The Skeletal Scourge is devoted entirely to Captain Flameheart and his eternal rule. Cast off your flesh, join the Skeletal Scourge and burn your way across the Sea of Thieves! The guild is currently only level 4, which isn't much, but with your help we can become the most feared pirates on the sea. Any are welcome to join, whether you have already proven yourself to be a true servant of Flameheart or seek to receive his eternal reward.
I am currently the guild's sole member, leader, and founder, and I will gladly welcome anyone who wishes to join. I am from North America, but if you are a pirate from another region who wishes to join us you are welcome. Just comment your gamertag and I will send you an invite. All I ask of you while sailing with us is as follows:
- Contribute to the guild regularly. I respect that people may have other obligations, but sailing for the guild at least 5 days out of the month would allow our notoriety to grow at a steady rate if everyone pitches in.
- Treat your brothers and sisters in arms with respect. We all sail for a common goal, to enjoy the freedom of the pirate's life unrestricted by code or law.
- Do not oppose Flameheart while sailing under our banner. (This rule is not binding, mostly just a roleplay thing. I am not going to dictate what you can and cannot do while sailing for our guild, just try to stay on brand most of the time.)