Hourglass suggestion

  • I don't know about anyone else, but I am tired of encountering cheaters in Hourglass.

    They are clearly cheating and not trying to hide it while on fresh accounts with crazy usernames of just a bunch of numbers and letters.
    It seems like the cannon teleport hack has gone (At least for now) but I'm still encountering Instant ladder, aim bots etc.

    I would just like to suggest a barrier of entry to hourglass before you're even allowed to start diving.
    This would eliminate the amount of cheaters us legit players encounter on a daily basis and also safeguard newer players from accidently voting hourglass or even being persuaded or tricked into voting for hourglass.

    Either have hourglass locked behind an hours in game barrier, like 100+ hours OR behind an in game achievement, like obtaining pirate legend.

    This would obviously not completely stop cheating. But it would hopefully be a big enough deterrent that the cheaters wont be so quick to return to hourglass lobbies once their accounts have initially been banned.

    As it stands, their account gets banned and then they're right back to diving later with a fresh account.

    I literally have no idea why Rare have never addressed this as an option or even suggested it themselves. It seems like a pretty easy to implement and simple solution to actively suppress the amount of cheaters that are active in Hourglass.

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  • With the amount of cheaters and amount of alt accounts they already have. Doubt this change anything

    Unless they add something and require everyone to do it regardless

  • @burnbacon What do you mean?

    Like, if a cheaters account gets banned. Then they have to acquire pirate legend status again on a new account before it can play hourglass, that would save maybe a day before that same cheater can dive again. Which is better than the current 10 minutes.

    Plus you're assuming all cheaters have like 10+ Alt accounts all with PL status. Ive seen so many basic accounts with basic cosmetics and are clearly not even PL yet. Usually they are carrying their crew mate for some Hourglass levels to boost them.

    This would stop that from being as common.

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