• Ever since the season 13 update my voice chat will not work. I can hear everyone else but they cannot hear me. The icon for the voice chat will not even come up. On windows it says mic last accessed was 2 weeks ago even though I tried to talk through my mic today. I already tried setting default device in input and playback settings, and went on xbox to make sure communication was set with everyone, and went on gamebar to make sure I had the right input and output (it was detecting my mic) does anyone have any solution??

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  • still no replies after a day bro im cooked

  • I reported a bug a few days after the launch of season 13, hot mics on Steam were not working. Store version on pc and xbox both had working hot mics but just not steam. So they know that there are comms issues atm

  • @feefyefoefum appreciate it bro 🙏

  • I'm on the other side of this issue. I just joined a few sessions in a row where I could speak, but I couldn't hear anybody. When my crew talked, I could see the voice icon appear and the speech to text transcription worked, but I couldn't hear anything.

  • @omniadmin are you on steam by any chance?

  • @bananasauce55 Nope. On Windows, but through the Xbox app.

  • @bananasauce55 I finally figured out my problem and I feel really dumb about it. Maybe your issue is similar lol
    Not sure if it was always like this, but SoT seems to choose not your default input and output devices, but specifically your Default Communication Device. Either that changed recently, or it's been that way a while and I'm a moron, but I had my default communication device for playback set to a different set of speakers that were powered off, instead of my headphones like I thought. Whoops.
    This might not be your issue, but worth double checking. Maybe you have the right communication device for playback, but not recording.

  • Windows updates also like to mess up audio settings.

    My usual first thing to check is to open Game Bar (WIN+G) and check that your devices are set correctly.

  • @omniadmin appreciate it man but I checked this setting a bunch of times thanks tho

  • everybody smash that like button lets get this to 1000 views

  • I have the same issue as well as a couple of my friends on steam, no mic since season 13. Support told me it's a known issue and to watch their social media for an update. 😔

  • @quest4fishy5889 appreciate it man 🙏

  • Had this issue a few times, the only way I've been able to fix it is to disable my mic/audio device and re-enable it using its direct properties (right click volume icon - sound settings - dont allow) or (going into settings and manually disabling the device then enabling it. After that I tested and it worked fine. I'm not sure if that will work for anyone else (especially console players) but it did for me at least. I do have to do this EVERY SINGLE time i want to talk in game which is highly irritating (and it doesnt matter which mic i use).

  • This has to be some kind of inside joke from Rare right? I had audio issues years ago and fixed it, only to pick up the game again with the EXACT SAME ISSUE. Followed every single support guide, on and off this site, no 'fix' works anymore. Is there some kind of contractual obligation to keep audio devices and mic checking out of the settings menu? Literally EVERY game I have back to Windows 98 has been able to route audio with no issue, but 25 years later it's somehow an unsolvable mystery.

  • Temporary fix that has been working for me, tap the talk button once then hold it every time you want to talk. It works for me and my friends who are experiencing the same thing.

  • A friend and I managed to fix this by uninstalling and reinstalling Steelseries GG. I hope this helps.

  • @quest4fishy5889 thank you bro this solved the issue 🙏🙏🙏

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