Isnt 10-12 ships better than 6?

  • What do you think? I think its better to have more ships, since this game has an open-world. If youve seen youtubers, they kind of struggle to find ships. Sea of thieves is perfect, just because of this mistake I dont feel it's 100/100 perfect. What do you think?

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  • @swayerrv yes... the servers can't support this unfortunately. There are a lot of moving parts in SoT which is why we already get so many stability issues.

  • Servers cant currently handle that number

  • @swayerrv the game can barely handle 6 ships with a number of players on each, never mind 10-12.

  • @captain-fob4141
    Man I would love it if SoT had even 8 ships on one server. For someone who loves pirate interactions and PvP the game would feel so much more lively. However as others have mentioned the servers cant handle that. But If you watch one of captain falcore's latest videos of speculation if his idea is correct unreal engine five and some server improvements could probably handle something as exciting as that.

  • @swayerrv said in Isnt 10-12 ships better than 6?:

    What do you think? I think its better to have more ships, since this game has an open-world. If youve seen youtubers, they kind of struggle to find ships. Sea of thieves is perfect, just because of this mistake I dont feel it's 100/100 perfect. What do you think?

    No, besides the point that the servers can't handle it, it would also be realy bad for organic gameplay. This would mean that there are ships everywere, so you can't leave your ship to do your voyages. This would halt loot production and means the game would just become a PvP game, since nobody has enough time for the PvE parts.

    That you have to search for ships is purposely, so that players have time to do voyages and collect loot. It's a PvPvE game, not a PvP game. That means players need to have time to be able to do the "vE" part.

  • Lore story. Only a certain number of pirates eve pass the barrier to the SoT. If it suddenly got populated with huge number of pirates. It no longer a mystery place that only “select few” are allowed in.

  • the game barely runs with 6 ships. for years they had to lower it to 5 ships because of performance issues. i would almost argue we need to drop down to 5 again with how things keep going update to update. yes more ships on the sea means more encounters to have. but honestly it would ruin the game for me. even having the 6th ship back means 1 more hostile to worry about. you really wanna be on a server with 11 hostile ships?

    lore reason for limited ships is a bad way of trying to explain away the fact that the game just cant handle it. its like in the legion expansion of world of warcraft it was all about the players legendary one of a kinda weapon.... which 100,000 other people had. ok my ashbringer lost all sense of uniqueness when so many other people were running around with one too.

    the sot map would need to be much much larger to support more ships as well. even now with 6 there are times where there are 3 other ships nearby and thats just an insane amount of stress. especially when cheating hasnt been fixed more people = more chance of running into cheaters. the game even tries to force you onto a server with ships nearby if you are off in the devils roar hiding from the rest of the server for example it will merge you out so you are more likely to get attacked.

    the problem with streamers and youtubers is they sail around looking for people which prevents their merging so as servers get old and stop letting new ships join they are less likely to find people. also the addition of hourglass and even worse now diving for voyages etc you can see a ship on the horizon and as you are heading toward them they could be on their way out for an hourglass match or diving to a quest. theres no good way of knowing which ship on the horizon is worth chasing unless you see them finishing an event so you know there will be loot. basically all the changes they have made to the game very heavily lean toward the game going full pve server mode but yet they are desperately holding on to the pvp foundation of the game despite slowly killing it off over the years

  • couldnt care less about streamers....lagging machines!!10 ships on the server and the servers explode...rare its gonna take 5 years to fix after..its better not LOL

  • @sleepy-is-awful the map is huge, at least add new things, ships, or just increase it(player count) a little more to 10 or 8. Or just make another more for alot of ships, but still has the pve parts.

  • @captain-fob4141 at least make a gamemode that has a higher number of players. I heard from someone that theyre working on an improvement.

  • @swayerrv Sadly it doesn't just work like that, notice how almost every new thing that has been added excluding some new content, has been added out of our worlds view. For instance Pirates life, Monkey island, The old dark breatheren adventure, mermaid treasuries, mermaid shrines, and of course the star charts under skeleton camps. You'll notice that this content only renders in once you're at it and that its not rendering or even loading that its there until your at the correct coordinates to be at it. With the exception of the burning blade most of the new content added has been under the water or through a portal. Just to represent what the servers would be like if they added even 1 or 2 more ships go and hop on the burning blade whilst its crewed by another crew it is a lag fest. Basically teleport wars at that point, even the obsidian skeletons teleport to you and slash you with their swords. Being honest as cool as it would be its simply just not possible from what I can tell.

  • Unfortunately until they drop the older hardware, specifically the xbox one, there's not a chance the game could handle it on the technical side. However near the end of its lifestyle, or in the event of a sequel, I could definately see more ships per server! The xbox one struggled with 15 minute load times and stutters in 2020, and I can only imagine it's gotten worse over the last 4 years. Rare will push it to the absolute limit, however, in order to keep this IP going, they will need to eventually upgrade.

  • @keylessword4029 Maybe, just maybe in the near future Rare will upgrade their servers, and raise the number of ships allowed, with a bigger map, Rare is doing things slowly. Arent they a small crew? Yeah, if so it should take like 1.5-2 years or less to get better servers and huge performance and anti-cheat.

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