Abhorrent State of HG PvP and More

  • The amount of cheating going on in PvP both in and out of HG (Mostly in) is getting out of hand. Me and my crew are very good at PvP but cheating seems as common as the cold flu at the moment. 3/3 games we played last night resulted in blatant cheaters (They have been reported) but what's the point. It's like killing one cockroach for 5 more to be born.

    Playing SoT seems to feel more like a burden with every passing day.

    Rare needs to step up. Everyone needs to care because this will flow into the core game more and more and ruin the fun experience for everyone. Thanks for adding Easy Anti-Cheat but weirdly the game seems to be in a worse place than it was before in terms of cheating. Above all, the report methodology is terrible. Why do I have to open this website to report? It should be an in-game feature... Last I checked you can only report names and useless things like that.

    I love this game 5k+ hours so I hope some of these pleas have merit of some sort...

  • 14
  • This is true unfortunately. SoT is suffering for multiple cancers currently:

    • cheaters
    • exploiters
    • terrible game performance
    • leafblower meta
  • @hegemon3 said in Abhorrent State of HG PvP and More:

    This is true unfortunately. SoT is suffering for multiple cancers currently:

    • cheaters
    • exploiters
    • terrible game performance
    • leafblower meta

    Leafblower cracked me up NGL xD

  • @hegemon3 said in Abhorrent State of HG PvP and More:

    This is true unfortunately. SoT is suffering for multiple cancers currently:

    • cheaters
    • exploiters
    • terrible game performance
    • leafblower meta

    all true!!since Pc´s and the forced crossplay came in its literally unbarable to play this..just mixing PC´s with consoles its bad,all for the sake of money...uncle phill cheater should find a job someplace else...i already bought a ps5,just hope the crossplay with PC´s doesnt work there when blocked!

  • as common as the cold flu

    Really? Ive never got the shot for the flu and never got sick :P (Its a joke kids)

    But like many games, Fixing exploits, preventing cheats from being used is a near hit and miss. Until they do something drastic...like really dangerous update that could backfire. They can patch every little thing, and players will continue to buy or download these mods. Just to feel good about themselves.

    And these posts? The cheaters read them, and laugh at the misery. Just adding to the fire.

  • @burnbacon said in Abhorrent State of HG PvP and More:

    And these posts? The cheaters read them, and laugh at the misery. Just adding to the fire.

    The cheaters can laugh all they want as their life itself is a misery. Anyway, people have to talk to get what they want, this is all I can do on my part as a player.

  • There was reference in a recent post that they are working on a solution, so unfortunately we can only just sit and wait to see what happens - but cheating is a never ending war. Anti-Cheat shows up and kicks a bunch of a cheaters, then new cheats get put out to counteract the anti-cheat, then anti-cheat gets updated to counteract the new cheat, then new cheats get put out again. If Rare's going about it the smartest way, they'll actually say nothing to not give the cheat-makers any sense of what they're working on, and hopefully, if all goes well, the newest iteration will wipe a ton of accounts in one fell swoop. That's how WoW has been doing it for years. Find out what the problem is, develop a system that punishes cheaters and doesn't affect the grand majority of players, then implement it. Then cheaters will ultimately find a new way to get around it. Nothing is ever cheat-proof, but hopefully their next newest iteration is solid.

  • @capt-soul-beard

    I shared the same feelings a couple weeks ago and have stopped playing Sea of Thieves for the time being. It is in a bad state and taking a good break is well worth it. There are tons of great games to play at the moment.

  • @thelostsentinel said in Abhorrent State of HG PvP and More:

    There was reference in a recent post that they are working on a solution, so unfortunately we can only just sit and wait to see what happens - but cheating is a never ending war. Anti-Cheat shows up and kicks a bunch of a cheaters, then new cheats get put out to counteract the anti-cheat, then anti-cheat gets updated to counteract the new cheat, then new cheats get put out again. If Rare's going about it the smartest way, they'll actually say nothing to not give the cheat-makers any sense of what they're working on, and hopefully, if all goes well, the newest iteration will wipe a ton of accounts in one fell swoop. That's how WoW has been doing it for years. Find out what the problem is, develop a system that punishes cheaters and doesn't affect the grand majority of players, then implement it. Then cheaters will ultimately find a new way to get around it. Nothing is ever cheat-proof, but hopefully their next newest iteration is solid.

    they can find has many solutions has they want,if they dont block crossplay with Pc´s or do servers just for the crossplay with Pc´s,this will NEVER get better...PC´s find a way around just in a few days and after its back to the same...forced crossplay inside and outside of xbox has to go!!! (going to defenitions and block crossplay doesnt help nothing cause we still getting the PC cheaters on the forced xbox network)

  • Remove the double gun and most cheaters and alt account will leave SOT

  • @skognacious said in Abhorrent State of HG PvP and More:


    I shared the same feelings a couple weeks ago and have stopped playing Sea of Thieves for the time being. It is in a bad state and taking a good break is well worth it. There are tons of great games to play at the moment.

    Drowning myself in Warhammer right now, it's amazing lol

  • @thelostsentinel said in Abhorrent State of HG PvP and More:

    There was reference in a recent post that they are working on a solution, so unfortunately we can only just sit and wait to see what happens - but cheating is a never ending war. Anti-Cheat shows up and kicks a bunch of a cheaters, then new cheats get put out to counteract the anti-cheat, then anti-cheat gets updated to counteract the new cheat, then new cheats get put out again. If Rare's going about it the smartest way, they'll actually say nothing to not give the cheat-makers any sense of what they're working on, and hopefully, if all goes well, the newest iteration will wipe a ton of accounts in one fell swoop. That's how WoW has been doing it for years. Find out what the problem is, develop a system that punishes cheaters and doesn't affect the grand majority of players, then implement it. Then cheaters will ultimately find a new way to get around it. Nothing is ever cheat-proof, but hopefully their next newest iteration is solid.

    I think a minimum level requirement is a very good choice, I know no game will be clean from cheaters but it has just been insane recently

  • @lleorb said in Abhorrent State of HG PvP and More:

    Remove the double gun and most cheaters and alt account will leave SOT


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