Pirate Discord Group looking for fun members to join sails! PARADISE PIRATES!

  • If you are 18+, have a mic, and use discord then you are welcome to join the Paradise Pirates! We try to sail together on friday nites as well as crew up for random sails throughout the week. It's also a fun place to chat and make pirate pals! Add me on discord if you are interested - luci414

    • We have pirates who like everything from pvp hourglass to exploring islands and makin sweet gold
    • It is a casual no obligation group that accepts any skill level
    • We have around 35 members and have been around about 2 years
    • Pirates that stick around get a mini biography in our lore and if you're on exciting sails they are written up in a sail log
    • There are Ranks and Badges to be earned for fun!
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