Hunters call is a fantastic faction in Sea Of Thieves. You can fish and relax with friends and even hand in gems to the seaposts to help build rep. However, the gold for fishing and the time it takes to fish is far tedious compared to the other factions in the game. A lot of players get bored really easily and ignore the faction completely al together. It needs something big to bring people back over to the faction. The killer whale set you get is not enough for the amount of grinding the player is asked to do. You need to make this faction worth our time. There are a few ways I suggest doing this and that is by buffing the gold earned from all types of fish by about 30-40%. Slow down storms and make it less tedious to catch Storm fish. Buff the reputation rate to be on par with the other factions or find a better middle ground. Also, the ability to dive to megs and krakens would be a welcome change to sea of thieves. Give each player a shrouded ghost quest for reaching rank 50 with the hunters call faction. It would be a one-time thing for players that stick through the grind. Lastly allow players to reach level 100 with the hunters call and give them a curse truly worthy of their efforts. The Megalodon curse. This would be a unique curse that has limited amount of uses in any given server with a significant cooldown because you're a Megalodon. The stuff for the Meg already exists in the game and you could even reward players who reach level 200 in hunters call with the shrouded ghost cosmetic set allowing them to play as the rarest creature in the game. As far as balancing this curse their would-be specific times when you could use it. The process could go something like this. If there is a ship in the world that's far enough away from an island the curse would appear to be equipabble in your vanity chest. Once equipped the game would load and transition the player in the water as the meg near the ship. Rising up out of the water hourglass style and the enemy crew would be locked in a circle until they defeat the player controlled Megalodon. I know it sounds crazy, but I believe that this idea would work and would give the hunters call faction a massive resurrection. A simple curse would not nearly be enough it needs to be on par with the skelly and ghost curse and I can't think of any better curse than to allow players to play as the Megalodon and rise up out of water hourglass style on other ships. Players also would have access to a second hourglass on the ship that could be voted for, and this would be for the hunter's call. Players who sink the Meg get a massive amount of rep and players who kill crews as the meg get the same amount of rep to their hunters call faction. [mod removed]
New curse idea for buffing the hunters call faction and giving it more importance
Sorry but as much as the hunters call needs some attention, this would be over blowing WAY out of possibility for the game as it’s an old game and will most likely never handle it. it would be a entirely different game altogether basically.
but a curse for the hunters call WOULD make it worth grinding maybe up to distinction V. Just a regular cosmetic curse; Shark curse, squid curse, etc.
an emissary would be nice to have for HC but Rare hasn’t shown much love for the faction even though Merrick has been featured in many of the adventures@belphegor1384 said in New curse idea for buffing the hunters call faction and giving it more importance:
an emissary would be nice to have for HC but Rare hasn’t shown much love for the faction even though Merrick has been featured in many of the adventures
Guild emissary means you can eventually get more for fish than selling to hunters call directly (and it also slowly levels up by cooking), so there's that. I'd love to see hunters call expanded though. I'm sure eventually they'll add something and increase the level cap when they do.
@jpskywalker9332 The only thing I would like for hunters call would be new skins, a store with cosmetics themed to the animals that live in SOT and hunting/fishing art.
Hunters Call does not need to be equivalent to the other companies in the game, it is an extra, the fishing activity is something to do every now and then, so its level remains at 50 and an emissary flag is not necessary.
I think for fishing, I would like to be able to fish for (small) items like skulls, ornaments and those special items from each company...