Ps5 crashes are out of hand

  • Lately the crashes really are making the game unplayable. Now it’s to the point we’re a freeze or crash happens and you can’t even rejoin your own ship with out it crashing non stop as soon as you’re about to load in non stop. I understand bug fixes don’t come that fast but this really needs to take priority otherwise a refund would be nice since the game cannot be played anyway

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  • @mystical-bum145 I have a friend who plays on PS5 and the crashes are becoming a real issue. Often times they happen at the worst moments such as in a ship battle. Idoubt Rare aren't working on resolving it, but it is very frustrating to have to spend a half hour waiting on the crashes to subside before we start actually playing

  • I missed most of the Fight nights event because I couldnt get in to play from constant crashes trying to just get into the ship. Such a shame…

  • I had this issue only on the weekend We actually had a hacker come on our ship and the only way he would let us live was if we had a drinking competition and the last person to vomit was put in the brig I of course was the last person and was put in the rig. The second I got out. I was kicked for the next 30 minutes no matter what I tried the second. I stepped foot back in the game. I was kicked immediately. I was almost at the point of uninstalling and reinstalling I ended up trying one of my own ships and was able to Stay in the game so I tried again to join my crewmates and once again got kicked several times immediately The only way we could end up playing without being kicked is restarting a new ship and that worked for a little while

  • @xpablitopolx same I missed out on a lot of the event and not only that when it finally let me get on I’d lose most of the time because the game would crash as soon as the fight started and it’s pretty hard for an unmanned ship to put up a fight when the game crashes for all crew members

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