Greetings !
Today I would like to announce my guild, “ Fugate & Rogers. “
This guild will represent and be a symbol of Hope & Kindness across the Sea of Thieves. That is the Mission.
After talking on these forums and playing more with my wife, it resparked the passion to build upon what I’ve always wanted. A place for pirates who love the "Sea of Thieves “ like I do, who show the young, inexperienced, and disabled that they have a place on the seas no matter their background or walk of life. That they too, can sail in the wind like every other pirate.
If this general message resonates with you, then I would be honoured to give you the opportunity to join and give you more information.
Few things to know up front.
The guild is Xbox and Pc based.
Any age or experience level may join.
Inactive players will be removed if noticed for an extended amount of time, but welcome to be invited again.
Guild level is 10
A non communication guild.
How to join.
Send a private DM, here on the Forums.
Be patient for a response.
That's it !
Safe Journeys.