Hello there dear sea of thieves community, I hope you see this post and to the readers, if you agree with what I say please spread the word! So one thing which I really don’t enjoy in sea of thieves is the eye soar I get when looking at certain things from far away, for example Islands, from far away look very pixelated making them very uncomfortable to look at and overall it just makes it not enjoyable since the game has some very good graphics, same with the mast for example, the rope ladder on the mast, when seen from a distance, the lines look also pixelated and when you move around the lines tend to pixelate more! I’ve got all of my graphics on mythical, as-well as I’ve got my res scale on 125% which barely changes a thing! Please sea of thieves, try to make an anti aliasing slider since most of the modern games now a days do have it, and so that the people that really do care about graphics would find the game a little bit more enjoyable