. Denying a thing that could be as big a late game draw as becoming a murder hobo only makes the case that murder hobos don't want anything that doesn't apply to being a murder hobo to recieve any attention or resources. There is more potential in this game than just the basic gameplay loop and if there IS some featire you don't like you can just not use it.

    Player retention is important and SoT's biggest problem right now. If there was more of a motivation to earn trophies and cosmetics than footnotes in my vanity chest you BET I'd be sticking around to do as much as possible. That kind of motivation would have me throwing myself into the fire like nothing before.

  • @whitestag1992 so I use "real purpose" as way to describe "mechanic, tools, visual and textual narrative, locations etc." that enchance main adventure for all players on server.

    As much as I get why hideout cloud be hot take for someone for me they don't bring nothing to life of server/paste of adveture that would affect more than one crew.

    Cosmetic being reward for commendation are as much important as loot we fight for.
    But puting that away the are way to express yourself, hide intentions, camuflage or was means to scare off others crew and are part of adventure.

    We can agree to disagree on topic :)

  • @ghutar
    perhaps by adding that i am firmly in the camp that sees this best executed as a guild resource rather than a current crew location might shift your perspective a tad?
    in this way, entire groups and communities can share their achievements with each other and create a space that reflects not only personal but collaborative clout.

    Specifying that something added should enhance the main adventure for all players on a server isnt necessarily wrong, but the server in question could be a guild server in this instance instead of the open world.

    all this to say we could agree to disagree, or we could BOTH be right.

  • @whitestag1992 That could be a big motivator too. I know the gripe when captaincy released was "you're just making us do all the same grind over again but for different rewards," but if they were guild hideouts then, well, we could do the same grind over again for different rewards. 🤣

    But seriously, guild hideouts, guild trinkets, guild achievements... it could work.

  • I think that this idea might work better as a guild hideout.

  • Coolest idea I’ve heard of

  • @lordqulex i think it could serve as both a guild and personal hideout, with the option because not everybody has a guild to play with. This could help for all types of players for example some people mainly play solo while others have a crew to sail with. Assuming that everyone has a guild to play with may be a bit presumptuous, especially with new players who just started.

  • @equasi
    I am a guild of 1. :) Easy enough to accomplish solo.

    It's slow ranking. I only have GR23 or so.

  • @equasi said in Pirate Hideout Suggestions:

    @lordqulex i think it could serve as both a guild and personal hideout, with the option because not everybody has a guild to play with. This could help for all types of players for example some people mainly play solo while others have a crew to sail with. Assuming that everyone has a guild to play with may be a bit presumptuous, especially with new players who just started.

    I think the issue with 'personal' hideouts is that it doesn't really make much of an impact on the game. New missions add variety to sailing the seas. New weapons change the gameplay, the PVP meta, etc. New World events and competitive voyages add in new things, and interactions with other players. Personal pirate hideouts....don't do that. Which is the weakest part.

    The personal hideout doesn't push the gameplay in anyway. It does give another money sink. But that's really about it. Though, tbh another money sink isn't really that big of a priority, because there is no real economy in the game that is hurt by too much money.

    The guild hideout as suggested in my thread to build on it, is designed to push guilds and advance the guild system, and promote guild social.

  • @equasi said in Pirate Hideout Suggestions:

    @lordqulex i think it could serve as both a guild and personal hideout, with the option because not everybody has a guild to play with. This could help for all types of players for example some people mainly play solo while others have a crew to sail with. Assuming that everyone has a guild to play with may be a bit presumptuous, especially with new players who just started.

    Yea, but getting the curses has minimum level requirements, getting captained ship costs money... hideouts should have some prerequisite and one pirate needs a ship, but multiple pirates need a hideout...

    Plus guilds have no prerequisite so if you want a hideout, just start a guild.

  • @lordqulex in my opinion the prerequisite should be a certain amount of gold to purchase said “hideout” not locking it behind having a guild or being in one

  • @whitestag1992 meh, for me it's session based game and I don't feel need to have other place than ship. Runing around most time empty space is boring for me, even if I personalise it and place to socialise for me is Discord.

    This work well in mmoprg or survival game or even F76 (jeez i love to brag about my camps there) but for me it is ussles in something session based.

    Personaly I like building, creating and decoraring places but I don't have eny urge to do it in SoT.

    Even being in guild and having one make me still "meh" to idea.

    As I said we don't have agree on this topic.
    I just would love to see resources put into other stuff :)

feedbackjust for fun
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