Lego Builds that I want to build from Sea of Thieves without getting killed by players in game

  • Ok so the title of this post is exactly what I meant,
    Yes I’m a Lego Mosaic Artist and Modular Designer for Lego Creations…3 years ago I built a Custom Design of The Royal Crest Sea Fort entirely out of Lego Bricks but would absolutely love to build more locations from the game such as the FOTD, Athena’s Hideout & Port Merrick.

    Now the only problem I have with is the fact that when I’m at FOTD I want to try getting pictures of everything that means the rocks, trees, the plants, skulls lying around & the kegs ya know but there’s always people there trying to ruin the fun of it like if Sea of Thieves hired me to do locations from the game out of Lego and have them displayed at a Pirate convention would be pretty dope!

    Link below goes to the post of that Sea Fort I recreated

    bolded text

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  • The last thing I want to mention is that I only do these builds for entertainment purposes such as showing people what I can do and having fun with it all rights & copyright goes to Rare & Sea of Thieves™️

    I do not sell my artwork or Creations to ANYONE Period unless the company asks me for it.

    I do however stream on Twitch every Monday & Wednesday for Lego streams but Sundays I stream Sailing Sundays in Safer Seas

  • Have you tried safer seas, my friend?

  • @goo-beard4958 I have yes but I want to try & capture the details such as the Glowing Skull in the Sky, The Eerie Trumpets & the glowing lights above the vault!

  • @brickmanartz

    You could try to crew up and take the pictures while others keep other crews (if any) away.

    Or give it a couple of tries, not every FotD will have other crews flock to it; smarter crews might wait until it's finished instead so they won't have to complete it themselves giving you ample opportunity to get some screenshots.

    Try to find a SoT partner in the creator crew, they have custom servers that might help you out.

  • @brickmanartz You have charisma, lad. Wear your heart on your sleeve, and with your name I'm sure some pirates would not mind a photo shoot. Just keep your hands off their loot and away from their boat. Maybe ask for a cool explosion so there is no tension when it comes to the kegs at the end of the quest. Good luck. I hope to see some cool art

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